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Everything posted by Tipari

  1. maYBe TaHT sI is siGN tHat YUo Ned neW vEEDEo crad! I SalE yuO v.GooD Crad, ATIGTIGeFarceRAdon 10500 VoodO 7 GTz, foR v.CheEp PriCE. iS nOw AVailaBL aS Both AGiP 17x and PCe XprEss 5.oH!!!!! CraD not CRap, iS maD by DediCated WorKERs in secRET FacTOry unDEr ProtecTioN LatVIan MafiA!!!! Evan CrAYoLA SkinS maD to LoOK clearR, wit v.Much DeTALe! Yuo InsteresT, yEs?
  2. Simmer down, simmer down

    wHAtz Dis ThAng SiMMer DowN? USed FoR tO StuF TeH piLLoWz or MattRASZ? MaYBe LiNE aN InSUlAt JaKiTZ? WeLL, I kNo DaT wiTh ReleeSe PatCK SePtem 08, ManY Here rEAliZe Dat PCs ThaY Habe r nOw 2 slOW!!! So, I taK tehTime 2 OffER yuo V,Good n FasT Sistams WiT Da LMD Core6D ProCESSaser! CoRE6D is 3D x2! Is Da BioTchn' BesT! LMD = LatVIAn MAFIa DeSIGn. ANy1 InTReSted, PleSe RepoND. buT Do So v.Soon, DiS MacHines Sal V.QuiklY!
  3. Is C5 going the way of CA?

    Wat YUO SAy!!!111!!
  4. Is C5 going the way of CA?

    DaT lOOk LiKe mA CouSIn MoraY....hE is iNto PolhOtaiRtiCians....hey MoOderatoRs..why Ma IPAdresThinGK SaY aM fROM SaMPLacE OtheR TaHN TiPaRi LanDs?
  5. Is C5 going the way of CA?

    Da musT iMpoTint ThIn wIt TipaRi is dA lenTgFh. I VeRY mUCh OpPosed TO Any1s DiScrimINatin AginSt TIpari, AnyWher. We Are V.TighT-nit Grope, An wE ReSeNt OutSid InVolvmeNt in TiPari AffaIrs. I sHow Dis Post to CousIn Moray, an he bEside HimSElf WiT anGer. He MensIon someTHing bOut ProxiMity of Some PipplEs hErE to San FranCisco.
  6. LIk I try SaY YasTerDay BeFiR som Bad MoOderator Get InVolved aN DeLeetE My ResPoNs, MayBe TanCZ FaLleN ofF wheN YuO NoT LooKIn? MayBE YoU noT LooKin On TiP O' WinG WhEr dAy BeloNGs? MaYBE PRabLaM ReaLY Do To BaD VIDeo CRad. If YuO WanT, I SAL Yuo BraN Nu, LatVIAn maD, ATI MCI GTI 336900 AgiP CRad. Is AgIP 17x!! V.PawErFOOl Crad Dat SaLVe All Yuo VIdeO PrABs. YoU LIk? I AlsO Hab ENVEEDEa GFarCE 9900 SupRA ULtrO CraD, AlSO maD in LatVIA. I SAL BotH V.CHeEp.
  7. Lack of Aale Sightings

    Nosliece uz noziedzību......
  8. Lack of Aale Sightings

    YUo chOkin, MeeSTer USFAMATEL, beCUSE Of aLl da BoOtLag PaRTs In Yur PC. I knO YuO habe Da BoOtLAg VidIo CrAd madE by UnScrupulus LaTVIan MafIA-TYPe HooDlams....ATI MCI GTI 336 Is No LiGiTIMat MOdaL FrOM ATI CorP.

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