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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Looky great!!! Any chance for Su-25 navalised version? http://www.palba.cz/forumfoto/displayimage...&fullsize=1
  2. Efects pack 3 a nové stromy od Staryho!

    Ďalší "stromový" mod od CA_Staryho pre Madagaskar terén: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=30371
  3. Do you actually watch profiles here?

    Agree with Brain32 :yes:
  4. Hey Stary, I want to buy parcel on that nice tree island (just me and my Flanker ). Is there some free place for us? But do not say it to my girlfriend I feel wood flavour from those screenies Great work again :yes:
  5. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    rgr that :yes:
  6. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    Which Su-27 version it will represents? You posted Su-35BM topic, so this version? We need ugraded Su-27 versions, whose are usable in A2G missions too. This newer soviet planes are missing in game. There is way edit Su-27 for personal use, of course for everybody. But official mod, discussed in its own topic is ideal way how to get it in life :yes: But this supposed project leader who coordinate informations and than he add them into his WIP, of course. So you are project leader and modder, so new mod is comming soon, as you wrote. Looky forward
  7. Ouha!!! Very nice Frikulin (shortcut we use together with my friends for free/cool/in ... Frecolin... or Frecoolin... Hehe ) Can not wait show it to my Mig family in WOE
  8. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    Yes, skin is great, model too... Plus those weather mod and effects packs and tree mods it is all upgraded into much higher level than original unmoded install And Mig-29G with 1749 downloads is GREAT result for your mod Maybe there is a way how make from Mig-29 model new versions via your method. Mig-29S for example, with extended spine, with fuel probe on other varants. Just ideas. No Mirage factory Mig-29A is released to this date, so we need stay in ideas sphere. Small Mig-29 versions reviews in czech language: http://www.valka.cz/newdesign/v900/clanek_851.html http://ww1.valka.cz/newdesign/v800/clanek_11007.html
  9. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    Ochutnávka... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry176433
  10. Wow!!! Much better look for this terrain :yes: I want to go on vacation there
  11. MiG-21R

    Hallo 76.IAP-Blackbird :yes: No problem. Start when you want. I have still 2 months to finish school JJ-8II Finback looks very, very, very nice :good: And method you used is really cool too. Congrats to originality and succesful metod aplication on planes
  12. Or you can use those pictures, and put them on right places on skin, if you can not create TGA from it. In photoshop or Gimp of course. Pictures probable need to be resized into correct sizes. BTW: Making insignia decals is in principle the same thing as making that decorative decal. Just picture which is edited is different. You must see some Photoshop or Gimp tutorials to get skill with paint programs :yes:
  13. Decals are usually in TGA format. Decals.ini is place where are decals pointed to show up on plane. To create decals in TGA format we usually use Photoshop or Gimp. Here is tutorial how make decal: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23485
  14. REB kontajnery pre Sukov

    Zdarec :yes: Tak sa môžeme cítiť oveľa bezpečnejšie vo vzduchu od teraz ravenclaw_007 vymodeloval kontajnery SPS-141 pre Su-7 a Su-17/22. Sú parádne a ako bonus pre Su-17/22 sú aj nové 800l prídavné nádrže. Kontajnery pracujú dobre, len možno by nebolo zlé preskúmať čo vešali naši ako protiváhu pre kontajnery. Kdesi som čítal o tom, ale pravdaže neviem kde... Ono v tom packu je aj nové loadout.ini s balancom (aj nove aicraft.ini), ale nie som si istý, čo to vlastne na tie pylony na opačnom krídle v skutočnosti vešali. Ale to je detail. Ako som povedal funguje to v pohode. Sú to fest užitočné mody SPS-141 pre Su-7: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6975 SPS-141, PTB-800 pre Su-17/22: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6976 Nech nám to ruší
  15. Ground attacks are much safer for us now Another great mod from you!!! Thank you
  16. Great mod for old BIG plane We have regular self defence, based on real one, for this bird now Thank you
  17. There is just one plane which can fire at you radar guided missile from stock planes: Mig-23MF (as I wrote in different topic) if you fly on Israely side. Mig-21F/PF/PFM/MF (Mig-21FL model is missing. Not modelled for this time) usually loads IR R-3S/R-13M, Bis loads IR R-60T. But if you have Mirage faktorys weps pack, some planes can load radar guided R-3R --- Mig-21MF/Bis and Mig-23MF (if you have flyable them, you can choose R-3R in single mission). If you play campaign, just Mig-23MF can fire radar guided R-23R on you. Mig-21s are pointed use just IR missiles in Loadout.inis in the campaigns. Stock MIG-23MF_LOADOUT.ini allows use on Mig-23MF 1xR-23R and 1xR-23T. I am not sure about this, becouse our (ex)czechoslovak Mig-23MFs used 2xR-23R or 2xR-23T. Mixed load (1xR-23R and 1xR-23T) was used on newer Mig-23ML in Czechoslovak AF. Edit: I forgot Mig-23MS. MS can carry just IR missiles in WOI.
  18. Aha, OK :yes: This is from install instructions for terrain: Q: How i can get Formosa Strait Terrain running in WOV, WOI or SFP1 A: 1. Open file Formosa.ini 2. Look for line CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat 3. Replace this line with: for WOV: CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat for WOI: CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat for SFP1: CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat 4. Download a WOE capable terrain replacement tileset via Internet. Such tilesets you can find at www.combatace.com This mean that Formosa uses stock WOE tilesets as default, becouse Formosa terrain is pointed use WOE tilesets in Formosa.ini in this line CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat as we can see in step 1 and 2 (and in Formosa.ini in downloaded pack). If you want fly Formosa in other TW games follow steps 1 - 3. This is Formosa in WOE. I just followed install instructions in the read me file:
  19. Newest standard for WOE is Patch v08.30.06, so nothing more is needed if you want update it on highest standard for this time: http://thirdwire.com/downloads_woe.htm
  20. Our Polish friends will be veeeryyy happy :good: Thank you
  21. RF-84F Thunderflash

    Guys, I do not understand your language, but, this RF-84 is looky GREAT!!! I am looky forward to fly her final version. I wish good luck to Amokfloo to finish her. She looks so nice on sreenies Greetings from czech and slovak community
  22. Donno in which pack they are exactly... In some of Kesselbruts probable But you can try WoI IsraelME Targets Enhancement Pak by Wrench, maybe: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6274 There are: Arab squad AT-3_Group BRDM-2AT Some ini edits and it will work I hope. And there is chance help "Red side" with BMP-1s. BMP1_AT3: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6830 BMP-1: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6825 But you are "blue" fan I think
  23. There was thread about try made controlable ground units on CA. Use search engine for find it. Do not know exact topic name. My friend Vrkuboy tried flyable T-72 for example But atention... We are bit off topic

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