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Jizm Pops

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About Jizm Pops

  1. thx guys. That SU-27 looks GREAT! I can't wait.
  2. I've been looking around, and i noticed that nobody's made an SU-29 or SU-33. In my opinion they are one of the cooler looking models. I myself have no comp. skills, and could never create a working mod, but i've wondered why no-one else has. A mig-29 mod has been made that successfully uses thrust vectoring, and that same data could be used for the manuverability of the SU models. My question is, why not?
  3. I'll try that Fubar. Thx.
  4. When I posted my question, Capun responded and updated the web page. I could then see the pictures, along w/everyone else. Maybe he changed something to allow security freak computers (such as mine) view the pictures. Thx anyway tho. And thx to you Capun. I finally got your files to work. (My newbish self forgot to make the folder the same name as the .ini file.)
  5. I've downloaded and redownloaded like 20 times. It's fine though because i've found gundata.ini and weapondata.ini in strange and foreign folders. That's good enough for me. :P
  6. I've started to download planes and carriers and things and i noticed that i needed to extract certain .ini files from .cat files. I downloaded SFP1E v. 6, and it couldn't install all the way. (if it was a download issue, then i'm screwed because all other links do not work for me ((error 404)) ) The install got to the point of registering fonts and stopped responding. If anyone could help that'd be great.
  7. How come the site doesn't show pictures, only boxes w/ red xs?
  8. That link doesn't show pics... There's just the little box with a red x and a big empty box.
  9. Well now i have a new question. When I try to run GunEditor, it just flashes a command window and nothing happens... when i click on the WeaponEditor nothing happens at all.
  10. My patch version is v08.30.06 I'm not sure what SP i'm using or what a SP is (as i am officially a newb) I'm pretty sure it's not a computer spec. problem because the helicopter doesn't show up on the Instant Mission screen. I think my problem is that i don't really know how to install it. I'm used to extracting files into the aircraft folder, so when i read the instructions i became confused. P.S. thx for getting back to me so soon. I realize that i must've sounded like a dumbass w/o any specification whatsoever.
  11. I recently bought WOE, and i updated it to patch 8...(whatever).... and i can't use your (capun) AC. Any help would be appreciated, since your models are great.

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