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Everything posted by keith

  1. AAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! Started up SFG today and - torpedos won't fire!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can fire the LAW-AT rocket from the Bomb Bay but not the torpedos. I guess it's because they are guided. Am I being very dumb and not using the targetting system properly? This is my sequence: 1. Fly around with my mates looking for action 2. Find some cargo ships 3. Get a red square on on of the ships - target info says "Primary target" etc etc 4. Get ship in sights 5. Open bomb bay doors 6. Press "#" and select Mk13 torpedo 7. Press ENTER --------------- nothing! 8. Shoot ship with pop-guns and go home... 9. Jump into the Kate and dothe exact same thing with the Mk92 Torpedo - same result. Sorry to be such a n00b but maybe someday someone else will be as dopey as me and I will be able to help them out. Keith
  2. Kevin I changed the weaponClass to EOGR,LGR,IOGR,BOMB and set the start and end dates in the WEAPONDATA.INI and all is now good! Now - I'm going to try and slow the torpedo down a bit... Many thanks for your help as always
  3. Thanks for the quick reply Kevin! Unfortunately this has made no difference - I can load up the weapon in the hangar and my 6 AI buddies will fire it at my target - but when I press Enter nothing happens - same for the Beau and the Kate...
  4. Need your votes to win a contest, please!

    Done - lovely kitties!
  5. My Man! Downloaded this yesterday, I'll install it tonight/tomorrow. Have to say all my time is spent above the Channel at the moment... which is your fault!
  6. I fully understand Baltika - thanks for the explanation! Your work is giving me hours of fun!
  7. Baltika Will v6 include the new gun convergence sttings etc?
  8. Volunteer here for a Portsmouth (pawtsmiff) accent!
  9. Guys I can find plenty of help for setting up the F5 view in First Eagles, I have extracted/edited the ViewList.in file, but this does not seem to work in SFP1 - I end up about 10 feet above the cockpit looking forwards... Is there a different edit available to fix this? TIA
  10. Hi Capun, thanks for getting back so quick! I used SFP1E to extract the file to the Flight directory
  11. Chaps, I am experienceing severe fps hits when first encountering multiple enemy aircraft. the FPS turns into a slideshow just as I am within shooting range, just enough to make it impossible to shoot the enemy down... Strange thing is, it only lasts a few moments, then on subsequent passes there are no problems. Any ideas? System spec: Acer 9504wsmi Pentium M 760 2Ghz, 2Gb RAM, 100Gb 7200rpm HDD, ATI x700 256Mb, XP Home SP2, 1280 x 768 res. Graphics: Medium, Mirrors: Off, Horizon: Near
  12. SFP1 Performance question

    All happy Now! I also reinstalled BoB over SPG instead of WoV - dunno if tat made a difference Many thanks Gerald14
  13. re: MiG message - it was in the Me109E 3 Hangar screen. I think the problem may be that I had used a WoV install instead of SFP1 for BoB. I have since reinstalled over SFG and alles ist gut! This is getting better and better! What a fantastic community!
  14. SFP1 Performance question

    Thanks for that Gerald14 - I'll have another go tonight.
  15. Baltika, 1) I have noticed in some of the briefing messages for Luftwaffe strike missions that the objective is to protect bombers from enemy MiGs - where is this data held? 2) When on escort missions, I never seem to meet up with the bombers I am meant to be escorting... Keith
  16. I have been playing WoV and WoE for a while now, with several WoV installs (BoB, Korea, MiG Aces) but up to now I have been using VietnamSEA.cat for my catfile. I am looking forward to Desert Storm so I thought I'd get a copy of SF1 for the Desert.cat file. I just installed it into my BoB install and WHAMMO ! loads of scenery, ground objects etc etc have appeared by magic! I can actually see the runway and taxiways... I recommend anyone who intends to download campaigns, missions etc to get hold of a copy of SFP1 or SF Gold, or you will be missing out on some superb scenery. anyone tried air racing in IL-2? WOT A SCREAM! Could we do that in SFP1? Even single player it's a real hoot!
  17. Flatulants Roll Call

  18. Woo Hoo! Spitfire 2B! I can shred 4 JU-88s in 1 pass! Got the lot in 2 passes! I Am Invincible! Huge grin on my face now! At last it's worth taking off, cruising to the action and flying all the way home to touchdown...
  19. Baltika Thank you so much for your very helpful advice. I am just loving the BoB campaign - IL2 and BoB2WoV are all very well but it's nice to get a chance to win now and again! Looking forward to v5.7, 5.8...........10.5
  20. Guys Not sure if this is the right thread/forum but I was flying the ME109 last night and could hardly control it at all! The plane is twitchy enough but the slightest touch on the rudder had her yawing and oscillating all over the sky... Is it me? Also, I can spend all evening pumping bullets into a JU-88 and large bits fall off, smoke billows out, both engines stop, but it just won't hit the dirt! Just cruises off back home! And the gunners still shoot at me even though I must have completely destroyed all human life aboard... Please excuse if these are beginner questions but I am a beginner flyer!
  21. There's something spooky about Creedance Clearwater Revival and Wings over Vietnam... Real music, real planes! Here I am listening to Fogerty on my mp3 player in the office and my mind is in my Crusader cockpit just going 'Feet Dry', SHOWTIME on the r/t and a bunch of B29s over to my right... I play FSX, BoB2:WoV and IL2:1946 but there's something about the TW series that keeps on drawing me back in. I have just installed the BoB campaign (used the SEAVietnam cat file so no airfield buildings) and it's a real blast! BoB2 is great but you struggle just to survive and IL2 has no atmosphere but WoV is easy to enjoy. I use TrackIR4+ProClip, AudioFX Headset (FOGERTY!!!!) and Saitek Aviator stick. Acer 9504WLMi, 2Gb Ram, Pentium M 760 2Ghz, ATI X700 256Mb, 100Gb 7200rpm HDD.
  22. Where can I download this? I can't find it in the download section...

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