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Everything posted by bigstone

  1. Hi everyone: For those of you that upgraded to Windows 10 and found yourselves with very low fps and wondered why. Here is a fix: http://enbdev.com/patch_tesskyrim_antifreeze_v0096.htm <----- Download and drop d3dd9.dll and enbatch.ini files into your main Strike Fighters or WOXXX series main install folder. After that no low fps. Before I installed the two files I was wondering with my rig: Astrix Asus Z270H, i7 7700k 4.2ghz/4.9ghz turbo, GTX 1070 8GB G1 Gaming, 16GB 3200ghz RAM, Windows 10 64 HE was getting choppy FPS, but after I installed the two files in my main strike fighters 2 install folder, the stuttering low fps was gone. Now smooth as silk.
  2. Not that button pull-up!!! I'm out!!!

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