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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Here is old topic about Mig-23 HUD and cockpit: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;hl=mig-23HUD If you have some skill with modding, you can try use Mig-21UM cockpit - without radar scope (great cockpit made by Paladrian and included in Amokfloos great Mig-21UM package in the download section) and with some avionics edits.

    Hi my friend :yes: Everything is good Tried french cheese, steak and vine La belle France As first: congrats to your new own forum What I tought in that sentence? Just that I can not wait for mods which you will make as community That is all.
  3. Man really nice pics Can not wait fly over Europe in new Mig-19 We had Mig-19S in license build in Czechoslovakia. And some Mig-19P/PM interceptors too (not in license).

    Hi Signum :yes: I am sorry for late reply. I worked in France last two weeks. As I have read in this topic (Link) admins are working on your new forum. So problem will be solved soon I hope Can not wait for your new mods, friends
  5. Hi pilots We had many interesting aircrafts in Czechoslovakia. Avia S-199 for example or Aero L-29/39/59 etc. Here is one of them: Well, my friend vrkuboy make new plane model: Zlin Z-142. We need help with its finish. We have FM tweaker, but we need modder too. Who can help us, please? Zlin is famous factory, and you know it I hope. Vrku will post here some info what is needed. We are still learning, and there are still many things with which we need help. Concretely animations and export. No cockpit. No for this time. We can use existing pits. we have no problem with skins. Any interest in Zlin-142 project?
  6. Did you ask admins? We have many polish members here on CA.
  7. Thank you very much guys Very nice WOV F-4D model modification
  8. Hi all Here it is. New "hi caliber" rocket pod by czechoslovaks Developed in Czechoslovakia in '80. Tested on Mi-24V in 1989. Usefull for attack planes/hallos of course (in game) - Su-22/25 Mig-23, Mi-24. Model by Vrkuboy: Real LRM-122 rocket pod with LR-122 rockets: http://forum.valka.cz/viewtopic.php/t/22273 Mounted under Mi-24V pylon: http://www.vrtulnik.cz/mil/helo89.JPG Mi-24V fires test LR-122: http://www.vrtulnik.cz/mil/grady.htm
  9. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    Myslím že weapon editor Ti odpovie na vznesené otázky :yes:
  10. Looks similar :yes: Vrkuboy maybe will try make needed changes for 9K114 Sturm missile. Need wait for his answer
  11. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    No u nás je na tieto veci odborník cover72. Ja sa moc nechytám. Každopádne, WOE engine rozlišuje medzi raketou ktorá "sleduje cieľ " a medzi raketou, ktorá si takpovediac nadbehne. Tá strela, ktorá si nadbehne má charakteristiky all aspect. V podstate ide o všetky radarom navádzané strely v SFP1 series. IČ strely majú charakteristiky rear60, rear180 a All aspect. To zistíš keď si nainštaluješ nejaký weapons pack a tam je weapon editor, kde si tieto veci môžeš pozrieť. Odštartoval som topic o ruských raketách, ktoré sa viacerým zdajú podhodnotené. Čakáme na nový patch pre WOE, aby bola updatnutá na WOI štandard. Potom môžeme riadené strely uraviť na potrebné štandardy. Uvidíme ako to dopadne. Ono odvolávať sa na realitu v prípade rakiet je ťažké. Zdoje sú obmedzené a samotná WOE je optimalizovaná pre "western" užívateľov. Nikto nám však nebráni upraviť si data sovietskych rakiet na lepší štandard.
  12. Fix pre znaky na českom Gripenovi

