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Everything posted by vtrelut

  1. View File DGenBriefingsFixedv7.zip DGen campaigns briefings - All languages except Russian. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 7 - January 24th, 2010 CORRECTIONS OF ERRORS IN DGen DYNAMIC CAMPAIGNS' BRIEFINGS Updated with latest campaigns by Boelcke (JG 26, Kuban), Juri_JS and Vtrelut; plus many small corrections. Takes into account "New patch for Asia for the Asians!" dated 01/02/09 by Ojcar, Norway winter and bomber campaigns by Juri_JS, Japan Home Defence campaigns version 1.2 par Juri_JS, Reichsverteidingung updated campaigns par Boelcke, and French Wings version 10 par vtrelut. As you probably have realized if you play DGen dynamic campaigns, there are many mistakes in current DGen briefings files: 1) Missing campaign briefings and/or debriefings, which result in strange words displayed on the screen, such as "LeningradSummer44DeBr" or "Africa42tGbDb" for instance. 2) Mistakes in briefings, which can make it sometimes impossible to display them in the game, especially when DGen syntax is not properly respected. 3) Wrong or missing aircraft descriptions or city names 4) Spelling and grammar errors There are countless errors in the files, which is unavoidable given the hundreds of possible campaigns and probably thousands of various combinations of missions and campaigns which are available. So I checked each briefing file, in all languages except the Russian language, and compared the contents with each related campaignsXXY.dat file, for all DGen campaigns. Basically all files have had to be corrected, except the Polish briefings and a couple of the RAF briefings over Murmansk. All others are corrected. For spelling and grammar, I corrected only the French briefings. For all languages, I tried to correct as many DGen errors as possible, such as missing briefings or debriefings. There are probably still many mistakes, but at least with these files now the user should be able to start a campaign without seeing something like "Lvov41SkBr", and finish campaigns without seeing something like "KurlandAug44DeDb". Some of the briefings will appear in English even if you use another language in the game, some will be blank, but I added new ones for most campaigns which had no briefings. Thanks a lot to Ljekio ULMAR who provided me with a translation of his Africa campaigns briefings made by Gagarin, which I adapted slightly. Thanks also to Papy46 who provided me with his French translations and corrections. Some mission briefings for the Luftwaffe over Africa may look strange, because they refer to Soviets as enemies: this is due to the fact that these files are common with Eastern Front campaigns. TO INSTALL, simply unzip the DGen folder contained in the zip, into the game's main directory, for all versions of installations/add-ons/patches. By default the game's main directory is C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946, or C:\Program Files\Ubi Soft\IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles. You can also use these files if you have Pacific Fighters only. Allow Windows to overwrite older files. These files are compatible with all game versions, modded or unmodded, and with all mod packs. There are also compatible with all types of game installs, with or without add-ons (payware or freeware add-ons). Happy Flying! Vtrelut Submitter vtrelut Submitted 06/29/2008 Category IL2 Series Campaigns & Missions  
  2. Version


    LIKE NO OTHER PILOT: Fly to defend and then to liberate France. Your enemies will be the Luftwaffe, the Regia Aeronautica, the Royal Navy, the RAF, the US Navy... Your allies will be Dutch, Belgian, British, American, Russian... with many Czech comrades. Please follow strictly and carefully the instructions in the read-me. More than 2,000 missions, making up to 120 campaigns, all combined in 15 pilot careers. For fighters, fighter-bombers, bombers and reconaissance aircraft. The only time during World War II when American planes were engaged in combat against other American aircraft. Find out why and how!
  3. File Name: French Wings 1940-1945: Like No Other Pilot File Submitter: vtrelut File Submitted: 22 Jun 2008 File Updated: 06 Mar 2010 File Category: IL2 Series Campaigns & Missions LIKE NO OTHER PILOT: Fly to defend and then to liberate France. Your enemies will be the Luftwaffe, the Regia Aeronautica, the Royal Navy, the RAF, the US Navy... Your allies will be Dutch, Belgian, British, American, Russian... with many Czech comrades. Please follow strictly and carefully the instructions in the read-me. More than 2,000 missions, making up to 120 campaigns, all combined in 15 pilot careers. For fighters, fighter-bombers, bombers and reconaissance aircraft. The only time during World War II when American planes were engaged in combat against other American aircraft. Find out why and how! Click here to download this file
  4. Ultimate Edition available here - all included: skins, bonuses, versions for mods or without mods! Briefings and Read-Me files are also updated.
  5. File Name: French Wings campaigns modded File Submitter: vtrelut File Submitted: 23 Aug 2008 File Updated: 06 Mar 2010 File Category: IL2 Series Campaigns & Missions This pack contains the modded dynamic campaigns French Wings 1940-1945. It includes many new slot planes in action, over several modded maps. You don't need earlier versions of French Wings. With these upgraded campaigns, you will have a more realistic and complete experience of flying from the Battle of France to the last air battles on the Eastern and Western fronts, involving the French squadrons equipped with American, British, French or Russian planes. Having a unique destiny you will face various enemies such as the Luftwaffe, the Regia Aeronautica, the Royal Navy, the US Navy; you will also fly together with the Royal Air Force, the Dutch air force, the USAAF or the VVS, in modded planes such as the Curtiss H-75A-2, the Hurricane Mk I Trop, the Douglas DB-7, the Spitfire Mk Vc fighter bomber, or in former AIs made flyable, such as the Morane 406 and the Blenheim Mk IV. New friendly and enemy modded AIs are also featured, as well as 6 modded maps for the MTO and ETO. These campaigns require the mods listed in the specific instructions which are included in this download. No mods pack is needed. Download links to required mods are provided, as well as precise indications concerning missing mods for each mods pack (AAA, C6, HSFX, UP). A completely new bomber campaign for Abyssinia and Lybia is included. Enjoy your flying... Like no other pilot! Other mods recommended: Default map upgrade pack and Improved Building Textures by vpmedia, Improved Vehicle Textures by vpmedia, Ultimate Sound Mod v2 by Tiger_33: a must for immersion! Cheers, Vtrelut Contact me at: vtrelut@yahoo.fr Click here to download this file

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