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Everything posted by FERdeBOER

  1. Is this a temporary sell? Or the 99$ price for the complete edition is there all the time?
  2. Which weapons pack? Can you provide a link for the one you use? I've donwloaded the last one that appears in the downloads section (Weapons Pack 2 by ravenclaw_007), but the names don't match properly, like in Rafale's loadout Apache(AR) and in the pack is called ApacheAR and then is not shown in the game. Apart from that, thank you for your effort!
  3. Sorry for you but... it works :yes: No more white stick, no more white seat. I really hope this don't blow up your plans... Thank you for your interest to solve my problem
  4. My test with the laptop was also over a clean SF2E install... So probably is some config problem I have, but can't guess what, I'm open to sugestions...
  5. Same thing in my laptop with intel integrated Graphic card... Maybe is because I have SF2E only? Have the ones who have it working right other installs?
  6. I don't know. If it serves, I used the other Typhoon add-on for SF2 and works well. I have no problems also with a lot of other planes I tried. I will try later to install it on my laptop to see if happens the same or not...
  7. Continuing my "research", I've displaced the seat in the data.ini file and discovered that the seat has indeed texture, the white shadow is another thing: Can't say anymore because I'm not into moding and/or 3D modelling and don't know the reason of this, but hope this helps to find a solution. Thanks again.
  8. Just to be sure: Typhoon folder goes to /objects/Aircraft/, the other 2 folders to /Objects/Pilots/ right? If it's useful, I'm using a SF2 Europe Install, november'11 updated, Windows 7 64 bits and Nvidia GeForce 6150SE.
  9. Flies great! I had some graphic problems... I have no seat textures. I've put the pilot seat inside Objects/Pilots/ folder, is it right? I have also a strange "white bar" in front of the plane: Thank you for your work. Can't wait to see the new pit...
  10. OK, I've juste downloaded it once more from de normal download AND updated my 7zip extractor. It continues to tell me about a corrupt file, but allowed me to extract and the exe works well, so problem solved. Thank you for your fast answer!
  11. Hi Spectre8750, I tried to download this first part both form normal donwload and the mirror one and I get a corrupt file message Thank you for your hard work.
  12. Change in the carriername_data.ini the speed to 0. The carrier will be still and remain where you place it.
  13. OK, I'm not sure if I have to continue in this topic (that seems already dead) or open a new one; but I decided to conitune in this one in order to have all gathered on the same topic. Messing around in order to create a carrier campaign in WOI, I've made it, it works well. The next thing I wanted to do is adding an escort, but I still can't make it to point on the same direction of the carrier (the carrier turns depending on the wind direction and the escorts don't). Also the carrier moves and the escorts remain still... I found a topic that explains how to do the escorts to move, but I didn't manage to do it. The last thing I tried is to make the CV also still, changing its xxx_DATA.ini... now the carrier is still, surrounded by its escorts, heading where it wants, but, after the take off, the carrier turns untill heading the same direction of the escorts... and I found this The four planes appear!! I think it's due the change on the carrier's speed, but I can't asure that because I changed other things. Despite that, I think is this change because I've already did the other changes before one time or another. On the take off I allways found the same odd 90 degrees turn of the AI comented before, but the pleasure of having all the four planes it's simply great
  14. Looks great!! This, and the EF2000 and I will remember my old times with SEF2000...
  15. The answer is somewhere in this thread but yes, it's a bit tricky to find it. You have to open your Typhoon_DATA.ini and check in [Engine1] and [Engine2]. In both of them, change the AfterburnerEmitterName to AfterburnerEmitterName=AfterburnerEmitter. And then you will see the afterburner.
  16. Yes, please, I also would like to know wich parameter do we have to change for this to work... My planes also crashes in the middle of the carrier (tested with variuos carriers) at the start. -thanks
  17. Thanks pureblue, now I've got it all
  18. Thank You very much Wrench!!! :clapping: :yes: I made it and now I have all the weapons. It only remains a doubt... what about the "LiteningIII"? I know what it is and I see it in the Typhoon_loadout, but I'm not sure if is something I have to install or not. Thank You again!
  19. Thank You Wrench, seems that I have a lot of reading in front of me... :umnik2: Only one question (for the momment), am I correct downloading the weaons I said before? (Bunyap weapons pack http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...;showfile=2672; Meteor: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6499 and Hellfire and Brimstone... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...;showfile=5377)
  20. OK, this is too much for me. Can someone, please, make (or put a link), a step by step guide of how to install the weapons? I've managed to install the fuel tank, and all works perfect, but with the rest of the weapons I'm a bit (lot) lost. I'm new on this game and seems that you all know exactly how to change thinks in the game (probably due to your experience with the previous games), but I don't :blush2: My main problem is: - what weapons should I download exactly? I've donwloaded this: Bunyap weapons pack http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2672 Mirage Factory Weapons Pack for Wings Over Israel http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6171 Meteor: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6499 (I don't know what to put it in the weaponsdata.ini) Hellfire and Brimstone... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5377 (I don't find the lines I'm supposed to change reading the readme) After that I open and save the weaponsdata.ini with the weaponseditor as equal as I did for the fuel tank, but... Appart this, I LOVE this plane! In fact, I played a bit WOV but dind't caught me... but an Eurofighter... just this (ok, and its price) made me bought WOI! I was (still am) a Super EF2000 fan. From time to time I still install it and play a bit. I played also LOMAC, but I have no much time to learn a new complex simulator (SEF2000 took me a lot of time but on that period I had it). But now I can fly again an Eurofighter with good graphics! Thanks

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