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Everything posted by Wraith27

  1. I didn't know that... but it's very interesting. Thanks!
  2. Eject! Now! -that was the last words of russian pilot....
  3. Hello! I have small problem with AUTOMATIC baydoors open in some planes: For example: f-23,firefox and f-106 have declare more then one weapon bay in DATA.ini files. The 3d model has only one bay. All declared weapon bays in data.ini file have that same animationID. And here is the result. When I launched weapon from first or second weapon bay it,s not open but weapon is launching. Only when I fire the weapon from last declared in data.ini weapon bay every thing is ok: first the bay open's and then the weapon launch. There is no problem with F/A-37 Talon. It has three declared weaponbays in data.ini file but each has the different animationID. Has anybody some propositions for this problem? Is it possible to fix it?
  4. It looks like the MiG-29K but I see only six wing weapon pods - MiG-29K has eight!
  5. Hello! I Download the mission editor "le missineur.. 06" from check-six and it needs the objectdata.ini file. My SF Gold and SFP4 don't have this file. Enybody fix this problem? Thanks!
  6. Hello everybody! I play the anti-ship missions with all warships that I found. And i saw thet all warships has only wan missile launcher. For example Forrestal ,Enterprise or H. Trumman have two sparrow or sm-1 launchers but one is unable. Long Beach has two teriier and one talos launcher but only one terrier works. I add the styx missiles to nanuchka 2 with sa-n-4 launcher and effect was terrible! Styx missiles move with sa-n-4 launcher. I try to fix it in Data.ini file ,change the missile ID, add new gunner for styx etc. nothing works! I saw that same ships has second launcher in data.ini file but it is unable with ";" .Is it possible that Strike fighters dont see two or more missile launchers on one ship? Enybody fix or work on this problem??? Thanks!!!
  7. I have this extractor but I didn't found this file! I'll look for it again Thanks!
  8. Hello everybody! J have two big problems with my SFG: 1: When I installed the hawk missile battery the hawk launcher fire all three missile in the same time. I change the ...data.ini file where all three missile have the same ID=1 for different value of each missile(1,2,3). Now my launchers fire only one missile :( other two stand on rails. For example: In battery there are 6 launchers, everyone fire one missile and thats all. Battery doesn't fire but it has 12 missiles on rails.( I have the same problem with SA-3 battery) 2:I fly INTERCEPT mission. When I see enemy fighters/bombers ( they are on STRIKE misssion) and they are equipted with guided weapon ( missiles,bombs-laser,TV,gps,radio...) they don't attack there target. They fly over it and return home base. Only where they are armed with dumb bombs every think is ok. Thanks everyone who have any idea!!!
  9. I can change loadout.ini file and J do it. Planes only don't drop the guided weapon in enemy Strike mission. If I ordered them to attack with guided weapon's they do it. It look's stupid when I must equipted talon's or f-23's with Mk84 for strike missioon. Thanks!!
  10. Yes but now I have all exist patch'es(for SF GOLD-4 Patch"es) and weapon pack from Bunyap's Weapons Pack Aircraft Database
  11. Hello Wrench! This problem is in all my planes. I'm sure theat the F-15E has this problem.SEAD missins is ok. Planes attack their targets. I Have SF Gold witch all patch'es, weapon pack, and Desert terrain . I think this problem is not in loadout.ini and data.ini files- I know how to edit this files and I don't have problem with it (I think). For example when I fly STRIKE mission and i ordered my wingmen or squadron to attack ground and they are equipted with guided weapons they do this without problem!! Only where I spotted enemy STRIKE mission and I think(I dont remember) where I eskort my strike mission there is the same problem.In my oryginal game (without mods,patch'es etc.) there exist guided weapon but all planes have the loadout.ini files for strike missions with dumb bombs. Mayby this game hasn't got some .dll files for it and there are in WOE, WOW or P1??? Thanks for help!!
  12. If I know the later production version of the Su-27 and it clones(Su-30,Su-33,Su-34...), has 12 weapon pods. There are 2 new internal pods pods on the wings. On the pictures of Su-34 I don't see it! Why?
  13. the other weapon bays are automatic! You can change it in the DATA.ini file. And I have small problem : The left wing of my A-12 is white without texture and I don't know way? Sorry but I dont have a pictutre now... Any propositions?
  14. Hello! on the www.thirdwire.com site in downloads section(patch"es for your game) you have found the link to the upgrade for directx 9.0c version 04.07 if i remember (I have the same problem with my SF Gold and its help)
  15. Is it possible to change the campaign weather? For example I want that the weather will be "clear" in all missions. Thanks!!
  16. I found some mistakes in loadout.ini files for MiG-29 and Tu-16C: First the MiG-29: all version of mig29 witch have 6 wing pylons can carry only 2 R-27 missiles. [AirToAir] -------------------------------------{earlier loadout} Loadout[01].WeaponType=R-60M Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=R-60M Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=R-73 {this pylon can carry only R-73 or R-60 air to air weapons} Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType=R-73 {this pylon can carry only R-73 or R-60 air to air weapons} Loadout[06].Quantity=1 Loadout[07].WeaponType=R-27R Loadout[07].Quantity=1 Loadout[08].WeaponType=R-27R Loadout[08].Quantity=1 [AirToAir] -------------------------------------{later loadout} Loadout[01].WeaponType=R-73 Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=R-73 Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=R-73 Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType=R-73 Loadout[06].Quantity=1 Loadout[07].WeaponType=R-27R Loadout[07].Quantity=1 Loadout[08].WeaponType=R-27R Loadout[08].Quantity=1 Later version of the MiG-29 (S,SM,SMT) can carry 6 R-77 missiles Only the MiG-29M and MiG-29K witch have 8 wing pylons can carry 4 R-27 plus 4 R-73 missiles but there are not avaible for the Strike Fighters series yet. And now short about Tu-16C: if I know it can't carry Kh-22 missiles. Now thats all buy!!
  17. If J know, to add a pylon you must change something in 3Dmodel of aircraft but I can't do this. But I have an another question: FROM WHERE GET YOU THE SU-27 !?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
  18. When i installed "blod for oil" campaign ther is no aircraft carier. My plane stand on the water. I installed the the CVN75 too and there is the same problem. my game didn's see it. I have "Strike fighters gold" Heeeeelp please!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. WHERE I cam find F-23 or F-22 or Mig-31 or Su-27????
  20. I found It now but before i didn't see it- I don't know whay... . Thanks
  21. Where I can find F-23 for Strike Fighters????

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