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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. S-105

    OKi, if I understand it right: you meant those small intakes on fuselage, right? And delete them. I found in LOD needed lines, so i can "delete" those original intakes from fuselage Please confirm if it is what you need for redone intakes (and whose intakes concretely you want have deleted. There are another small intakes on the sides of engine section). If yes, I will sent you edited S-105_data.ini
  2. Replace R-13M I suppose you have some WOx/SFP1 install with Bunyaps weps pack installed, and you have some install with WOI and latest Mirage factory weps pack installed ( http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7362 ) 1) open Weapons folder (in install where you have Bunys Wep pack) and find WEAPONDATA.ini 2) open WEAPONDATA.ini (with notepad for example) and find R-13M You will see something like this [WeaponDataxxxx] TypeName=R-13M FullName=R-13M Atoll-C ModelName=aa-2d Mass=88.500000 Diameter=0.127000 Length=2.837000 ... ... ... ... There is R-13M/aa-2d model name (mean LOD name). You need find everything named aa-2d (LOD, ini etc). AA-2R is not included in Weapons folder. You need CAT extractor ( CLICK ME! ) for extracting needed files from ObjectData.CAT 3) so you have CAT extractor installed. Open extractor, find ObjectData.CAT in Objects folder (in install where you have Bunys pack installed). In ObjectData.CAT find AA-2D files --- there are three AA-2D files plus you need extract fourth file named AA-2.BMP (AA-2D LOD using AA-2.BMP) AA-2D.ini AA-2D.LOD AA-2D_LOD002.LOD AA-2.BMP Now we are going to WOI, where you want replace R-13M model: 4) Back up WOI R-13M folder content -- move it to safe place (R-13M folder is in WOI Weapons folder ------ Wings Over Israel\Objects\Weapons\R-13M). Than copy four extracted AA-2 files into R-13M folder in your WOI Wepons folder. 5) open WOI WEPONDATA.ini with Weaponeditor (you have set Weponeditor compatibility in properties to Win95 of course). Find AA-2D and rename 3D model name from R-13M to AA-2D 6) click SAVE button and close Weaponeditor That is it. Now you can load R-13M model from Bunys pack. Way for R-3S/AA-2 is similar. You just work with AA-2 files (Bunys pack) and WOI R-3S folder.
  3. S-105

    Ouuuha. Good news. Will be cool have multiple warheads for UB-16/32, ORO-57K rocket pods Mmm, well, no easy way get OUT file from install. Not included in any CAT file I think. Is it possible use LOD and Hex editor for finding needed parts? Mmm, or ask TK for OUT...
  4. S-105

    Rgr that! And looky forward to your stuff I have low info about OARS-57 rocket for ORO rocket pod, so for this time no new version is planned. ORO-57K firing S-5 for test:
  5. S-105

    I see veery nice Migs Seriously: I see both S-105 variants. Closer plane is earlier plane with shorter "finn fillet" and second plane is with later longer "finn fillet". This is exactly what is needed for Czechoslovak S-105 (and in general for Mig-19S) look :good: :good: Thank you :cray:
  6. S-105

    Rgr that :yes: It is not hard make it I hope. If you will have time for it and you will make it, it is the last part for external model. Skins are finished, ORO pod with basic rocket model is finished, FM finished. Than it will be possible make pack with both bit different versions whose served in our AF. I am sorry again for my english. Project looks very good in this WIP phase. Looky forward to final version
  7. S-105

    Sent you last update in PM. Sometimes it is hard comunicate with me and my english, I know Now we have first production version finished with your stuff. Second version is diffirend just in longer tail part. I feel very good mod in the air :ph34r:
  8. S-105

    DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looking ABSOLUTELY AMAZING :fans:
  9. S-105

    Not necessary have Hi-detail model, becouse S-105 is just stock Mig-19S adaptation So nice gunsight and different tail section is needed to get wanted S-105 look. Most different from stock Mig-19S is flight model
  10. S-105

