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Everything posted by Blasto

  1. Thank you. I'm happy that you see this like a godd thing. I hope that with this pack with your mods the players of wov online will be always more! And how i say to my italian guys: "in alto nei cieli" ( high in the skies) !
  2. Thank you! If you want we are also here: http://maricosom.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=37
  3. Canadair link

    i devi passare il link del terreno che dicevi (tunisia).
  4. Canadair link

  5. Ieri sera....

    Tra poco con lo skin di steve s verranno ancora meglio le foto. Vi aspetto sempre in alto nei cieli.
  6. W.I.P. MB 326

  7. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

    Ragazzi con ErickGen abbiamo testato che è sottopotenziato e non è abbastanza agile, se qualcuno riesce lo sitemi cortesemente. Sul forum internazionale mi sembra di parlare con delle ochette piagnone che credono ai film. PER LA SERIE QUANTO HA RAGIONE CANADAIR A DIR QUEL CHE DICE! ANCHE MIO PADRE DICE BENE QUANDO DICE CHE A LAVAR LA TESTA ALL'ASINO SI PERDE SOLO L'ACQUA E IL SAPONE!
  8. Let's try to do a way to choose the mission for fly in wov coop mission in multiplayer. It would be great! However we fly in squadron here: http://maricosom.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=37 we are italian but if someone is interested we write also in english or others languages!
  9. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

    Quanto è vero!
  10. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

    Tutto nasce in un dogfigt tra f15e e f14d dove l'f14 a pieno carico si beveva l'eagle vuoto. Cosa ovviamente falsa. Semmai è l'opposto.
  11. Yeah you can write in english and on ts i can speak english.
  12. http://maricosom.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2104
  13. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

  14. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

    Allora sarà il super tomcat sballato! Io so solo i gradi di virata ma non di rollio. Tra l'altro l'f14d nel gioco super gli 830!!!!!!
  15. Yuo ha ve to install the to patches 5-8, weapon pack f14d f15c f15e mb326gb mig25 pack Please read or write here if you are interested and i'll help you for the installation: http://maricosom.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=37 http://digilander.libero.it/AlessandroBla/Immagini.rar
  16. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

    the f14d has the engine General Electric F-110 which are a version of the f100 of the eagle. The strike eagle has the F100-PW-229 which have a huge power. The F-14D is powered by two F110-GE-400 engines with 28,200 lbs thrust each. The F-15E is powered by two F100-PW-229 engines with 29.160 lbs thrust each. The tomcat weight is 19.800 kg The eagle weight is 12.975 kg And finally the f15 make turn of 16° and the f14 only 14°. I think that the f15e is much stron than the f14d in a dogfight: much power, less weight, better turn!
  17. Yes, as you say the f14d has new engines and more power then f14a but listen: the f14d has the engine General Electric F-110 which are a version of the f100 of the eagle. The strike eagle has the F100-PW-229 which have a huge power. The F-14D is powered by two F110-GE-400 engines with 28,200 lbs thrust each. The F-15E is powered by two F100-PW-229 engines with 29.160 lbs thrust each. The tomcat weight is 19.800 kg The eagle weight is 12.975 kg And finally the f15 make turn of 16° and the f14 only 14°. I think that the f15e is much stron than the f14d in a dogfight: much power, less weight, better turn! What can you tell me about? Do you agree?
  18. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

    A entrambe el domande do risposta negativa. Per chi vuole siamo su msn e su ts!
  19. Sistemiamo lo Strike eagle!

    Volevo solo sapere se qualcuno aveva riscontrato questa anomalia. Cmq non ti ho tirato in ballo. Purtroppo molti do aerei conoscono solo il film topgun.
  20. I agree with you Crusader. Thanks also to Typhoid.
  21. No I was usin also the rudder. Please believe me that the f15 turn too slow and is to slower also in acceleration and speed. We have tested it for 2 hours yesrstday. The problem isn't the tomcat but the eagle and the strike eagle i think.
  22. You can talk how much you want but the real life is another thing. Tomcat = great interceptor . F14 is a legend like f4 but this doesn't mean that an f4 can beat the eagle in dogfight and the same for the f14.
  23. Yeah it' is a good idea, we do a multiplayer test to see the turn. I do another install with the f15e and the f14d. I'LL BE PLEASED TO DO A MULTI WITH EVERYONE WHO WANT TEST WHAT I'M SAING! IF YOU WANT HERE THER IS MY SQUADRON: http://maricosom.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=37 HERE THE PHOTOS OF YEARSTDAY http://maricosom.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2095

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