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Everything posted by Centurion-1

  1. Thx. Tidied it some more. Is there any tutorial or description anywhere for how you do the animations?
  2. Oh don't worry it's not dead. Uvmapping and texturing soon. Very soon.
  3. MiG-25PD update

    From the album 3D work and WIPS

  4. Take 3 on the canopy. I hope it's right this time round.
  5. Here's a great article for all you wondering what the hell this bird actually is http://www.airspacemag.com/military-aviation/Legends-of-Vietnam-Super-Tweet.html?c=y&page=5
  6. Thx. It might be inviting disaster but I think the model is starting to feel done and accurate enough now. It follows the 3-view diagrams at least. Now to bash my head against the wall doing control surfaces. Yay.
  7. Now with 50% more accuracy! Also featuring even chunkier polygon soup* *polygon soup is my personal name for when you mesh up the "flow" of the mesh. Oh well, It could be worse.
  8. I just hope the new terrain engine does not have too many hardcoded limitations! It looks great but if the absolute maximum is say 300x300km it will be quite disappointing. I'm not saying I believe that, TK seems to be building stuff with versatility in mind but still. I like the new screenshots tho!
  9. im going to give this a bit of a bump so you know-it-alls can take a good look dont feel like redoing the mesh for the n-th time after uvmapping it this time.
  10. Merry Christmas everybody, I'm not dead I had some spare time today so I decided to go back to my lowpoly model and extensively rework it, redone or reshaped includes but not limited to: -air intakes -wings -canopy -rear fuselage Still missing wing control surfaces, gun, spin strakes, landing gear, fod covers et cetera... But all you experts tell me what you think of the shape now, is it more accurate now? Front Rear
  11. Reworked mesh 2

    From the album 3D work and WIPS

  12. Reworked mesh 1

    From the album 3D work and WIPS

  13. No worries guys, the model is far from done, the in-game pic does not imply a finished status I'm afraid :P Blackbird: The mig is doing alright, cockpit work mostly now but I am getting there. The external model is nearing completion excluding landing gear and small bits and pieces.. I needed a break however and this A-37 is a nice diversion I think..
  14. Hey thanks all for the encouragement and constructive crits. I recently got some better blueprints and realized how many problems my old model had, it has inaccurate canopy, wings, air intake, landing gear doors... argh.. So I am fixing those things and hopefully a better model will be had as a result. @column5: I LOL'd at that, but dont be too harsh on the guy I think he just mean the SEA camo should be included.
  15. I have a FOD screen modeled already, just need some mapping, textures and animations and it's ready to go :P It's alive! But still a lot of s**t to fix up and so. At this point I'd like to team up with some INI editing guru (Wrench? ) who could edit the small and fiddly points while I fix the remaining stuff in the mesh, there is no landing gear yet, small antennas, finish FOD screen et cetera... Anyone? EDIT: And yeah, I know the windscreen is waaay to transparent
  16. A-37B ingame for the first time

    From the album SF2 Screenshots

  17. Ah you are right ofcourse, dont know what I was on when I first made the model considering the number of glaring inaccuracies :P I think i fixed the canopy now, still not perfect but..
  18. A-37 again

    From the album 3D work and WIPS

  19. I got help with the request already! To reward a good community, here another pic: Most of the work I put in today was just made fixing old stuff, making it more accurate, tweaking the uvmap etc and textures. Still gonna need to do some semi-major edits on the fuselage before I am happy...
  20. A-37 further updated

    From the album 3D work and WIPS

  21. If anyone could send me a zip of the aircraft in working SF2 order, preferable with the LOD file intact, that would be very much helpful for my efforts of bringing my little bird into the game. I promise I wont redistribute it, but I all time I spend trying to get the original work is time I wont spend on the model.
  22. MeshSmooth can work miracles Even the UVmap is pretty decent after all these years, hehe
  23. A-37 updated

    From the album 3D work and WIPS

  24. How about making Parani versions out of that Ludo? Too few Parani skins out IMHO

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