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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Tracer mod is WIP? I think I did not saw it uploaded here
  2. Coming soon

    FANTASTIC!!! :good: Looky forward to WOX version too
  3. Take a look on Capuns page: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
  4. Well, it is legendary Mig-29A by Mirage factory with cockpit by Paladrian. It is still WIP :yes: Mig model looks really very, very, very nice too. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry148246
  5. Masterpiece comes from master and master is Paladrian (Mig-21 series cockpits author too) :yes:
  6. MiG-21 MF

    No problem :yes: Čo človek vie, povie. Čo nevie nepovie A keď to, čo povie pomôže, tak je to fajn a tak to má byť si myslím
  7. MiG-21 MF

    1) Pylón: - choď do foldra Mig-21MF a otvor MIG-21MF_DATA.ini - scrollni na [CenterlineStation] a pridaj // pred lajnu ModelNodeName=Centerline_Pylon alebo tú lajnu zmaž Takže by si mal dostať zhruba toto: [CenterlineStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.23,-0.77 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,0.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,FT,RCN,EP AttachmentType=SOVIET,WP //ModelNodeName=Centerline_Pylon PylonMass=40 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=Tank490_MiG21 Mašina bude mať pylón aj keď nepodvesíš nádrž. 2) čo sa týka antény pre MFN: písal som s 76.IAP-Blackbirdom ohľadom nejakých vecí pre Mig-21, ale v blízkej dobe nebude mať na nič podobné čas, má totiž skúšky na škole. Ak Ti smiem poradiť, proste dorob skin pre MFN, sprav si nový folder a potrebné ini edity pre MFN (to už asi máš) a zatiaľ lietaj MFku v roli MFN. Neviem kedy sa 76.IAP-Blackbird uvoľní, plus k tomu všetkému má kopu vlastných projektov. O samotnej metóde ako pridávajú vonkajšie časti a detaily na existujúce modely viem pramálo.
  8. Několik otázek od začátečníka

    Ani nehovor... V piatok mám štátnice... No bodaj by bol piatok a toľko hodín, koľko je teraz
  9. Několik otázek od začátečníka

    Ano, chlapi porobili rôzne mody, ktoré pôvodný sim parádne vylepšili. Osobne bez nich už nelietam (okrem testovacích inštalácií, kde počasie či stromy nie sú potrebné). Stromy pre WOE od CA_Staryho: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6034 Sky mod od cellinskyho: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6903 Efekty: Efects pack 3 od CA_Staryho: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6953 Alebo starší pack 2: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5379 Poznámka: Vždy si zálohuj adresáre, do ktorých budeš kopčiť nové súbory. Ak by sa čosi doondilo, môžeš kedykoľvek nakopírovať pôvodné adresáre naspäť a skúsiť to odznova!!! Jáj... A čítaj read me súbory v tých packoch (vo všetkých čo inštaluješ)
  10. Několik otázek od začátečníka

    Servus, nazdar, vitaj Nooo, SFP1E Extract utility je potrebný na extrahovanie ("vytiahnutie") súborov z .CAT balíčkov, čo sú balíčky obsahujúce jadro hry. Pôvodný súbor zostane stále v .CAT balíčku. Hra si potom primárne všíma extrahované súbory (zvyčajne sa extrahujú preto aby sa modifikovali). Takže SFP1E Extract utility potrebuješ ak chceš niečo meniť/modifikovať. Ak chceš proste hrať, nepotrebuješ ho
  11. When did you start modding...

    A circa one year ago... Modders and skinners were bussy so I tried put together some existing Fokker Dr.1 skins in one... In windows paint program... My first modding work in my life My last uploaded work looks much better... Thanx for templates, Wrench :yes:
  12. Well... There were some good flame discussions about this theme on ComabatACE and on Thirwire forums... ... blue fans said that soviet missiles are copies or something like that and are not very good. And on the other hand reds said that soviet missiles are better than blue fans though, and newest soviet missiles are much better that blue ones, hehe Than was discussed statistics... Blues said that look on them... Reds said look on ours... Hahaha, never ending story But in SFP1 world you can do what you want. With missiles too :yes: So if you want make some weapons better, you need play with weapons values in wepon editor. If you have installed weaponspack, you have installed weponeditor too. Take a look into knowledge base for some needed info: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=189 Looks like in WOI are some weapons changes and some missile are not so deadly. So after new patch for WOE/V it will be better I hope. Take a look here too: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24967 It is older topic. There are some soviet missiles datas posted (for newer missiles). We are waiting for new patch. Than we can discuss again about red missiles characteristics I hope. I am on red side of course It is possible make R-3S missile killer... like AIM-9L But it is not good way. R-3S for Mig-21 series is old missile. It is not dogfigt missile like R-60 or R-73 or AIM-9L, so we can not hit everything everytime. If target is not equiped with flares you have relatively good chance hit - I mean bomber. But if you are in dogfight, you need be carefull in fire R-3S in manoeuvres on manoeuvreing target... Cannon is better in close range Take a look into download section for some new weapons models: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...tted&num=10 Use for Su-7/17/22/ ECM containers made by ravenclaw_007. Use Gardeniya-1FUE ECM Pod for Su-27 by Erwin_Hans. Try new weapons by lindr2 :yes:
  13. Plane on your picture is Su-25 (K version). But Erwin is working on Su-39 version (we can find Su-25TM designation too). It is not the same plane. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Su-25TM.jpg
  14. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    Mmmm, pekňučké to jeeee :good: Snáď sa tej virtuálnej zimy dočkáme skôr ako skutočnej... No a je veľká škoda, že si zatiaľ nemôžeme vychutnať Aviu B-534 nad Slovenskom. Som videl ten skin pre Gladiatora v českolovenských farbách. Veľmi pekná práca. Ale Avia je a Avia :yes: Ale ma teší, že si zrejme budeme môcť zalietať na S-199 aj nad Slovenskom
  15. Very nice Sir! Another ellegant birdie for awaited Korean terrain update
  16. If you need templates for Mirage factory Floggers, try drop PM to Mirage factory guys. It is the fastest way I think. About Czechoslovak ML camo: in Mig-23 4+ publication are two Czechoslovak MF and one ML camo schemes (diagrams). And many photos too.
  17. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    I am sorry guys for english post in your own forum... But ravenclaw_007... I tried some skinning, so I have some skin skill... So what I see on your screenshots is one of the best skinning work I ever see. Donno what is new on model (I am not Sabre specialist), but looks very hot! :good: What I see is very very very precise work I think On the other hand it is characteristic for you guys Thank you guys Greetings from Czech and Slovak community

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