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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Temporary solution is PFM model with new canopy. I tried something and I get partially success. But this do not mean that it is not possible. Searching for right way is not stopped. To mppd: Yes, it is possible make new chute. (Concretelly for PFM stock model if problem around new canopy will be fixed). But as you said without animation. But animation is needed for chute deploy, I think. If problem with chute will be solved on stock Mig-21, this mean that problem with chute will be solved for all stock planes (whose are using brakechute of course). The same solution will be usable on Phantoms for example. But as we discussed many times ago, it is not clear how make workable (this mean deployable) brakechute for stock planes. So basic qestion is how to deploy that damn new chute on stock planes? But this is question to this topic: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...30623&st=20 I am affraid it is not possible
  2. Happy Birthday Wpnssgt

    Happy B day :yes:
  3. Very nice skins yu have here ghostrider883 Those PF looks with your paints like real FLs And about dragchute: ... it is not possible add it into existing stock planes. We talked about it here on CA, but we need something like animated fuel probe weapon type... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=30623 It is not problem add workable chute as ini edit into aircraft_data.ini Problem is add new schute model into stock models. No Mig-21 in stock install has chute. Or better said... No plane from stock planes has chute.
  4. Mig-15/15Bis were build in license in Czechoslovakia (S-103 deisgnation). It is very important plane for our history. It was BIG step forward fly those little Migs from old and problematic Avias S-199. Damn nice plane it is
  5. WooooW!!! Many Thanks Soulfreak In the download section is this paint scheme with red painted details. Tried found some good photos of those Migs, but you found very good and detailed Can not wait for Paskos and Starfigter2s new Mig-15Bis WIP!!!
  6. Hallo gwar :yes: Be more concrete, please. Which weapon you want add ----- post link. Which game - WoE/WoI etc. You wrote about weapon.ini, but you are talking about WEPONDATA.ini probable, there are wepons data placed. So if you can not find weapon.ini it is OK. I know no weapon.ini, but if you are looking for weapondata.ini, and you can not find weapons folder, this means that you have no weaponspack installed. So, this is my opinion, if you have no weps pack installed, install one into your installation ------ I am talking about WOE/WOV installation and bunyaps jul 2006 pack ( HERE---Click ). There is weapon editor included. Than you can add weapon you want when you will follow standard adding procedure. Standard weapon add procedure----- try knowledge base: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=189 Or, if you have little or no skill with adding weapons, try add some weapons made by Fast Cargo. For example Alarm: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5365 In Fast Cargos Read me! files are good instructions how add new weapon. Hope I understand you right
  7. MiG-21 MF

    Prepáč, dopisoval som diplomovku, tak nebolo moc času sa venovať týmto veciam 1) Nádrže - mmm, nerozumiem presne čo myslíš tým "nevite jak udelat aby nadrže na mig-21 nebyli stribrne ale klasicky šedee"... Nooo, ak robíš skin pre MFN, tak ich jednoducho prekresli na šedé. Alebo, zrejme máš na mysli ako urobiť nádrže šedé, ale tak aby ostatné migy používali pôvodné "strieborné". Je jeden trik pomocou HEX editora: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry172038 Ako sa to presne robí, to Ti nepoviem. Treba holt troška experimentovať. Určite si však zálohuj to, s čím sa budeš hrať v HEX editore. 2) Formácie - hoď oko sem: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5583 3) MFN - myslím, že najlepšou cestou bude opýtať sa geralda14 či plánuje MFNku uploadnuť alebo nie. Reč o nej bola, ale nič záväzné. - čo sa týka antén, 76.IAP-Blackbird má metódu ako antény dorobiť. Ale ak by sa niečo také malo spraviť, treba to skoordinovať. To znamená zistiť či gerald na MFN robí a ak ano, osloviť 76.IAP-Blackbirda, či by antény spravil. Toto všetko som už urobil, ale výsledok zostal nejasný. 76.IAP-Blackbird by tie antény spravil, ale v akom stave je MFN u geralda neviem. Viem, že žiadna z mojich odpovedí nie je úplne to, čo si asi chcel. Ak však máš sen menom MFN, tak choď za ním. Opýtaj sa a uvidíš. Neboj, po "hube" Ti nedajú Tak do toho :fans:
  8. Try Hi res skin from this pack for your PFM: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=524
  9. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    Fajnový: http://forum.combatace.com/uploads/1219754...9_43_208226.jpg
  10. Brilantný RF-84F od GMG

