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Everything posted by Alexander51

  1. Nieuport 11

    Looking good my friend! Looks like shes almost ready to be let loose on a eager community:)
  2. Sopwith Dolphin Skins

    Man you're a fast worker! Thanks my man <S>
  3. It's over at Skunkworks right now!
  4. Something as a target

    ROFL! That's great Monty
  5. Importing aircraft from SFP1?

    Well not quite "mid-war types", but imported planes from SFP1 in-game
  6. Importing aircraft from SFP1?

    Here's a couple of mid-war types in-game:
  7. Nieuport 17

    She's simply amazing Monty Can't wait to take her for a spin and give the Albatrosses a good wholloping. As an interim, I've been altering the N24s data.ini to mimic the 17 just to appease my anticipation!
  8. Snow White DVII Skin

    Hey USAF<S> How ya been bud?
  9. Nieuport 17

    LOL! Now that's what we need - more two-seaters! This particular one is a good choice, JFM. Craigster
  10. Nieuport 17

    Looking VERY good Monty, WOW! The 17 had a Lewis mounted on the top wing at first, but it was then later replaced or augmented by a mechanically synchronized Vickers fitted centrally in front of the pilot or offset slightly to starboard (Combat Aircraft Of The 1914-1918 War, page 94 paragraph 3). I always thought that this aircraft had either a Lewis or a Vickers, but not both at once. You really do learn something new everyday!
  11. A-Team Planes

    Here's how my Camel.ini file looks: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Sopwith Camel AircraftShortName=Sopwith Camel AircraftDataFile=Camel_data.ini CockpitDataFile=Camel_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=Camel_hangar.bmp LoadoutFile=Camel_loadout.ini [LOD001] Filename=Sopwith_Camel-R1.lod Distance=3280 [DamageTexture] DamagedPostFix=_holes.tga DestroyedPostFix=_Shredded.tga [shadow] CastShadow=FALSE ShadowLOD= ShadowType= ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=150 [TextureSet001] <--------------------------- Directory=Raf Name=3 Sqn RFC, Oct 1917 Nation=RAF Squadron= Specular=0.350000 Glossiness=0.250000 Reflection=0.100000 [TextureSet002] <-------------------------- Directory=AFC Name=4 Sqn AFC, 1918 Nation=AUSTRALIA Specular=0.350000 Glossiness=0.250000 Reflection=0.100000 [TextureSet003] <------------------------- Directory=RNAS Name=10 Sqn RNAS, 1917 Nation=RAF Specular=0.350000 Glossiness=0.250000 Reflection=0.100000 The sim will default to whichever skin is [TextureSet001] . All others designated 002, 003, etc will be excluded. The 001 will make that particular skin directory show itself on the aircraft. Hope that this is the right response to what you need <S> Craig
  12. DH2 - 14 Squadron - Available

    That texture looks great Lloyd Will look very fitting with a 1915-16 scenario against early German machines <S>
  13. fm upgrade for airco dh 2

    I fly the DH2 on NORMAL flight setting and it's far easier to handle than it was on HARD setting. I know that NORMAL may seem like an 'easy way out', but there are quite a number of FE planes that I fly under this setting. Some planes apparently must be flown this way (i.e. Skunkwork models). Otherwise I fly the sim under HARD flight setting. Craigster <S>
  14. Tweaking and modding are what make this sim so much fun
  15. Nieuport 24

    Good Lord that's AWESOME so far Looking forward to flying an earlier Nieuport scout at some point, be it the Bebe, Nieuport 17 or this excellent type that you're busy knocking together <S>
  16. PT-19 in-game. Deleted it's cockpit folder and added the CockpitDataFile=SPAD13_cockpit.ini to the PT-19.ini file. Placed the WW2 pilots bmp and lod into the aircraft folder as well and changed the start and ending years to 1916-1920 just to get this aircraft to show itself within FE. There's probably a way to get the PT-19s cockpit to show fully in-game. This is just the way I get aircraft to cross-import to another TW game, but I'm sure it's not necessarily the only method. Craigster
  17. How do I adjust the gunsight?

    Others may already be aware of this next trick, but I only recently discovered how to change the sight size itself. Some planes have ones that are small and zoomed out whereas others are much closer in. In the aircrafts Cockpit.INI file: [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=80 <------------------------------- GunsightName=SPAD13_ironsight.tga FixedSight=TRUE This number changes how close up or far away the sight looks. Cheers, Craigster guy
  18. Did my online purchase here, also with Visa:) https://store.thirdwire.com/store.htm
  19. WIP - Fokker D VIII

    Ah ha! Thank you very muchy for the link
  20. WIP - Fokker D VIII

    Fascinating detail in that reply! I always forget that the type was in fact a monoplane, hence Fokker E-V. Either way, I'm eager as heck to try this aircraft out in First Eagles, as are many other players. My scource was Fighter Aircraft Of The 1914-1918 War, Harborough Publication, Compiled by W.M. Lamberton, Published 1960, page 128, paragraphs 5-7 :) What's the ISBN of that book you have? I'd like to get it one of these days soon. Thank you in advance! Craigster <S>
  21. WIP - Fokker D VIII

    "Did D.VIII see much action or arrived too late to do anything?" Sadly no it could not have had an impact on the course of the war. The latter part of what you said was the actual case historically. After some kinks were worked out with the single wing, it was indeed supplied to the frontline Jagdstaffeln as fast as possible, though valuable time had already been lost. In the closing weeks of the Great War, the type flew along side the Fokker D.VII in small numbers. It scarcely had a chance to really prove itself in action. The British called her the "Flying Razor Blade" and it's very likely that this fascinating combat plane might have replaced the D.VII had the war lasted through the winter of 1918-1919.
  22. Coop Hosting -> Crash

    Red and I also found that some of the ground objects are buggy as well, namely the AAA trucks on the aerodrome perimeters. In fact, we've hidden the GroundObjects folder before doing any co-ops and I've lost count as to how many co-op sessions we've flown with no CTDs :)
  23. Fixing the Albatros

    I don't know if anyone has done this trick yet, but add this correction to the gun sections of the AlbatrosD3_DATA: [internalGun1] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=7.92MM_SPANDAU_LMG08/15 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN GunGroup=1 MuzzlePosition=-0.1568,0.8085,0.5659 LightPosition=-0.1568,0.8085,0.5659 AimAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 <------------------------------*** MaxAmmo=500 EjectShells=TRUE EjectPosition=-0.17,-0.15,0.57 EjectVelocity=-1.25,0.0,-0.3 GunFireAnimationID=2 This will fix the sight/true aim point difference when sending lead down range. Craigster

    You got it Boss. I was in the military for 10 years so I have no problem with authority or following instructions. You'll have no trouble from me. Understood and respectfully yours, Craig C. Alexander <S>
  25. Nieuport 28

    Dear TexMurphy and EmlD: Just got done flying the latest incarnation of this ever-evolving N28. I collided with a Fokker Dr.1 and lost my entire tail section. The strange thing is that I was still able to maintain full elevator response! Flight model was in HARD setting. Don't know if anyone else has reported this type of event, but I thought I should alert you to it. Next time I'll remember to take a screenie :) Otherwise I still love this aeroplane. Great job my friends <S> Craigster guy

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