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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Thank you for approval Wrench :yes: So let's go guys put tail on catapult and allow her to shooooot us to the air for some enjoying
  2. Thank you :blush2: But there is most of your work on new Sicily - adapted Zuiho model, skin, inis She is waiting for approval :yes:
  3. File Name: CVE-118 USS Sicily File Submitter: kukulino File Submitted: 26 May 2008 File Category: Aircraft Carriers USS Sicily escort carrier This model is based on edited/adapted Hinchinbrookes Zuiho model. She is usable in your WW2 and Korea installations. Thanx to: Hinchinbrooke sushjake Thirdwire and TK CombatAce You will enjoy I hope Click here to download this file
  4. CVE-118 USS Sicily



    USS Sicily escort carrier This model is based on edited/adapted Hinchinbrookes Zuiho model. She is usable in your WW2 and Korea installations. Thanx to: Hinchinbrooke sushjake Thirdwire and TK CombatAce You will enjoy I hope
  5. I am finishing USS Sicily escort carrier. It is based on edited Hinchs Zuiho model. I PMed with sushjake, because he planned finish french Lafayette carrier for Suez campaign, to coordinate another plan. Tried make Lafayette deck, so here she is as WIP: She is bit new, so she needs some weathering
  6. We are waiting for new Mig-29A model by Mirage Factory. I do not know when it will be released, but A model looks similar to S version. Similar skin will be released maybe, I do not know. You can ask them. It is not what you exactly want, but after its (Mig) release, you can edit this Mig-29A to S for yourself. Than you will have needed aircraft too. Here is link to topic about Mig-29A discussed here at CA: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry148246 And... Take a look on the cockpit screeshot too...
  7. Thanx :yes: And yes, I searched Thirdwires forum for Lexxs topic about cockpit for B-29. Found, and looking forward to make it
  8. Novoty

    Po nádhernej helipotvóre od Marca tu máme ďalší parádny mod: AV-8B Harrier II plus od bobrocka http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6681
  9. Thank you guys for this jewell And BIG THANX for czechoslovak skin no other words are not needed I think...
  10. Novoty

    UAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! http://marcfighters.combatace.com/Aircrafts.htm Chlapi, čo dodať????
  11. Yes great work!!! Similar Zuiho project adapting for French navy too
  12. Hi pilots :yes: We are waiting for new Brain32 and CA_Stary tiles and tree mods for Korean terrain (nor only for Korea as we know). So I started some .ini modding in my Koren install. I added Royal Navy Carriers with planes for them. Will be great experience fly RN planes over new Korean look, I suppose My question is: have you anybody got double racks for british 60lb-rockets? Looks like there are not right weps stations positions on Firefly and Sea Fury. Here is Firefly shot with original ingame rocket positions (it is beta model, I know): Acording to these photos it is not right: http://hsfeatures.com/features04/fireflyfr5mp_1.htm Similar to Sea Fury. Ingame rocket positions: Photos: http://hsfeatures.com/seafuryme_1.htm Seafire 47 has its own double rocket racks, I think (this Seafire 47 model is modification of previous 46 model, I suppose. Radiator is small, not long like on 47 model): So I can move AttachmentPosition in weapons stations to new position. Or I miss double rack in weps pack 2006? Or is there onother rack for different rockets usable for these british rockets in weps pack? What do you think guys?
  13. Take look on posts nm 4,6,7 in that topic :yes: Try drop PM to Vrku if he is working on 9M114.
  14. Vrkuboy maybe http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...816&hl=grad
  15. Thank you guys :yes: Sea Fury looks much dangerous now
  16. Yes, Yak-9U is included in original Korea install and La-11 is included in Red Falcon campaign for Korean terrain. If there are somewhere historical notes about Yak-15/23 it is great add them as single squadron with few aircrafts. Another goodie is P-82 Twin Mustang for example or Tu-4 or Invader for example. To get various campaign with new nice terrain repaint with trees and targets areas. When Korean update will be released than will be everything about Korean theatre welcomed, I think
  17. Your released tree mods are great. And you are making them better????????
  18. Hi Brain32 I am not terrain guru. But if I want add working carrier with its own squadrons, I need edit these files: Korean War.ini - add squadron/unit, start date/text, ServiceXXX=xxxxxxxx, UnitID etc. Korean War_DATA - add squadron and carrier unit korea_targets.ini - this is from Korea terrain. Add [TargetAreaXXX] for carrier. Personally I use USN target areas for Royal Navy Do not know if is needed edit korea_movement.ini when I want add new [TargetAreaXXX] for new carrier. Conclusion: Man who wants add carrier into campaign must edit needed ini files. You do not need do anything with the terrain for it to support carriers or do campaign guys do that. If I understand it right, of course. And there is another legend in Korea: Corsair in AU-1 version. F4U-4 is included in Korean war campaign. But attack AU-1 not. I am not sure if AU-1 served on carriers. It is strong attack plane (as we all know). Download from C6: http://www.checksix-fr.com/bibliotheque/in...ail&ID=4433 For Corsairs units is usable MAC by Hinchinbrooke model in CVE-XX role too: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1667 And another possible plane... Mig-9... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5420
  19. I forgot... Sea Fury is in download section too: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1732
  20. Oh, interested of course. Every improvement is good I think :yes:
  21. Mmm guys, I just added these three birdies and carrier into standard Korean install, mixed with Red Falcon add on. Korean Air War Complete Mod: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1494 Red Falcon Korean War add on: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1902 Korean War Mod Update: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3329 There are carrier ops included. But just for USN. I used Hinchinbrookes HMS Bulwark in HMS Triumph and HMS GLory role: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=663 BTW Firefly, Seafire and Sea Fury are placed on Capuns site.
  22. Oh, guys New tilesets, new tree mod and new target areas Thank you poeple for your work I started celebration with adding three legends to my Korea install - my old dream in campaign Royal Navy stars Seafire 47: Firefly 5: And Sea Fury 11: With your new mods, new F-86 Sabres pack and awaited new Mig-15 mod with cockpit will be Korean skies favourite for many pilots
  23. So try Gepards Mig-21MF cockpit adaptation: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5526

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