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Everything posted by superskyshark

  1. File Name: Replacement sounds for the GAU-8 cannon File Submitter: superskyshark File Submitted: 7 Oct 2006 File Category: SF Weapons Mods/Skins Replacement sounds for GAU-8 Avenger as used by the stock WOE or Wpnssgt A-10A ver 2.0 By superskyshark Contains: Choice of 2 different GAU-8 firing sounds, a soundlist.ini and this readme. Instructions: 1. Select either one of the sound files supplied and make sure to name it 'Avenger'. 2. Put the SOUNDLIST.INI file inside the flight folder. 3. Use the thirdwire gun editor and edit the sound name for the GAU-8 30mm from 'Vulcan' to 'Avenger' and you're done. (Dont forget to set the compatibility mode for the editor if you're on Win XP) P.S Be sure to grab bunyap's latest weapons pack and wpnssgt's latest A-10 and the gau8fire effects for improved visuals. Special thanks to fubar_512 for his detailed explanations on changing sound effects. Click here to download this file
  2. Version


    Replacement sounds for GAU-8 Avenger as used by the stock WOE or Wpnssgt A-10A ver 2.0 By superskyshark Contains: Choice of 2 different GAU-8 firing sounds, a soundlist.ini and this readme. Instructions: 1. Select either one of the sound files supplied and make sure to name it 'Avenger'. 2. Put the SOUNDLIST.INI file inside the flight folder. 3. Use the thirdwire gun editor and edit the sound name for the GAU-8 30mm from 'Vulcan' to 'Avenger' and you're done. (Dont forget to set the compatibility mode for the editor if you're on Win XP) P.S Be sure to grab bunyap's latest weapons pack and wpnssgt's latest A-10 and the gau8fire effects for improved visuals. Special thanks to fubar_512 for his detailed explanations on changing sound effects.

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