    Ahoj piloti a pilotky German Modder Group sa predstavila svojím prvým add on strojom: RF-84F Ide o upravený model od Alphasim. Chlapi tam pridali mnoho detailov: Hi res skiny, novú sedačku, nádhernú animáciu padáka atď. atď. atď. :yes: Treba skúsiť Latku nasadili skutočne veľmi vysoko týmto modelom. RF-84F je brilantným vstupom GMG na scénu :fans:
  11. Congrats GMG!!! Brilliant add on Hi detailed, with great skins, very nice seat modell, perfect brakechute and another details whose shoot RF-84F by GMG to Big league in modding quality :yes: THANK YOU
  12. Yes, looks like you added nothing into Su-7BM.ini Red Dragon :yes: As you wrote your Su-7 is not still flyable. This mean you need follow second way in the Read me file how install Su-7BM. First way was just drop into Su-7BM folder, let ovewrite an go fly. This method is actual just if you have previous version 1.0 installed. Version 1.0 was deleted from download section. So just drop files and go fly is not actual anyway. You downloaded newest version 1.1 and you have your Su-7BM still unflyable. So you need follow second way in istallation: 1) copy files into Su-7BM folder 2) add needed lines into Su-7BM ini (as Wrench pointed you) 3) add needed lined into Su-7BM_DATA.ini (this step is not necessary, but it is better if you do it) This is from Read me. This way is actual for you and other poeple whose want make Su-7BM flyable with Boopidoos Su-7BM cockpit: If you haven't got previous version installed, follow these steps: 1) Back up your original Su-7BM folder!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2) Copy files to WOE/SFP1 Su-7BM folder and let overwrite if it is needed. 3) Than open SU-7BM.ini; you need add Su-7 cockpit data file and avionics to SU-7BM.ini: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Su-7BM Fitter-A AircraftDataFile=Su-7BM_data.ini LoadoutFile=Su-7BM_loadout.ini CockpitDataFile=SU-7_cockpit.ini <------------------ AvionicsDataFilename=SU-7_avionics.ini <------------ad these lines AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll <------------------------ If you have Su-7BM allready flyable, rename needed lines to new cockpit files and avionics names 4) Than: Open SU-7BM_DATA.ini, scroll to // Internal Guns------------ and add new lines to Guns section: [LeftGun] ............... ............... .............. ................ ............. AimAngles=0.0,-1.29,0.0 <-----------add this [RightGun] ................ .............. ............... ............... ............... AimAngles=0.0,-1.29,0.0 <-----------add this 5) Close and save changes. If you haven't got SU-7BM_DATA.ini in your Su-7BM folder you need extract it from ObjectData.CAT with Cat file extractor: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=343 This is only way how to make Su-7BM flyable with Su-7BM cockpit V1.1 add on. Good luck You will enjoy Boopidoos great pit and Paladrians great ASP-5ND gunsight
  13. I am not big "what if" fan. Mirage 2000D is for me great gunless birdie. But... I see three ways how make "gunless birdies" as "gun birdies": 1) add exist cannon from Gundata.ini into M2000D_data.ini (this add function, not 3D cannon model!!!) 2) add new cannon to Gundata.ini and than add this cannon to M2000D_data.ini (this add function, not 3D cannon model!!!) 3) add gunpod capability to some pylons in M2000D_data.ini (add shortcut GP to AllowedWeaponClass= in aircraft_data.ini --- add it to centerline pylon for example----) The easiest way is third, I think. Can not write more detailed how to. No time to do it now PS: I agree with Jug, single-seat Mirage 2Ks cannon works fine for me too :yes:
  14. Mirage 2000D

    Zdar nazdar opäť šickým Po parádnych muesliho Biskových skinoch pre naše mašiny prichádza opäť niečo nové... Opäť pre fajnšmekrov... Ale od iného údeníka, nickom AmokFloo Mirage 2000D: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7163 Toto je prvý mod v SFP1, kde sa môžete "prepnúť" medzi sedadlom pilota a kopilota (vo Falklandskej kampani sme sa mohli prepínať medzi pilotom a bombometníkom v Canberre a ešte predtým v A-26). Seat switching je plne funkčné. Tým myslím že prenutie funguje bez problémov. Nová dobaaaaááá Neváhajte a skúste :yes:
  15. Mirage 2000D

    Tak nejak Ty brďo, sa jej neviem nabažiť
  16. I do not know how fix it via ini edit (maybe it is model problem), but what about put those decals on skin in photoshop?
  17. Aha, mmm... So Problem fixed or still the same? Edit: OK, saw your post in that topic.
  18. Try here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=30567&hl
  19. MiG-21MA

