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Everything posted by Wraith27

  1. I think You can change the angle of the pylon in ...Data.ini file -maby this helps....
  2. If I know R-73 used by russian airforce has only 30 degree for left and for right off boresight. Then 30+30 is 60 degree-Not 60 degree for each side.
  3. US Navy could have it but they take Super Hornet Don't get me wrong: F/A-18E/F is great plane but...
  4. Looks great. Like live! And can you do this: (sorry but I can't found better pictures ) This is a "wjuga" pod for use Ch-25MP/Ch-58U missiles on Su-22M4( F-16 has somethink like that for use HARM's - I don't remember how it's name in english...)
  5. I use for AMRAAM's british 2IR rack(changed for USN 2AR). But it works only when it is declared in loadout.ini file. I think that when it be changed in game loadout menu the game takes first exist rack from top of the weapondata.ini file. If there exist 2 dual AHM rack's (for example for USN) program take's the first only.
  6. Hello everybody! I think I have a problem with one file: AIRCRAFTOBJECT.INI Can somebody SHOW (only) me this file on CA. It exist in all TW series games but I want to show the from WOV or WOE. Im interesting that lines wher is something about bombing ,rocket launch etc.. Thanks!
  7. And are they moving after you when you flying nearly? (means launchers)
  8. Maby You "broke" something in weapondata.ini file... Are the SA-2 on their rails ???
  9. If I know it doesn't. And the AT-6 doesn't it to! Mayby the earlier version had spiral trajectory but there was some problems with it and later they make it fly over the targeting line. And small correction: 9M120 names "Ataka" it is a modification of AT-6, Vikhr is 9K121....
  10. Sukhoi T-4 or T-4MS will be nice to...anybody works on them?
  11. You have right! It disapeard!?!?!?!?!?
  12. What is "JS-37" You mean JA-37 Viggen?
  13. Where!!! that mean WHEN !!!! Give it to me!!!!
  14. I'll look for them immediately Thanks!!!
  15. Its strange because I have this pack but I don't have this new R-27 version.... But maby I think about somethink else... Is this weaponpack exist on CA downloads???
  16. Why are You do this people?!?!?!?!? The MiG-29 (9-12,9-13) who has 6 wings pylons can carry ONLY 2 R-27 missiles. ONLY MiG-29M/K with 8 wings pylons take 4 R-27... P.S. What is: "TMF Wep Pak" ?????
  17. Hello! This is the russian WIP air-to-air rockets! As you see the K-74M is only the modification of R-73 and K-30 looks like AIM-132 ASRAAM. You can take it's 3d model and make new russian missiles The tests of K-74M starts in 1994(?) but russians don't produced it. Now they are work on the K-74M2. I will be avaible in ~2010 and will have paramiters like AIM-9X. The second missile will be avaible in ~2013.
  18. Jeśli dobrze kumam to uzbrajasz swój samolot ręcznie tzn w menu gry. Jeśli tak to możesz też tam uzbroić inne samoloty w eskadrze. Natomiast, żeby wsio było automatycznie to nazwy uzbrojenia w pliku LOADOUT.ini muszą być takie same jak te które widzisz w weaponedytorze. Ktoś tam Ci pisał zebys ściągnął weaponpacka więc to zrób jak go nie masz.
  19. Hello!! Small question: I download the Jak-25B. I install it. then I fly, I fly, I fly and have seen that it hasn't got a weapon bay door. WAY!!!!

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