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Everything posted by Wraith27

  1. I have that same problem last year...but have more lucky - I have made a copy of all modificated *.INI files. It takes me some time before I make my game like before HD crash. Good luck!
  2. I thought it works only in single missions because the campaigns have there own properties but maby i'm wrong...
  3. About 0 sparrows: there is a window in weapon editor "base quantity" -change it for a bigger value for example:24 About chaff and flare station: I think You dont add them to some part of aircraft mean for example to the fuselage :like SystemName[xxx]=DecoyDispenserLeft -where xxx is the number of next system and after "=" is the name of your station for example for f-4G fom Bunyap data base Add to ...Data.ini file in fuselage section this lines: SystemName[xxx]=Flare_Station SystemName[xxx]=Chaff_Station
  4. I think that this will be a good ide: Poland vs Sweeden : something like "Potop szwedzki 2" (sorry I can't translate this title in English- it's from polish history) -not a manouvers - real war. We have all Polish and Swedish aircraft. Maby witch terrain will be a problem... but You can use another terrain. You need two parts of land and sea between them
  5. I don't have a problem with this site. Sorry - there are real good pictures of cockpits and other things
  6. Where can I download Nike SAM Launcher, Nike LP Radar, Nike HP Radar ????
  7. I understand! Thanks for ALL!!!
  8. I checked but don't found it. And this link...it doesn't that what I'm looking for... Thanks
  9. Hello! Look at this picture please: As You see this is a MiG-23MF with underwing fuel tank. But it can be used only when the wings are in min angle. To make a higher angle MiG-23 must drop this tanks. And here is problem: I can add new pylons, I can add this tanks but is it possible to "lock" the changing wing angle before the tank is dropped!?!?!?
  10. I think this page is good: http://www.hostultra.com/~migalley/mig31_pictures_1.html
  11. But this picture doesn't look like a "ferry flight"
  12. Good idea!! Poland vs Australia!!! Just a joke... My idea: Poland vs Germany (OPERACJA REWANŻ) that will be good-They have Typhoons , Tornados etc
  13. Rear cockpit: Forward cockpit
  14. Version


    AKU-58 Launcher for MiG-25BM and Su-22M4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everybody !!! As you know ( or not ) some soviet missiles are launched from AKU-58 rail. These missiles are : Kh-29 ,Kh-58 ,Kh-31 ,Kh-35 ( and Kh-59 but it not exist in SF yet ) I don't create an AKU-58 3D model but I use existed "2br" double bomb rack from bunyap weaponpack -it looks very similar. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I include to this mod some others modification: MBD2-500 :Soviet double bomb rack for MiG-25BM/RB, MiG-29 or Mig-27 using "mer" 3D model MBD6-500 :Soviet multiple bomb rack for MiG-25BM/RB using "mer" 3D model Empty Pylon :it's for Su-22M4 because when the internal wings pylons are empty they are not seeing in the game. I never seen the Su-22M4 without this pylons and I think they can't be remowed This attachment only make thise pylons visibility when they are empty. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Used 3D models: "2br", "mer" from Benyap WeaponPack. Original DATA and LOADOUT files for MiG-25BM from Mig-25 package by wpnssgt, usafmtl, tomcat1974, sundowner,ghostrider, deuces and moonjumper. Original DATA and LOADOUT files for Su-22M4 from Michael (Gepard) Su-22M4.
  15. For adding Aircraft: In Le Missionnuer in properties their is a "command" line when you show the editor where is the game (mean: C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe ---you must add this line) For Ground Objects Le Missionnuer needs Grounobjectsdata.ini file which doesn't exist in WOE .You must create it your self
  16. [pl] Wszystko fajnie tylko ,że PSP nigdy nie używały MiG'a-27... [eng] Ewerythink is ok but Polisch Airforce newer used MiG-27...
  17. Hello! I had Strike Fighters Gold Now I have WOE!!!! (patched) and: The service yeas in the game are different that in ...DATA.INI files for some of my planes: For example: A-10A in DATA.ini is 1976-2020 in game 1976-1985 -(original plane from the game WOE) A-12 in DATA.ini is 2005-2040 in game 2005-2010 A-4B in DATA.INI 1957-1970 in game 1957-1970 -EVERYTHINK IS OK (plane from SF Gold) AV-8A Data.ini 1971-1986 in game 1971-1985 -(original plane from the game WOE) F-100D data.ini 1956-1971 in game 1956-1971 -EVERYTHINK IS OK (original plane from the game WOE) F-15A data.ini 1976-1997 in game 1976-1985 -(original plane from the game WOE) f-4J DATA.INI 1966-1982 in game 1966-1982 -EVERYTHINK IS OK MiG-23MF data.ini 1973-1982 in game 1973-1982 -EVERYTHINK IS OK OV-10a data.ini 1965-2000 in game 1965-1985 Su22M4 data.ini 1980-2000 in game 1980-1985 Tu-22k DATA INI 1965-1978 in game 1965-1978-EVERYTHINK IS OK I made some experiment with A-12 and this is result In data.ini I put 1995-2040 game shows 1995-2000 in data.ini I put 1950-1956 game shows 1951-1956!!!! WHAT THE (.......) IS GOIN ON?!?!?!?! When I have SF GOLD everythink was ok!!! HELP PLEASE!!!!!
  18. Rawenclaw_007 and Brain32 You have right !!!!! THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANKS!!!!!!!
  19. I'll try but I think that this file is changing automaticly when I exit the game and save data from the last used in single mission plane. I must check is the data (mean service years) from this file are that same like in data.ini file... Thanks!
  20. I think it is not RAM problem- I play strike fighters gold witch all patch'es with 398 MB RAM... Maby it is a problem with DirectX but If I remember if you have to old DirectX the game will hangs when loading mission. Maby try to upgrade your gaphics card driver...
  21. Looks good, sounds good, and works good but -we don't have MiG-31 (don't care -I'll make a clone of some MiG-25, add fuselage pods for AMOS -it is enough to kill some ammerican's imperialistic (... ) )
  22. Good caliber is the HI CALIBER -122mm sound very good
  23. I'm sure that it hasn't 60 degree off boresight. But I'm not sure does it has 30 or 45 degree of boresight. Older publlication tell 30 degrees but on http://magnum-x.pl/pol/index.php?option=co...8&Itemid=74 (Sorry this side is in polich- look for 31 line of this text) is that R-73 has 45 degree off boresight and it new version R-73M shows on MAKS 97 but not in use by the russian force has 60 degree off boresight ( I'm not sure that this version is in use by India or China ) About ASSRAM I must check.
  24. I say that he say truth. When I make my first install of SF Gold it has been possible. Then when I patch'ed the game this was impossible. I think it is some mistake in the game. When you install patch'es "problem" will gone

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