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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Hallo pilots There were many questions about Soviet A2A missiles posted over CA or Thirdwire forums. This topic is about general improvement for Soviet A2A missiles for SFP1 series. We do not want talk about useless things like: "Which missile is the best...". We do not want negative criticize weapons pack made by many great modders and .ini tweakers. We found some problems in missile values, and we want correct them. R-23T for example: this IR missile can be fired from head to head position in reality. In weapondata.ini it si defined as Rear 180 Aspect. So we can not fire R-23T head to head. R-23 serries warhead weight is 40 kilograms -- this value is defined in weapondata.ini. Correct weight is 25 kilograms. But we have serious problems with correct informations about Soviet A2A missiles, in general. This topic I started with USAFMTL approval for this project. You can find it here (post nm. 15): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry125350 These Soviet A2A missiles are placed in weaponspack from jul 2006: RS-2US Alkali-B RS-2U Alkali-A R-3S Atoll-A R-3R Atoll-B R-13M Atoll-C R-131M1 Atoll-E R-8MR Anab-A R-8MT Anab-B R-98T Anab-C R-98MT Anab-D R-40R Acrid-A R-40T Acrid-B R-23R Apex-A R-23T Apex-B R-24R Apex-C R-24T Apex-D R-60T Aphid-A R-60M Aphid-B R-60TM Aphid-C R-27TE Alamo R-27T1 Alamo-B R-27ER Alamo-C R-27R Alamo-A R-27AE Alamo-D R-73M1 Archer R-73M2 Archer R-77 Adder --------------------------------- R-3U Atoll-B Training Missile There are another exported versions in the weaponspack as Indian "HAL R-60MK (AA-8 Aphid-C)" for example. What we need are serious inforations. I am in email contatct with Mig-21/S-22 pilot. So I can Ask him about R-3S/R13M. Similar, I can try it with Mig-23 pilot. He can help with R-23/60 info. And we need tons of good info. So help us, if it is possible, please. Ewerybody can find info on Wikipedia or similar pages. We need better technical info. Than we can post our "news" and share with community. This is my personal opinion: 1. editing misile values 2. making 512x512 new textures for missiles (something like new textures for weapons in new MF pack) As many times before: I hope you understand my english This is starting post. So we will wait for your replys, notes, opinions, photos, datas :yes:
  2. Hey, and that new Su-27 is attached to ECM pods in your Gardeniya-1FUE add on? Man, every upgrade for bad guys is welcome Thank you :spartak:
  3. Novoty

    Podobnú vec pozorujem v mojich inštaláciach tiež, ale z druhej strany. Novšie sovietske strely však nemajú väčší problém zasiahnuť (najviac to vidím pri intercept misiách. Ale to zvyčajne používam editnuté sovietske strely, lebo by som trafil tiež prd). Samozrejme, pre R-3S a RS-2US je to neprekonateľný problém. Ale prekvapuje ma že Amraam má takéto trable Amraam je pre mňa problémový jedine keď ho vypustím z malej vzdialenosti.
  4. MiG-21R

    Thank you too
  5. MiG-21R

    Check your PM :yes: EDIT: and mail too
  6. MiG-21R

    OKi, if you will see no way how make new pitot, no problem. It is not big issue those wings on pitot. They are really small :yes:
  7. MiG-21R

    Oki, rgr that :yes: Can you contact Amokfloo for more info about wheels, please? And this detail: stock Mig-21MF pitot is modelled with little wings (Duas or something like that I think). But looks like I can not delete them via ini edit. They looks like pitot part (but I am not sure. Tried search with Hex editor, but I have low skill with Hex). So is it possible delete it and make new pitot without those little wings? Or can you try delete those wings via your method, please?
  8. Novoty

