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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Nice! Details makes planes much nicer
  2. Novoty

    Dík Mig-29A od Mirage factory je stále ako WIP. Hold sa buď niečo doprdelo, alebo fakt čakajú na nový patch. Tuším o tom ktosi písal na fóre, že počkajú na patch, aby ten Mig mal flight model a avioniku pre WOI štandard.
  3. Yaeh, looky like little detail... But it can improve bullet hits effect much. Looking forward to this mod if you are plannig release it :fans: Great idea and work with ilumination and tracers
  4. Ok seriously... It is that light under the bullets on the ground, or haw can I say it, I think :yes:
  5. Mig-29A by Mirage Factory!!!!!
  6. Hi pilots Tooks mi circa five days... But I like it Based on Wrenchs Su-7BM templates. All Sukhois Su-7BM/BKL delivered into Czechoslovakia had metal "look". I made silver skin some months ago (you can get it here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6160 ) Later were painted with variable camo schemes in SSSR. Usable in your Cold war campaigns. Coming soon... And new hangar screen maybe... And new Loading screen maybe...
  7. Thanx I lost my backuped templates... So skin is all I have from my work But there were nice three tone camo schemes in Czechoslovak air force, so sometimes I hope Many planes for WIP Berlin crisis are WIPs too Su-25 for example as we know... Just new patch is needed for many WIP planes. Than we will have invasion (together with Gerald14 we have 3 Mig-21 versions WIPs for example )
  8. Yeah, looky like needed rack this APU-62. Two typs are there in jul2006 WP - APU-62L and APU-62R for both sides (left and right pylons) Real name for R-60 rails are: APU-60-I for single missile and APU-60-II for two missiles (this APU-60-II is probable APU-62 in weps pack) APU-62 on Mig-25: This is on Mig-31 under wing pylon: http://www.testpilot.ru/russia/mikoyan/mig...es/mig31b-4.jpg From this site: http://www.testpilot.ru/russia/mikoyan/mig/31/b/mig31b_e.htm
  9. Thanx Ready for download: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6870 Thanx to Gr.Viper for approval :yes:
  10. Ah yes. APU-62 dual IR racks. For Mig-23 too: They are standardly in Jul2006 weps pack.
  11. No, I am affraid I need some rails (for S-24 rockets mounth on Su-7) too, but can not find too
  12. Novoty

    Camo Su-7BM skin: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6870
  13. Thank you bro Glad to hear this from another Su-7 skinner
  14. File Name: Czechoslovak Su-7BM camo File Submitter: kukulino File Submitted: 23 Jun 2008 File Category: Su-7 Czechoslovak Su-7BM camo scheme Based on Wrenchs Su-7BM templates. Su-7BM/BKL delivered in mid sixties into Czechoslovakia were in natural metal schemes. Later were czechoslovak Su-7s painted with variable camo schemes on revisions in SSSR. Every aircraft was original in its camo scheme. This skin is original too. Not based on real exist plane with specific number. I followed tradition in schemes originality. I more or less followed real schemes. Coloures are historical. Serial nums are historical too. I used numbers and insignias from my previous silver Su-7 skin (all Su-7 were repainted so nums are the same). You will enjoy I hope :-) Kukulo, Slovakia kukulo.kukulo@gmail.com Click here to download this file
  15. Czechoslovak Su-7BM camo



    Czechoslovak Su-7BM camo scheme Based on Wrenchs Su-7BM templates. Su-7BM/BKL delivered in mid sixties into Czechoslovakia were in natural metal schemes. Later were czechoslovak Su-7s painted with variable camo schemes on revisions in SSSR. Every aircraft was original in its camo scheme. This skin is original too. Not based on real exist plane with specific number. I followed tradition in schemes originality. I more or less followed real schemes. Coloures are historical. Serial nums are historical too. I used numbers and insignias from my previous silver Su-7 skin (all Su-7 were repainted so nums are the same). You will enjoy I hope :-) Kukulo, Slovakia kukulo.kukulo@gmail.com
  16. Well, it is possible. Bu try If no luck... You can made your own template based on original skin. It is harder and tooks longer than just paint some schemes into original template. But you will get better skill and knowledge about paint program. Than you will be better and better with every next work
  17. CZ-SK Projects

  18. You need paint program - Photoshop or Gimp for example (Gimp is free).You need check some tutorials: http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/forum33-tutorials/ Good way is use layered templates. We have some in Download section: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...&showcat=33 If there is no teplate for plane you want, try ask its modder/skiner for templates. In download section you can see new skins, so you can see their authors too. Shoot them PM.
  19. Original Su-30 and Su-33 are not released to this date. We are waiting for new Mig-29A model by Mirage factory. So, you can have Su-27, Mig-29A (from download section) and F-14. I do not suppose that somebody will make new skins for Su-27, Mig-29 and F-14 according your imagination. Too much work to do. Easy way is adapt existing Indian Mig-29 skins. There are 6 indian skins in download section for Mig-29 I think. So you can add details you want there. I had similar requiests like you in my mind... I had no skill with painting programs a few months ago. I wanted many skins for my favourite planes. But no way... So I tried... One skin took me one week usually. But I have what I want now :yes: My first...
  20. Got my son hooked on WoV

    Go simmer!!! Go, go, go!!!!! :fans: Good to hear about another pilot
  21. CZ-SK Projects

    Prvy kamo Suk mi nevyšiel... Snáď sa podarí tento druhý Vzhľadom na to, že čo kamufláž to originál (v prípade našich Sukov) som sa zatiaľ nerozhodol, či spraviť skin skutočnej mašiny, alebo proste načápať tie zelené polia od oka tak aby bol ďalší originál
  22. Yuupiiiii! Quarter Finals here we go!

    Mmmmm... Ballacks goal was not clear But Germany wins. Congrats :yes:

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