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Files posted by bigstone

  1. 69th TFS F-16C Block 40

    Hi this was my first attempt to add decals on the "Viper Team's" F-16C Block 40. They have the correct tail numbers for their time in Operation Desert Storm. They were from Moody AFB, GA 347th FW. They served along side with 4th TFS and 421st TFS under the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing Provisional in Desert Storm. Enjoy!!!


       (2 reviews)



  2. Dragon's Jaw 2nd Try

    My first and updated Dragon's Jaw has a little fix. The first strike on the bridge took place on 3 April 1965 with 46 F-105D's 16 of which were armed with bullpups and the rest with 6 M117 each, also 21 F-100D's for SEAD. Since little damage was done to the bridge from the first strike, this is where Dragon's Jaw 2nd Try comes in. This time 4 April 1965 with 48 F-105D's all armed with 8 M117's and 21 F-100D's for SEAD and MigCAP(there are no migs in this mission). I hope you enjoy this mission. Now the thing is I need to know how to add alot more AAA. Once I get that down I shall update both Dragon's Jaw and Dragon's Jaw 2nd Try. Peace
    PS:I am doing some research to make huge USN Alpha Strike missions from 1965 to 1972 USN era aircraft. They would be similar too my Dragon Jaw mission's, but with Migs and alot more AAA action. Of course launching from carriers. If anyone has any knowledge or where I can find historical resources, like the date, mission, carriers and aircraft/squadrons involved. I'd appreciate it.


       (1 review)



  3. Dragon's Jaw

    This is my first attempt to create the Historical assault on Dragon's Jaw Bridge that took place on April 3,1965 over North Vietnam. This mission consists of 46 USAF F-105D's for strike on bridge and 21 USAF F-100's for flak suppression. I hope you enjoy and you are all welcome to modify and post updated versions of this mission. Happy THUD mud moving. PS:I'm in the process of creating USN Alpha Strikes(28-32 aircraft). Early year Alpha Strikes of A-4's with F-8's. Also Later year Alpha Strikes of A-6's,A-7's,and F-4's. Be patient because its gonna take me alot of research as to what target they were after and what squadrons the aircraft were from and formations they used.


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