    Je taký maličký update pre Horneta: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7056 Ale nerieši FM A v skin section je pár nových skinov a robí sa na hŕŕŕbe ďalších. No hold je vidieť, že je to obľúbená mašina A na Flankeroch sa už pracuje, takže si to budeš môcť s nimi onedlho rozdať
  9. Whose refueling pods do you mean dwcace?
  10. We need wait for lindr2. He is on vacation I think. He knows more about Su-27 versions :yes:
  11. Yes, exactly that :yes:
  12. Sorry Fubar, but I do not understand you right I think. I wanted disable just animation, not function of that brakeschute on Su-15. I want braking effect, but without animation. This is first part - have braking function without animation. Second part is search, if it is possible make weapon with schute, which may stay on pylon for some seconds after release and with workable schute animation while weapon stays on pylon. So If I release weapon when I have 280Km/h on the ground, my schute function fixed on "S" key starts autonomly braking my plane on 280km/h (this will be defined. It will starts braking when I hit "S" and reach speed 280km/h. So It is not needed "fire" schute. This is visual function of another weaponstation on the tail, which carry "bomb breakschute"). I know that my english is not best...
  13. No problem, I understand :yes: Yes, it is bit curious talk about brake schute without brake effect But many things whose looked like scifi or was apriori dismissed (hope dissmissed is right word... found it in dictionary :yes: ) are workable now. Seat switching for example. Amokfloo is working on great two seater with this feature now (donno whoose idea was seat switching originally. Kesselbruts? Correct me please if I am not right). Or rear airbrake on Mig-21MF. I saw no way how to disable its animation. But Blackbird helped with his notes about deleting rear brake in LOD file and make new fixed "brake" as cover for old brake place. Plus another things which I do not want post now, becouse we want them use as new features in our WIPs. So, maybe there is way how use beaking shute as weapon with braking effect. But as first I need to know if it is possible make weapon with schute animation. Donno how. But I want find way how to make it. What is needed are usable ideas. What about dispenser with one round? Schute I can use just one time on the ground. I need round with schute, and I want fire this round on the ground and I want stay it on the weapon station position for cca 10 seconds. Is this possible? Or similar thing but with bomb (we have bombs with schutes)... Braking effect... Is there a way add fictional schute? This is from Boopidoos Su-15: [brakingchute] SystemType=AIRBRAKE DeployTime=1.1 RetractTime=0.1 AnimationID=9 ModelNodeName= DragArea=50.00 MaxDeploySpeed=150.00 //90 BlowbackSpeed=160.00 //120 DeployWhenOnGears=TRUE Is this workable without real animation for schute deploing? If there is no AnimationID=9... So if there will be no real way how add schute into stock Mig-21 for example in the game, I still see one way... New Mig-21 with schute And this is partially fixed too, becouse we have great Amokfloos Mig-21UM with schute Edit: I disabled deploy schute animation on Su-15, so no schute was deployed when I hit "S". Braking effect was the same like with workable schute animation. So we can get workable breaking effect without schute animation... Now we need workable schute
  14. What about this idea guys? Make new weaponstation placed on Migs tail Make new schute model with deploy animation. This is just idea, as I wrote. Schute than must be set as weapon. So there will be no braking effect I suppose, If it will be workable. Question is: is there a way make it workable?
  15. No, I am affraid. I wanted the same for stock Su-7BM. But if there is no schute model you can not deploy it. Maybe new "schute box" model with deploy animation placed on right place on the plane. "Mounted" on new wepostation. But I don't know which weapon kind will be this "schute box"... Just old idea
  16. Agree with MigBuster :yes: Brakingchute is Su-15 model part. Stock planes have no schutes modelled, so you can not deploy schutes on them. Schute on Su-15 is working with "Airbrakes". When you hit "S" and land, schute is opening automatically when aircraft reach defined speed for schute deploy. If you haven't got airbrakes deployed on the ground, you have no schute on your Su-15 deployed too.
  17. Novoty

    A máme nový Super HORNETík F/A-18F : http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7043
  18. Subscription Plans NOW Available

    Panta rei! Veci plynú... Tento Herakleitov prastarý výrok je stále platný a aktuálny. CombatACE sa počas vekov rozrástlo na cca 30 000 členov. To je pol Trenčína Samozrejme to všetko okolo chodu CA niečo stojí... MK2 to tu udržoval finančnými injekciami a vyšlo ho to dovedna asi 11 000 dolárov, čo teda v korunách je pekný balík. Mesačne to zapýtalo nejakých 500 dolárov. Nie je možné, aby to jediný človek robil do nekonečna, preto po roku a pol podpory MK2 dochádza k zmene financovania chodu CombatACE. Každý člen môže prispieť podľa svojich možností, pričom po určitý čas môže využívať výhody plynúce z podpory komunity. Poplatok je možné zaplatiť na 1 mesiac, 6 mesiacov a 1 rok. Nie som si istý ako to bude, pokiaľ sa nezaradíme medzi platiacich členov fóra. Je však jasné, že z toho plynú určité obmedzenia. Aké konkrétne, neviem nateraz povedať (no minimálne že nemôžeme ťahat z CA do nekonečna ) Tu je článok o dôvodoch zavedenia poplatkov na CA. Je v angličtine: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=29675&hl= Je tam aj link na poďakovanie MK2 za jeho podporu, preto by bolo dobré, aby sme tam svoju vďačnosť aj vyjadrili. Kto by link náhodou prehliadol, nech kukne tu: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=29674
  19. No problem. Hope we will update all Soviet weapons, whose need it. In WOI is not IR missiles effectivness so deadly :yes: Well, shoot down F-22 is not easy work. It is very advanced plane in technology and it is equiped with strong A2A missiles. So it is not correct shoot down every F-22 which you meet in WOE
  20. Which game are you flying? WOI or older games? According to your words it looks like older games (SFP1/WOE/WOV). Try some missile values from this topic (post nm. 55 by gerald14): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...24967&st=40 This project is not stopped. We are waiting for patch. And you can try this too: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=20579 PS: you have little chance hit enemies with older Soviet missiles like R-3S or RS-2US in dogfight. They are not dogfight missiles. You have better chances with newer R-60 and R-73 in dogfight. And if you are good gunner, beat those bad guys with cannons
  21. Thank you Crusader for important notes too :yes:
  22. No problem :yes: I haven't got this problem in my installs, mmm. Your other Weapons editors works right in different SFP1/WOE etc. installs? One thing helped me sometimes in SFP1 world... Restart computer... This fixed some my troubles when I had some WOE function problems

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