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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Novoty

    allenjb42 postol skin slovenskej Mi-24: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6950
  2. Thank you for Slovak skin
  3. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    Ty brďo... Takto do noci na tom robíš? Pravý modder
  4. Do you know this author?

    Cześć! I am sorry for starting topic on your own forum, but it is interesting for you too, I hope :yes: I found this topic: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=100332 Model author is Marek Ryś. Here is his site: http://www.airart3d.xt.pl/ That Sukhoi looks very, very, very nice (ok I am Su-7 fan... But still looks very good ) Do you know him anybody? Who is it? That model is too detailed for SFP1 series (I do not suppose that he knows what is SFP1). On the other hand we have Su-7BM in SFP1 series (Su-7BMK in WOI) with six pylons, so new BKL (model in that topic) is not necessary needed. BTW: found very nice Mig-21PF model too. Hi detail... And too many dollars I suppose But it is exellent model too http://galgot.free.fr/MiG/ The same with comment on http://www.military-meshes.com/ : http://www.military-meshes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=183 BTW2: We are ex Warsav pact members, so we are still "red side" planes fans I hope
  5. Do you know this author?

    Me-262: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=110320 I can not find right words for his models Nicer than real... About those details: We can see progres in model details and quality in general in SFP1 series. Thanx to modders. On the other hand... Most of Migs in SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI are older models designed as AI and we can nice see it. Hi res skins can upgrade them. Mig-21MF with hi res skin looky much, much, much better than with low res skin (well hi res... I am using 512x512 usually on my Migs). 512x512 skin on WIP Mig-21R (CZ) - edited stock MF. Original skin you can get with Starfighter2s Mig-21R pack here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6114 I do not like migs gear wheels in SFP1. Are "boxened". But of course, if I do not like them I can modell new Migs I am not modder... But I started learn some skin work, and try make those older models nicer (with more or less success ). Community still produce better and better add ons. So more and better to come
  6. Thanx Kh-xx position problems were fixed. Lindr2 edited needed values :yes:
  7. MiG-21R

    Thank you 76.IAP-Blackbird :yes: Looking forward to our cooperation My exams "age" will be finished on 16th september. So many things to do too :yes: Together with gerald14 we have all needed permisions for our Mig-21MA and R packs. R will be released after MA. Need some important work on R. So I see release date somewhere far after holidays. So we all have time for work
  8. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    Čau :yes: Jasaaaaan, nema problema :yes: To Ti je parádny nápad ten voice pack :good:
  9. Znak 47.pzpl

    Zdar :yes: Chlapi, máte niekto podrobnejšie info o znakoch, ktoré používal 47.pzpl na Mig-21R? Akékoľvek. Zvlášť ide o to, ako znaky vypadali a kedy ich mašiny "nosili". Tu je napr Mig-21R 1501 so znakom 47.pzpl: http://vhtm.valka.cz/mig21/R/1501/img00001.jpg Tu je napr. štartujúci Mig-21R 1625 s rovnakým znakom: http://www.czechairspotters.com/galerie/di...m=23&pos=12 Zatiaľ sa mi javí, že znak na R-kach teda mal podobu "šakala" v zelenom štíte. Znak je hotový, len chcem mať istotu. To, čo ma zneisťuje je tento znak: Ten je na Mig-21MA... V Piešťanskom múzeu... Nepodarilo sa mi zatiaľ zohnať podrobnejšie info o týchto znakoch. Zaujíma ma aj ten druhý, lebo MA pack je už-už hotový.
  10. Znak 47.pzpl

    Niečo sa chystá :ph34r: Dúfajme, že čoskoro... Ale toto je z iného súdka. Zase sme o krôčik bližšie...
  11. Thank you X RAY. Works right now. So it was in ini edit. I must learn more Thanx again
  12. Mig-31

    Zdarec chlapi No... Veltro2K makal na modely Migu-31. A zrazu sa v topicu informujúcom o tom ako pokračuje modeling objavili screenshoty pekne oskinovaného modelu Migu-31 (Veltro zháňal skinnerov. Prvý screenshot oskinovaného migu je od 101tfs)... A potom aj samotný model Migu-31 na stiahnutie, ale od 101tfs... Pôvodne som myslel že 101tfs len oskinoval ten Mig... No... Nejak mi to "nepasuje" celé do seba... Sami sa môžete presvedčiť o čo ide v tom topicu. Model na stiahnutie je v poste č. 96 od 101tfs. Nemá vlastný kokpit, ani letový model (to čo má má požičané): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...27321&st=80 Takto vypadá vo WOE: Model aj skin sú veľmi pekné. Len neviem, čo si mám o celej situácii myslieť
  13. Mig-31

    Tak sa to vyriešilo... Sa musím ešte veľa učiť Post č. 8 od X RAYa: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry174036 A k tomu Mig-31 sú aj R-33 rakety: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6495
  14. This is not gear problem, I know... But it is little Mig-31 prob too :yes: I tried load two R-60 under underwings pylons (there are many photos with dual R-60 over internet). I added 2IR into AllowedWeaponClass= lines (for all four underwing pylons. This means stations 1-4). I see this: What may be wrong? I know that plane needs new FM. But I do not suppose that this is .ini problem. Simpliest way how fix it is do not load dual R-60 rack or load single R-60
  15. Mig-31

