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Ben Martin

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About Ben Martin

  1. Tornado_HUD_update

  2. File Name: Tornado_HUD_update File Submitter: Ben Martin File Submitted: 8 Oct 2006 File Category: SF Add-On Cockpits This is an update to Air-to-Air Internal Gun and Air-to-ground Internal Gun/Bomb sight for "Tornado add-ons". In the original version I could not hit air or ground targets due to the lack of good HUD target sight. This update will fix that issue. Click here to download this file
  3. Tornado_HUD_update



    This is an update to Air-to-Air Internal Gun and Air-to-ground Internal Gun/Bomb sight for "Tornado add-ons". In the original version I could not hit air or ground targets due to the lack of good HUD target sight. This update will fix that issue.
  4. Ok! What has no solution, resolved it is! Many thanks!
  5. Hi again, :tomato2: I would like to mod, the avionics of some aircraft to take advantage of the bombing guide line with CCIP included in the new Avionics70.dll Unfortunately, changing the original value "AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll" to "AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll", is not enough because (generally) the cockpit loses the ground radar and some other HUD info. The lastest FA-18; TornadoGR; A7-E/F; F16C variants and other aircraft versions are having the same CCIP bombing problem because all were previously moded to SFP1 using the old Avionics60.dll I have not the info/skills to make such updates to the INI files. If some one could help it would be great! If you can't help, please spread the word! Many thanks.
  6. Hi, This is my first Topic here, and yes, my English is not perfect! Sorry for that! I love Tornado GR (modded by Sundonwer) to fly low level attacks! I'm using this jet a lot! Recently I noticed a problem with the wingtip lights. The Tornado wigs are variable geometry like the F-14 (at high-speed they arrow back) but if the lights are on you'll notice that the Tornado “wings tip lights” stay exactly in the same place when the wings arrow back at high-speed. Any one knows how to fix this one? Many thanks!

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