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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Bump! Guys, what happend with J-7 projects? Are they abadoned or stopped? Hope not EDIT: and what about IL-10 WIP? Damn needed plane for Korea theatre
  2. Mig-21 komplet

    Servus Dobrý nápad mať veci pokope Práve downloadujem :yes:
  3. S-105

    Check your PM, please :yes: Mmm, sounds veeeryyyy good. So I feel good mods in the air
  4. MiG-19S WIP

    Of course :good: Thank you
  5. MiG-21 MF

    Pekne Ti to ideeeeee :good:
  6. Korejská Válka

    JJ, Geove mašiny sú parádne. Ešte pred patchom mi sekali, ale stačilo zmazať alebo vypnúť tiene. Sko je to teraz po najnovšom patchi, neviem. A o tom M24 som teda nefedel No a hlavne že našli tie trable v modeloch. Holt, sú to "koumáci"
  7. MiG-19S WIP

    I think there are no substantial inprovements in Mig-17/19 etc models in WOI. And no Mig-15s are in WOI. There is one as WIP with its own pit by Pasko and starfighter2. And I saw one as WIP by Thirdwire in Thirdwire Sneak Peaks topic.
  8. MiG-19S WIP

    :fans: :spartak:
  9. MiG-19S WIP

    Better and better Braking chute planned too?
  10. S-105

    I have no diameter, lentgth etc parameters (just fuel "load" - 608kg) I used those from 540l tank, becouse I think it is PTB-760, but called 540l. I suppose that it is right model, but wrong name. As I said, for S-105 I have PTB-760 (edited "540l" model). I have just suggetion for your Mig project. I found picture of PTB-760 in 4+ publication. You have it I suppose. But check your PM too :yes:
  11. S-105

    I have one suggestion for your Mig-19 project - new drop fuel tanks models. I use with S-105 540l tanks from Bunys weps pack - renamed and reskined to PTB-760 drop tank. But model is relatively old, and we have new detail standards today. Just suggestion :yes:
  12. S-105

    As modder you are free create model you want
  13. S-105

    Well, there is something... Something... Something for what I have right word in that Mig :yes: Chine used them veeeery looong. This fact say many about Mig-19 qualities Looky forwar to maped parts for S-105. Beta looks and works damn GREAT :good: As I wrote, when I started S-105 project I hade just simple idea - repaint and new FM. In its hi beta phase it is much much much more than I supposed when I started. Hope you enjoy your new Mig-19 project, becouse this mean that you will use all your skill to make damn nice mod
  14. She is waiting for polish hands I think :yes:
  15. Upper citation is from October 2008 patches for ALL ThirdWire Sims has been released topic. I noticed the same problem with WOE. Stary, my Polish friend, heeeeelp please
  16. Calling CA_Stary

    Siemka panowie Sorry for english, but we have BIIIIG problem. After newest (october) patch we have no Starys trees showed in game. Concretely WOE and WOV (I did not tried another tree mods). Starys PM box is full. Last seen on 23th september. So he is away/bussy probably. But maybe you have contacts on him. Edit: here is link on threat: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry208785 As was posted there, Stary is away. But it possible that problem will be fixed without "bothering" Stary :yes:
  17. Calling CA_Stary

    Problem was in core game files. Problem fixed.
  18. I made fresh instal from backuped WOE (unpatched) and works good after newest patch:
  19. Októóooooobrové patche

    Mmm, vypátra to, že stromy by mali byť fixnuté: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...807&start=8 Ale zatiaľ to nemôžem čeknúť bo musím padať preč
  20. Októóooooobrové patche

    Nooo, sledujem to tiež. Som zvedavý ako to celé dopadne
  21. Pssst... Do not stress him...

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