    Simply: PERFECT!!!!!
  11. CZ-SK Projects

    Yes, I have read it. Hope your computer will be OK soon. And you too Good luck :yes:
  12. HDD Crash Virus

    Maybe some stuff will be lost (I hope no), but your enthusiasm was not hit (I am sure)
  13. Korejská Válka

    Do kelu s tým Pre First Eagles jeden maník prerobil takme všetky (ak nie všetky) FM na nový štandard. Ale hold je mnoho mašín. A v mojom prípade žiadne skúsenosti s FM tweaking. A je mi tooo protiii, srstííííííí na NORMAL Čo sa udialo medzi tými maníkmi neviem. Že to nie je dobré naznačovalo jednak vytvorenie vlastného fóra A-Teamu a pár diplomatických postov okolo toho. ALe prečo, to som neskúmal, tak naozaj nefim
  14. Korejská Válka

    Tu som videl nejaký fix pre vrtuľového Skyraidera od Razbamu (vraj blbol aj freewarový). Možno to čosi pomôže: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=32300
  15. If you are talking about these pits: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6917 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6225 You still need f-100d_cockpit.LOD becouse both pits are based on F-100 pit. If you have no f-100d_cockpit.LOD in your cockpit folder, you need extract it (I am not sure if it is included in WOI, but you can extract it from other WOx/SFP1 installs).
  16. Korejská Válka

    Ešte nemám nainštalovanú Koreu s novým patchom. Ale už aj padám si jednu takú urobiť :yes: EDIT: už mám nainštalovanú Kóreu s novým patchom... Banshee nefunguje (ale na easy difficulty/FM a Germany_ce teréne lietala v pohode). Vrtuľové mašiny blbly už na ranweji... Na HARD settings. No nepáči sa mi to veru
  17. JS-1

    Ajajaj Sometimes I hate computers
  18. Korejská Válka

    Videl som. Nuž, vzťahy nie sú dobré medzi nimi. Ale to hold nie je náš biznis. Si zaregistrovaný na ich fóre?
  19. MB-339A

    Thank you guys. Veeery gooood mod it is :good: Great work :yes:
  20. JS-1

    Thank you for nice mod I attacked JS/IS-1 with six machineguns on F-80 and tank explodes. Is it possible make tank safer? I am not groundobject guru. I saw Armor lines in data.ini but do not understand it right. Thank you again for this mod. Like it :yes:
  21. Korejská Válka

    Možný kandidát pre Koreu: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7485 No to Ti veru neporadím ako sa prebiť z obkľúčenia Z týchto vecí som magor (či už supply alebo front line a pod... ) Edit: a ešte ma napadlo, že určitá variabilita pozmnej výzbroje by pomohla si myslím. Jednak je v download section gepardov Panzer pack for WOI: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6794 Woi panzer pack by mal fungovať aj pre Kóreu. Možno bude treba pár ini editov (Nations). Hlavne však sa môžu tanky postreľovať aj guľometmi (prípadne strieľat po iných cieľoch). Ale pre KV bude upotrebiteľný asi len T-34. Hlavne, princíp ako do tanku puknúť guľomet sa dá použiť. A tiež T-34-85: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6808 Kdesi som videl aj Paskov ground pack, len nefim kde, do kelu. Každopádne, aj keď nevieme kedy výjde nový terén, môžeme si byť istí, že Wrench tam napchá čokoľvek, takže variabilita bude taká, akú Kórea v SFP1 svete ešte nemala
  22. Korejská Válka

    Neviem kde som našiel toto foto, ale myslím, že potvrdzuje našu mienku, že RAAF nevešala na svoje Mustangy 60lb rakety ale používala HVARy:
  23. Korejská Válka

    Tak by sme mali začať očakávať nejaké ini updaty pre Korejské Migy a Sabry: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry205324
  24. Prosím o radu - jestli někdo má

    Možno Ti pomôže aj toto, ak si To nevidel :yes: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry205332

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