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About keith

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    Portsmouth, England

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  1. Guys Reformatted, loaded Windows 7 RC, installed WoE to c:\Thirdwire\, reloaded WoE - works fine Patch up to October2008b - ctd at 80% - no error report or message Tried running as administrator and UAC set to 1
  2. MigBuster - no, no mods. I just downloaded the March 2009 DX9 but no joy. Strange, cause WoV works perfectly with the new patch, but I really want to fly the ODS! Guess Domino'll have to go... Priorities, after all.
  3. Guys, i've searched for an answer on the forums but the search facility won't allow 3 letter terms - so I can't search for 'ctd' and '60%'... Anyways. XP SP3 Macbook Pro 2.66 4gb, Nvidia 9600m GT. Totally clean formatted disk. Load up WOE 080306 from dvd - fine. Patch to Oct2008b - ctd at 60% on all plane loading screens. No debug info, no direct x message. All was fine under Windows 7, but I have to use XP as Lotus Domino won't run on Vista - d'oh! Any ideas fellas? Actually - it just got to 80% before cr*pping out...
  4. w00t! Fabulous! I always was a prop-head! Just can't get into IL2FB though. This is real fun!
  5. zmatt - edit your data.ini (e.g. Midway_Data.ini) in your Terrain (e.g. Terrain\Midway) folder. Change these lines: [NormalTextureMaterial] UseEffectShader=FALSE <------------------ change from TRUE to FALSE EffectShaderName=TerrainEffect.fx DepthBufferCheck=TRUE [WaterTextureMaterial] UseEffectShader=FALSE <------------------ change from TRUE to FALSE EffectShaderName=WaterEffect.fx DepthBufferCheck=TRUE
  6. I have edited and recompiled the weapondata.ini but the Rufe has no floats.
  7. Hi Baltika - the problem is with all carrier-based squadrons - US or Japan. I have the CV-5 folder and I am running the program as administrator in XP SP2 compatibility mode. I have checked the permissions of the CV-5. The mission opens with me sitting in my cockpit but a second (and third) plane slowly moves 'through' my own. The F6 view is disabled. F2 and F3 work but F10 gives me an aerial view of my plane and one other - which runs into and merges with my own at a 45 degree angle... If I engage the autopilot my plane takes off - but the F10 view remains with the 'other' plane! Would I be better off restarting with a WoV install rather than SFP1?
  8. Thanks Kevin, I appreciate the advice
  9. Hey guys, just returned after a spell playing with my new toy - B-Bender Fender Baja Telecaster! Anyways... I am running SFP1 patched to under Windows 7 b7077 on a Macbook Pro. The sim runs fine. I used to have performance probs running Baltika's BoB mod on my old Acer but the MBP runs it fine. I have downloaded all the required files, weapons pack, recompiled the gundata and weapondata inis. 1. When starting from the carrier in single missions, the flights start from about 500 yards to port of the carrier. 2. In campaign mode, some of the AI take off 'through' my plane, and the carrier and support ships are invisible. 3. After exiting from any flight using the 'esc' key, the sim crashes straight to the desktop. Any ideas?
  10. In BoB I usually start out as Pilot Officer and quite quickly transfer to Ensign in my inflatable dingy...
  11. Baltika I flew the first mission for the Stuka this morning. However the target ships were all sailing in London..! Is there an INI setting I can twiddle with to fix this? Keith

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