    Yes, hope that everything will be OK :yes: Veltros Mig-31 is different version maybe With good skin it will be great mod I think too Tu sú nejaké rachejtle na testovanie a dajú sa podvesiť aj na Mig-31 (post č. 10 od lindr2): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry173920 A maličký edit pre infra R-60. Ak chcete podvesiť dve strely na krídelné pylóny, pridajte 2IR na AllowedWeaponClass= pod [station1] až [station4] v MiG-31BM_DATA.ini Takže by to malo po edite vypadať nejak takto: [station3] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition= -4.214,-2.503,-0.126 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-1.0 LoadLimit=790 AllowedWeaponClass=SAHM,IRM,ASM,2IR AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET ModelNodeName=Station3 DiameterLimit=0.35 LengthLimit=6.3 PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 Mig-31BM, ako ho 101tfs pomenoval, by mal byť schopný niesť aj protizemné strely, ale to v tom packu nie je zohľadnené. Ale niet sa čomu čudovať bo flight model nie je ešte hotový. Aj ten edit vyššie je len dočasné riešenie, lebo sa dá predpokladať že vo finálnej verzii FM bude možné dve R-60 na krídelné pylóny podvesiť. Ťažký interceptor je z neho Akurát to má jednu chybu... Keď podvesím dve R-60 pod vnútorný pylón, sú ňák naopak... Chcem to postnúť na hlavnom fóre, preto sú tie popisky v angličtine:
  16. Hey guys, Iam not sure... Is this Su-27 problem or missiles problem? What do you think, please? I wrote to lindr2 that I noticed wrong missile positions. But is it possible that I have something wrong with my sweet Su-27? Some weps stations are edited. For example: [LeftInnerStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition= -4.498,-2.65,-0.00 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-1.0 LoadLimit=4000 ------- added more AllowedWeaponClass=AHM,IRM,SAHM,RCKT,RM,RP,BOMB,MER,FT,LGR,EP,EOGR ----- added more classes AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET ModelNodeName=LeftInnerStation PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 No other lines were edited. BTW: try these new missiles, if you can guys. Really great experience. Powerfull weapons
  17. Hi all :yes: About racks: I experimented with F-84F Triple rocket rack. I tried some changes with Firefly. Not finished (I fixed it with different way...). Here is theory: You can create new rack named Rck60lb for example. Than you can delete two rocket positions - you need just one rocket of course. Sinchronise aircraft and missile AttachmentType=... etc. [WeaponDataxxxx] TypeName=Rck60lb FullName=60lb rockets rack ModelName=rcktrpl ..... RocketTypeName=60lb-rocket NumRockets=1 ..... Rocket01Position=0.000000,0.200000,-0.300000 ------- this is example. Donno right values Than create rocket wep stations under Hurri wings.You need add RP to AllowedWeaponClass=RP and you need play with AttachmentPosition= to hide original rocket parts which are not needed to see (if it is possible. That rack is relatively high). This is shorted standard creating weps station proces, as we know. Problem is that Rack is too high/large You can move it bit down of course... But problem is with another stations closer to wing end. Maybe is similar rack model in weps pack On the other hand, I do not know exact rocket positions on real Hurri (maybe it is not needed move racks too close to wing end), so maybe this F-84 rack will be really usable for Hurri. Just my opinion.
  18. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    Ty človeče, v pomere posty/náhľady Tvoj topic myslím vedie A odpálili aj nový topic Screeshot of the month pre Il-2 sekciu: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=29851 Ak máš nejaký nápad, spokojne odpáľ nový topic. Taliani majú 180 a Portugalci 130 :yes: Takže ak sú veci tématicky nejak odlišné, nech majú svoj vlastný topic, aby sme sa nemuseli preklikávať cez 100 postov (ako sme to spravili v niektorých iných topicoch - i keď najaktuálnejšie info je vždy na konci). Ak chceš pravda
  19. CZ-SK Projects

    Zdarec V poho, uz je to fuč Možno by nebol zlý samostatný topic pre Tvoju kampaň. A hlavne prepáč, že som sa nepohol ďalej s testovaním kampane, čo si poslal dávnejšie. Postupom času mi to vyfúkalo z hlavy. Ale mám ju zálohovanú. Prepáč ešte raz :yes:
  20. I am not modder, I can not solve stab problem But WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! This are really BIG rockets!!!! Thank you man!!! WohOOOOOOOO!!! Bang, BaNnG, BANg, BooooOOOoooOOOoM
  21. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    I too. But need wait for new Mig-15 model too :yes: And can not wait for that 2.08 patch for BOBII. Hope it will be out soon. Looky forward on singleplayer campaign if will be changed.
  22. Your first combat flight sim...

    My first was F-19: http://www.oldgames.sk/games.php?article=254
  23. Do you know this author?

    He has some publications info on his site: http://www.airart3d.ovh.org/html/publicat.htm
  24. Do you know this author?

    Yes it has too many polys for SFP1 series :yes: But it is vvvvveeeeeryyyy nice model

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