    Yes, of course. All Mig-21s from F to Bis had RWR. Previous Mig versions had RWR too.
  20. This night, but 40 years ago invaded armies of 5 Warsav pact states into Czechoslovak socialist republic, another Warsav pact state. Operation named "Danube" starts in the night 20/21th august 1968. Czechoslovak army has no orders to encounter invasion army, fortunately... Here is nothing to celebrate. This is memento... I mean this topic as reference to historical fact, no political or unfriendly sence. I do not want provokate my friends from ex Warsav pack states. If they are really friends, they will understand sense of this topic I think. I do not want provokate. I do not want obtrude to poeple from "western" states. I want refer to hard times named Cold war... Picture taken from: http://www.august68.web2001.cz/ Picture taken from: http://kojot.bloguje.cz/577960-39-let.php Photos taken by "Luciennes" mother in 1968. Lucienne allowed blogs author publicise her mothers photos.
  21. 40th anniversary of WP invasion into CSSR

    Yes, 20's and 30's were gold times, I think too I can not comment situation in 1938. There will be another sad anniversary on 29.-30. september for Czechoslovakia ----- 70 years from Munich Agreement... Mmmm, and our today Slovak republic is not first. First was in 1939 - 1945. This state was on axis side. In 1944 there was Slovak National Uprising in Slovak republic, but not fully success. Aftew WW2 we were Czechoslovakia again. We sold Avias S-199s and Spitfires to Israel. After some years we sold Mig-15 to Egypt... Those times was not easy. High political games... After unbloody Velvet revolution in 1989 we stayed together with Czech brothers in one state. There were discussions about two new separate states after revolution in Czechoslovakia. I can not say what really caused differention proces, becouse I was just twelve on january in 1993. Some poeple wanted it some not. Looks like political game maybe. On the other hand, many slovak poeple really wanted our own republic. Donno if most of czech poeple wanted it too, but I suppose yes. Why? I see it like natural step in our history. We were Slovaks allways and our brothers were Czechs allways. Differention process was silent, without some big problems, but painles for some poeple. We understand czech language and czech poeple understand our language. We are still brothers, not just friends. We were, we are and we will brothers I hope
  22. 40th anniversary of WP invasion into CSSR

    Yes, there was Velvet revolution on 17.11. 1989 in Czechoslovakia. It was proces, not just single day. Why "Velvet"? Becouse as you right pointed, no poeple were killed and no shots fired... Satisfaction I think :yes: Well freedom... What is freedom... Smoke cigarettes on bus and train stations? Or say my opinions everywhere and anytime? Or do what I want? Well, as we can see in many discussions here on CA, we are differented into two groups: red fans and blue fans. We can see many hot discussions about Soviet vs American planes, weapons, avionics etc, etc, etc... Oh of course, we are free, we can say what we want in these discussions, but as ussual we finish these discussions in this positions: It is propaganda what you said... We are red fans and blue fans. Two groups... And Cold war finished some years ago... Are we (red and blue) really free? So what is that freedom? Blue whisky and cigaretes or Red vodka and cigarettes? I am affraid that there is no positive answer what freedom is. But poeple are still fighting for freedom, so looks like some freedom must exist but can not be defined maybe...
  23. 21. august 1968

    Tak dnes, 40 rokov dozadu sa to stalo... Nechcem rozpútať nejakú nenávistnú debatu. Vlastne žiadnu nenávistnú debatu. Síce nám ostatní nerozumejú, ale nie je dobré písať sem veci, ktoré by urážali iných členov fóra, ktorí za udalosti spred 40tich rokov vonkoncom nemôžu. Odštartoval som topic o augustových udalostiach aj na hlavnom fóre, nech sa vie že pred štyridstiatimi rokmi sa stalo niečo, čo ľudia vtedy vnímali a vnímajú ako ranu pod pás. Prišla bratská pomoc od piatich štátov Varšavského paktu na potlačenie kontrarevolúcie v Československu... Čakala sa Tretia svetová vojna... Topik na hlavnom fóre: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry185829 Úlohou obidvoch topikov je informovať. Preto budem fajn keď tu postneme linky, ktoré budú referovať na augustové udalosti: Slováci túto stránku poznajú, ale kolegovia z ČR možno nie: http://www.sme.sk/tema.asp?te=535 Ako uvidíte, sú to scany denníka Smena spred 40tich rokov. Potom sú nejaké linky aj v topicu na hlavnom fóre. Je smutné že mladšia generácia často nevie čo sa stalo 21.8. 1968. Ale obávam sa, že je to istým spôsobom prirodzené a nemôžeme ich viniť.

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