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Everything posted by =EoH=Flight_boy

  1. Hello, I have just installed WOI again after some time sitting on my desk. But I don't know why,yesterday I've lost all my AA and AF options so now all objects ingame have those jagged edges. Before that,I had AA/AF.I have Radeon HD 3850 with latest Catalyst drivers,inside CCC I have my AA set to 4x and AF set to 8x (personal desire),but still there's no AA/AF showing ingame. Inside game's video options,I'm using "High+Customized" settings. What am I doing wrong,and what I have to do to get the AA/AF to work in my WOI? Because those jaggy edges are killing the sim's immersion... Thanks for your further answers! :)
  2. Hello everyone,is it possible to use the second cockpit in planes like MiG-21/23/29 UB and the F-4? If so,with which control key?
  3. Twin cockpit aircrafts.

    Roger that guys,thanks for your fast replies.

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