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Everything posted by 542Tiger

  1. "Yankee Team" Night Photo Flight to Laos 1965. VFP-63 Det. C, CVW-11 USS Kitty Hawk.
  2. What's the File Format to do this? Tiger, this post requeires you post a screenshot, I will erase this entry tomorrow. Thanks.
  3. USMC Fast Facs

  4. Thanks Sid, But You don't need a .CAT File in the Terrains Folder anymore...... I'll use the Range as an example. Make a Folder in Your Mod Folder as "Terrains". You know, C:\Documents\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2\....Terrain. In the Terrain Folder, A Folder containing all Files pretaining to "Range" be installed. As before, We needed a .Cat File renamed to whatever for the Terrain to work.........NOT ANY MORE. In "Range.INI" you'll need to change this CatFile=Desert.CAT to CatFile=C:\StrikeFighters2\Terrains\Desert.CAT Just point it to the Terrains File in the "Core" of the Game to the .CAT File, That's it. No more copying the .CAT over to that particular Terrain Folder and Re-nameing........ This new Version will make cleaner Installs.......Very Cool! 331KB
  5. I understand about the Weapons needing a Tool. Effects not working yet.........But has anybody added a Terrain yet? 331KB
  6. I own all Third Wire Titles. (Except FE) Been modin' this line since 2002...... Snoopy's Gone. Last time he was operating was WOI Apr.2008 Patch. Oct. Patch.....He's there but quit working. SF2, Not even included...... I'll miss Ole' Snoopy........ Semper Fi! 331KB
  7. How Southern are yew?

    Born: East Tennessee Retired: East Tennessee Will Die....: East Tennessee What part of Dixie don't Yall' understand... SF 331KB
  8. Yep.....He's gone :cray: WOI with Apr.2008 Patch was the last of him. FAC as a Mission was dropped with WOV Oct.2008. I confirmed this by other A/C_Data.ini's that once had "FAC" as a secondary Mission, Such as A-4B....and ect. I'll miss him..... 331KB
  9. As of Oct.2008 Patch, He was...........Maybe... In the O-1E_Data.ini... [RocketAttackAI] RollInRange=4000.0 RollInAlt=700.0 PullOutRange=800.0 PullOutAlt=175.0 ReleaseRange=2000.0 SecondPassRange=3000.0 SecondPassAlt=500.0 ReleaseCount=1 <<< Interesting! ReleaseInterval=1.0 AimPitchOffset=0.0 In the O-1E_Loadout.ini........ [FAC] Loadout[01].WeaponType=HVAR Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=HVAR Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=HVAR Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=HVAR Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=HVAR Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType=HVAR Loadout[06].Quantity=1 Loadout[07].WeaponType=HVAR Loadout[07].Quantity=1 Loadout[08].WeaponType=HVAR Loadout[08].Quantity=1 With the improved AI, Maybe......... 331KB
  10. In fact.........FAC Missions doesn't work at all for any A/C. Just get the Snoopy Call from the Ground, But no Snoopy.......
  11. Does any of Yall' know how We can simulate ARBS? (Angle Rate Bombing System) Used on A-4M's, OA-4M's and Early AV-8B's. 331KB
  12. More like a Mavrick seeker head on the nose of the A/C. It was intergrated to a CCIP Computer. I Think..... KB
  13. Comming Soon....... Happy Holidays! Semper Fi! 331KillerBee (542Tiger)

    You must be releated to My Ex-Wife............
  15. Some look into the Future........Still working on them Tho'........ Semper Fi! KB
  16. Soulfreak is right. The Chaff/Flare Buckets location is in the Aft section of the inner Pylons. These are the USAF/NATO variants only. KB
  17. View File USMC Fast Facs Gunny's brought Yall' a Holiday Gift.... :yes: USMC TA-4F Skyhawk II "Fast FAC's by 331Killerbee This Mod represents the 24 Aircraft the Marine Corps used as "Fast Facs" durning the Veitnam War. TA-4F's were used as "Fast Facs" by three "Hams" Units. "Hams" is Marine jargon for Headquaters and Maintence Squadrons. (OMD) 16 Aircraft were operated by H&MS-11 out of Da Nang AB. H&MS-12 operated6 Aircraft out of Chu Lai AB. H&MS-13 operated just 2 out of Chu Lai. This Mod reflects that with the proper Serials for each Squadron as they operated in the Republic of Veitnam. Credits: Fracture for his great Model of the TA-4J and Templetes. Thanx a bunch! My many Friends in the Strike Fighters World. Thanx for the Fun! INSTALLATION: Please Read Carefully! First you need a Copy of Fracture's TA-4J You can obtain one at Combatace under Strike Fighters Downloads under the Aircraft Section Under A-4 Skyhawks. Copy one File: TA-4J.Lod over to the TA-4F File provided here. That's it. No Re-Nameing of anything. No messing with the Weapons Editor.......That's it! Then have Fun! For Questions and Comments, I can be PM'd here by the callsign 542tiger ala' 331Killerbee... Happy Holidays! Semper Fi! 331KillerBee (542tiger) Submitter 542Tiger Submitted 12/24/2008 Category A-4 Skyhawk Skins  
  18. Very Cool! Thanx Pappy and Semper Fi!
  19. TA-4F H&HS-24 Bandits

    Very Cool.....Thanx Pappy!
  20. Thanks Guys.....Hope to do some things for the Community in the near future.

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