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Everything posted by bigstone

  1. Where did you et that F-4 skin from in your sig? Looks very cool!!! What squadron is it supposed to be from? Thank you
  2. Hi guys Iinstalled the A-4E Late which has the hump. Now the thing is I see the whole aircraft in the game. The thing is the hump is missing??? How do I get it to appear?
  3. Dragon's Jaw 2nd Try



    My first and updated Dragon's Jaw has a little fix. The first strike on the bridge took place on 3 April 1965 with 46 F-105D's 16 of which were armed with bullpups and the rest with 6 M117 each, also 21 F-100D's for SEAD. Since little damage was done to the bridge from the first strike, this is where Dragon's Jaw 2nd Try comes in. This time 4 April 1965 with 48 F-105D's all armed with 8 M117's and 21 F-100D's for SEAD and MigCAP(there are no migs in this mission). I hope you enjoy this mission. Now the thing is I need to know how to add alot more AAA. Once I get that down I shall update both Dragon's Jaw and Dragon's Jaw 2nd Try. Peace PS:I am doing some research to make huge USN Alpha Strike missions from 1965 to 1972 USN era aircraft. They would be similar too my Dragon Jaw mission's, but with Migs and alot more AAA action. Of course launching from carriers. If anyone has any knowledge or where I can find historical resources, like the date, mission, carriers and aircraft/squadrons involved. I'd appreciate it.
  4. File Name: Dragon's Jaw File Submitter: bigstone File Submitted: 8 Jul 2005 File Updated: 30 Dec 2006 File Category: SF Missions/Campaigns This is my first attempt to create the Historical assault on Dragon's Jaw Bridge that took place on April 3,1965 over North Vietnam. This mission consists of 46 USAF F-105D's for strike on bridge and 21 USAF F-100's for flak suppression. I hope you enjoy and you are all welcome to modify and post updated versions of this mission. Happy THUD mud moving. PS:I'm in the process of creating USN Alpha Strikes(28-32 aircraft). Early year Alpha Strikes of A-4's with F-8's. Also Later year Alpha Strikes of A-6's,A-7's,and F-4's. Be patient because its gonna take me alot of research as to what target they were after and what squadrons the aircraft were from and formations they used. Click here to download this file
  5. Hello guys, I'm having a slight problem here. I noticed when I play a rolling thunder campaign that begins in Jan '67 I noticed the squadron strengths of each AI squadron varies from 16 to 2? I looked in the rolling thunder campaign ini and I see that their strengths are actually 16!! What is going on is this a bug? But when I fly a campaign thats at the very beginnings of Rolling Thunder march '65 all the AI aircraft are all 16 strength. Any suggestions?
  6. Yeah fellas do any of you know if there are any new skins for the default A6A? I already downloaded skins from column5 site. I'm looking for a skin that actually makes the default A6A's nose from black to beige for the later years of the Vietnam War. Thank you....
  7. Hello fellow Combataceman, I just want to see your opinions of the Dragon's Jaw mission I made. I know it needs alot of improvement. I'm in the process of updating the mission, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated . I would like to spread the formations of the 46 USAF F-105D's and the 21 USAF F-100's so that when the AI planes drop their bombs the other AI aircraft flights would'nt run into them and explode. Also I would like to ensure the waypoints are miles and miles apart so that the AI aircraft would have enough time to maneuver to the next waypoint. One more thing how do I correct the headings of each waypoint so my flight and the rest the AI flights would make the proper turns toward each waypoint? Like I said before this was just my first attempt to create a mission using WOVQMD. One more thing the objective points for all the AI F-105D aircraft are about 5 miles off from the intended target(Dragon'd Jaw bridge), so they tend to drop their bombs 5 miles or so from the target. I'll fix that as well utilizing WOVQMD sorry about that folks. Once I improve this mission I will update the current v1 to v1.1. After this project is complete I will create large USN Alpha Strike missions based on the knowledge I receive from any campaign/mission gurus, consisting of A-1's,A-4's,F-8's,F-4's,A-6's,and A-7's, also more USAF/USMC missions as well. If anyone knows where I can find information on the internet about USN Alpha Strike formations used during the Vietnam War and what aircraft of certain dates was used in each Alpha Strike formation and their primary target objective was please let me know . Thank you and Peace.... PS:Please everyone in the WOV commmunity who has mission building skills has my permission to modify the Dragon's Jaw mission. Besides its just for fun. Happy flying..... here is my email address bigstone1232000@yahoo.com
  8. Dragon's Jaw



    This is my first attempt to create the Historical assault on Dragon's Jaw Bridge that took place on April 3,1965 over North Vietnam. This mission consists of 46 USAF F-105D's for strike on bridge and 21 USAF F-100's for flak suppression. I hope you enjoy and you are all welcome to modify and post updated versions of this mission. Happy THUD mud moving. PS:I'm in the process of creating USN Alpha Strikes(28-32 aircraft). Early year Alpha Strikes of A-4's with F-8's. Also Later year Alpha Strikes of A-6's,A-7's,and F-4's. Be patient because its gonna take me alot of research as to what target they were after and what squadrons the aircraft were from and formations they used.
  9. Yeah fellas does anyone here know how to create more air activity in WOV? You know like fly in a huge strike of 44 F-105D's to strike a bridge in Hanoi? Also does anyone know how to change the red tracer fire of ZSU's and 14.2 calibre weapons from red to the realword yellow or green? Thank you. PS: I already increased the AAA explosions in the sky and they pack alot of action like a whole battalion of NVA triple A are trying to blow you out of the sky!!!! One thing though how do you increase the damage values of the flak so that they actually damage your aircraft? Thanks again. :)

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