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Posts posted by Flanker251

  1. index.php?autocom=downloads&req=display&code=sst&id=7276

    Thanks Spillone104!


    I have a question how do I use the wav's ?

    Wanna use the RD-33-xxx sounds for the MiG-29.

    However which one(s) do I use or must I mention them all in my MIG-29C_DATA.ini

    I tried:


    EngineSoundName=RD-33				(or ???)
    AfterburnerSoundName=RD-33-AB	// <-- this makes us happy !!!


    Thanks for replying in advance.

  2. See where it says fire primary guns= control L that is your answer you can also change the weaps control in the options menu in the game


    Hi again Viper,


    It is SOLVED and not.

    So I expected i could use the LEFT-CTRL to fire, no luck however.

    Then I decided to try assigning another key (in my case 'C') and now I can fire my guns!


    The CTRL-key is accepted (in Options menu) by WOI but NOT effective, strange as it is ???

    Also I checked there was only one entry of LCONTROL in my default.ini, and ...yep.


    Well thank you for your cooperation and for the fast replies.

    Tomorrow this cat will have much happier dogfights.



  3. Default key to fire guns it the spacebar I think.


    Thanks for the rapid answer JA 37 Viggen!

    I have indeed assigned the Spacabar to fire my selected weapon(s),

    I can indeed fire a2a missiles with that key, but no guns.


    FYI, my "default.ini" relevant entries:




    Thank you again in the mean time I'll try again to get my keyboard working

    to fire my guns.

  4. Do the same thing to you PRIMARY guns :biggrin: assign you primary guns to your trigger on your flight stick you ARE using a flight stick right? assign your a2a and a2g weaps to the #3 and #4 buttons on your flight stick it makes combat a LOT easier


    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I will try that (my Trust stick) later on for sure.


    Now I'm using the keyboard as control. I can fire a2a missiles and rockets but no guns.

    This makes me and my squadron very unhappy :)

    BTW, I guess gun==canon?


    FYI, my "default.ini":















    If you got a hint I surely appreciate that.

    In the mean time I'll try again and again.


  5. I used this fix for the radar screen a few months back, and it's easily the best improvement to the game that I've seen.....I hated that screen! There is also an assignment to change the hud display from within the game, I can't remember the default key combinaton (I have it remapped) but it allows you to cycle through easy/normal/hard while you are in the air.

    I like the idea of removing the shaded background on the text, thanks Wrench, I look forward to giving that a try.



    In game use the key-combi: CTLR+PGUP (it's the TOGGLE_RADAR entry in the ini file).

    In WOI you can have several keymap inifiles, also hopefully in other games from Third Wire.


    Happy floating.


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