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Everything posted by Wraith27

  1. SAMy

    Fajnie by bylo... ja próbowałem juz wszystkiego a ziomki z anglika tego problemu nie maja i nie wiedza o co biega PS a z Newami i Kubami nie masz problemu ???????
  2. We know about Marc's works but it's still WIP and will be payware...
  3. Look at this guys: When I started my sqadron do this (only models based on oryginal su-17 -not su-22m4) I told them dont drink alcohol before flight but the don't listen Any Ideas?
  4. Su-35BM WIP

    Great work!!! But don't forgot that Su-35BM hasn't got fuselage airbrake. It used for this vertical rudders!!!
  5. Skiny

    Np dla tora: [GroundObjectData] ObjectFullName=Tor-M1 ObjectDataFile=Tor_data.ini [TextureSet001] Directory=green Name=green Nation=Soviet Specular=0.100000 Glossiness=0.100000 Reflection=0.000000 [TextureSet002] Directory=camo Name=camo Nation=Soviet Specular=0.100000 Glossiness=0.100000 Reflection=0.000000 [LOD001] Filename=Tor.LOD Distance=120 [LOD002] Filename=Tor_LOD2.LOD Distance=450 [LOD003] Filename=Tor_LOD3.LOD Distance=3500 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowLOD=Tor.SHD ShadowType=1 ShadowCastDist=500 MaxVisibleDistance=500
  6. Skiny

    To powinno wygladac np tak: [TextureSet001] Directory=green Name=green Nation=Soviet Specular=0.100000 Glossiness=0.100000 Reflection=0.000000 [TextureSet002] Directory=camo Name=camo Nation=Soviet Specular=0.100000 Glossiness=0.100000 Reflection=0.000000 Ale gra widzi tylko ta pierwszą texture i zawsze jej uzywa. Druga moze byc uzyta tylko w misji lub kampanii stworzonej przez Ciebie
  7. Some times ago FastCargo add this new pylons with canards to make Su-33 but we ask him to make a mod without canards -only pylons Any news ????
  8. Hello! Original MiG-23M from WOE and all other 23's use this fuselage tank: Tank790_MiG23 witch use the 3D model with the same name. But this model doesn't exist in Objectdata.cat or in weaponpacks -What's happend with it? Thanks!
  9. Just thinking... This model is to wide for MiG-23 but it looks like 800l_tank for MiG-27 !!!
  10. I think (but I never tryed ) You can change the armor paramiters in DATA.ini files...
  11. Ok here is what I found: Mikojan start this project in 1960. First flight 17 april 1962 They wont name it MiG-23 radar: sapfir-23 weapons: 2 AAM K-23: R-23R SAHM range 16-18km R-23R/T mixed! SAHM and IR guidence range 14-16km (They wont make first simply R-23T) IMPORTANT:both of this missiles may based on R-3S and have mas about 150 kg -they are never made!! BUT: first production version of this "MiG-23" may had Sapfir-21 radar and 2 R-3S/R misiles Other aemament: 2x500 kg bomb and 600l tank under fuselage. My proposition: Make this plane like the first production series or: it has that same wings like MiG-21PF so You can ad him four pylons under wing like latest version of MiG-21 + fuselage station for tank NOTA BENE: In 1962 Mikojan start E-8M projec -without canards and with 2 side air intake... All this project are canceled in1963 when real MiG-23 project start...
  12. Hello! If I remember in March 2007 somebody (don't remember who...) post a pictures of Su-24 and Su-25 witch he is working at. He wrote that they will be redy between 32'st and 33'st march It was more than year ago. And what is happen with this models, are they still WIP? When they will be ready? PS: Please don't write me "TWO WEEKS"
  13. One important thing: When You look at FC pylons: They look good but I think that they are to far from the fuselage like here (not a real picture but looks corectly)
  14. I think that Pictures witch you want doesn't exist because it was only a prototype. I have some artictles about this bird at home and I check for this information. I'm not sure but they want name this aircraft MiG-23 and You know when russians make a new project of aircraft they make new radar , missiles etc for him. I think that it can be equipted witch two R-23 missile - i'll check this ide at home
  15. I think You are right...Why people dont read the first post
  16. YOU SAY that the Marcfighter Su-27 has this internal pylons but they are not used???????????????????????????????????????
  17. You mean You can make this pylon new or use those made by capun (or somebody). The list of one seat version of Su-27 witchout canards and with Internal pylons is short: Su-27 basic but later production(I'm not sure) Su-27SM Modification of basic Su-27 Russian Air Force with Air to ground weapons, R-77 missiles etc Su-35BM (mean Big Modification funny this short mean that same in russish and english ) Pictures: For those bird new skin will be great and if You look carefuly You see that he has'nt got a fuselage airbrake
  18. I'll try this later I'm not at home...Thanks!
  19. I don't understand :"list" of what (sorry maby it's my english )
  20. If I know only the earlier production series of basic Su-27 doesn't have them but I dont remember that I saw Su-27 with this pylon. But new Su-35BM and modificated Su-27SM have this pylons and doesn't have canards. Some times ago somebody (maby capun but I'm not sure) make pylons which can be added to any aircraft but those made by FastCargo looks more realistic.
  21. You mean off in the game for all things or in ini file?
  22. I dont know but EF-2000 has bigger and more comlicated texture and works good

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