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Everything posted by 542Tiger

  1. BLT Statis Report..............
  2. Guys, Yall' are doing an outstanding job. I've downloaded and did some runs. It is neat and cool. Let me introduce myself, I'm 331Killerbee. (I go by 542tiger nowadays) I along with alot of close friends did the first "Weapons Pack" nearly 5+ Years ago. We started off with 97 stock Weapons in the SFP1 days (Prior to any WOX Versions) With a new Editor, No Weapons Animations and doing all the editting by hand. We had no ECM (Chaff-Flares) and some Effects. I started out by making the LAU-62 Flare Pod, which I think is still in there somewhere, and made the first LGB's Fly. At last count, I had some 2200+ Weapons in one Load. Man, We've come a long way. After some suggesting, TK gave us Weapons animations around Patch 2 with the Mk.82 Snakeyes, then shortly afterwards, Flares and then ECM. Many of the first Modders dealing with the Weapons Packs were either retired ex-military Ordnancemen or on current or active duty Military at the time. Myself, a 20 year retired USMC Ordnanceman that also worked for the Department of Energy involving Weapons. Thus, this is mostly why the US-NATO Inventory is much greater in scope and substance. Yes, We tried to include it all. Marking Rockets, Inert Bombs and Rockets and ect....The thinking was to be as "Real" as it gets. And We also had a Target Range to practice on. Our major Problem was the lack of information on Warsaw Pac- USSR Weapons back then. We just didn't have enough information at the time. Others have come along to fill in the gap over the years and I do like very much what lindr2 and others are doing in this area. It's good to see that our work on the "Weapons Team" has not been in vein. For what it's worth, Keep up the good work and remember........ If it doesn't have Ordnance, It's just another commerical Flight. Semper Fi! 331KillerBee
  3. RF-8

    Something about Recon Birds...I've seen you guys doing alot of work in this area. Something worth looking into is in the Archive over at SimHq in the "First Years" about minipulating the Views .ini in the Flight Folder.........Some neat things there. Look for work done by a guy named by Lobo.....An early guy from the community that's no longer with us, and Me.
  4. RF-8

    For the Ole' Schooler's...Contact Me via using the PM here addresse to 542tiger......I'm able to check about once maybe twice a Week. For the New Guy's.......I'll introduce Myself.......I'm 331KillerBee.....The one and only (If it's like something)...Ha Ha Recce RF-8's are just so sleek and fast not to do...........Low Level Recce is the best. Close up and personal. Like to see one.
  5. RF-8

    Aw heck.....Just stuff John Glenn in a Sader.....It'll work
  6. RF-8

    How about Operation "Harvest Moon" with the OTC Terrain..........Hmmm. I'll need a Recce Sader.. Coolest Community.......Bar none.
  7. RF-8

    Holy Sh***T, It's BLT........
  8. RF-8

    Not totally Back........But always watching You Guys do wounderful things.
  9. RF-8

    Look Foward to it.......AKA 331KillerBee

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