    Zdar chlapi :yes: Zrejme ste si to všimli a starí kozáci tento problém vo svojich inštaláciách asi už fixli Gripena som downloadoval skoro po jeho uploadnutí. Nikde som nečítal, že by niekto poukazoval na túto chybu. A podobne som nikde nečítal, že by bol publikovaný fix pre znaky. Gripen s pôvodným otočením znakov: Gripen s fixnutou pozíciou: Chybne sú otočené znaky na pravej strane chvosta, na hornej časti ľavého krídla a dolnej časti pravého krídla. Fix: 1) otvorte folder CZ so skinom českého Gripena 2) otvorte Decals.ini v tomto adresáry 3) scrolnite na [Decal003] a pridajte túto lajnu: Reverse=TRUE [Decal003] MeshName=VertTAIL DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT Reverse=TRUE <------------------------------------ Pridajte sem FilenameFormat=JAS39C\CZ\D\CZAF Position=-4.35,1.65 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.50 DecalMaxLOD=4 4) scrolnite na [Decal007] a pridajte rovnakú lajnu ako predtým: Reverse=TRUE [Decal007] MeshName=RightWing DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=Bottom Reverse=TRUE <------------------------------------ Pridajte sem FilenameFormat=JAS39C\CZ\D\CZAF Position=3.042,-2.95 Rotation=-90.0 Scale=0.50 DecalMaxLOD=4 5) scrolnite na [Decal008] a opäť pridajte: Reverse=TRUE [Decal008] MeshName=LeftWing DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=Top Reverse=TRUE <------------------------------------ Pridajte sem FilenameFormat=JAS39C\CZ\D\CZAF Position=-3.042,-2.95 Rotation=-90.0 Scale=0.50 DecalMaxLOD=4 6) zavrite a nechajte uložiť zmeny. Hotovo Zámerne som nepostol celé Decals.ini aj s úpravami, aby Tí, ktorí majú menej skúseností/alebo žiadne s modifikovaním .ini súborov mohli previesť fix manuálne. Gripenovi ešte chýbajú taktické čísla. To sa časom predpokladám tiež fixne :yes: Gripen pre SFP1 series je parádnym lietadlom. Má perfektný model aj skin, dobrý kokpit aj letové vlastnosti a širokú škálu výzbroje. Myslím že je alebo bude obľúbeným modom pre všetkých našich členov. Nuž a my, ktorí sme zo Slovenska sa naďalej tešíme na Mig-29A od Mirage factory A nepochybujem že aj kolegovia z Českej republiky sa neviedia dočkať
  13. Fix pre znaky na českom Gripenovi

    Tieto multijazyčné fóra sú tak trocha schované za hlavným fórom. Ale žijú. My sme tretie "najživšie". Najviac postujú portugalci a taliani No, WOE nie je ani zďaleka Falcon. A myslím že sa ani nesnaží vzbudiť dojem detailne reálneho simulátora. Je hlavne vysoko modifikovateľným simíkom. V rámci jeho možností sa snažíme priblížiť ho ku skutočným mašinám, ale úroveň Falcona alebo LOMACu nedosiahneme. Ani zďaleka. No ono je otázka či to je vôbec potrebné Musíme improvizovať. A ide to Skutočne si môžeš modovaním spraviť takú WOE akú sám chceš. Keďže si fandom Falcona a predpokladám aj F-16, najnovšou do zbierky je hra Wings over Israel s jej F-16 Netz, ale keď mi na krk stupíš, nepoviem Ti aký Block to je Každopádne v Download section máme hŕbu F-16. Problém je s kokpitom, bo taká F-16C a vyššie rady nemá zodpovedajúci pit. Nuž a Grippen, o ktorom je tento topic je aspoň pre mňa takým malým mrštným klenotíkom. Myslím že sa autorovi veľmi podaril
  14. Fix pre znaky na českom Gripenovi

    Servus Luky Vitaj u nás :yes:
  15. Ooooh, you are speedy Very, very, very NICE Su-7BKLs are saved
  16. Maybe helps: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?act=boardrules
  17. CZ-SK Projects

    Štartli sme ďalší projekt. Ide o československý raketomet LRM-122. Nie je to síce raketomet ktorý by mal oslnivú kariéru, ale je pomerne známy a WOE/WOV/SFP1 si nevšíma osudy skutočných projektov. Myslím že bude spolu s raketami S-24 dobrým prostriedkom na ničenie bodových cieľov. Na modely pracuje Vrkuboy http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0#entry154837 Snáď to troška spopularizuje aj našu komunitu
  18. We (Gerald14 and me) have fully workable SM SPS-141 container instalation mounted on Mig-21. This means ECM function and dispenser function in one container. Basically, standard Mig-21M/MF etc. were not equiped with needed electric instalation for SPS container. There is aditional electric instalation for SPS-141 on Mig-21s. Similar to our Mig-21MA model. Workable container is based on Wrenchs idea. If you want see it or test it, send me PM with your mail, ravenclaw_007 please. Here is SM SPS-141 mounted on Mig-21MA (edited stock Mig-21MF model): Su-7 SPS-141 ---- there is only one horn. Here are some its photos (scroll to Dundrs post. He is photographed with that part): http://modelforum.upce.cz/forum/viewtopic....=a&start=60 I haven't got other Su-7 ECM pod photos. But no Su-7 BKL is modelled. We have Su-7BM/BMK with six pylons - similar to BKL (some BMs were mounted with six pylons too). But oficial BKL does not exist.
  19. SM SPS-141 for Mig-21 is equpied with dispenser ASO-2I-E7P (acording to this czech site: http://www.valka.cz/newdesign/v900/clanek.php?id=10769 NOTE: there is incorrect ASO-21-E7P dispenser name in this link. Right is ASO-2I-E7P ) ASO-2 load 32 rounds. There were variable rounds for ASO-2: PPI-26 - flares: http://forum.valka.cz/viewtopic.php/highli...a-rusici-naboje PRP-15 - chaffs: http://forum.valka.cz/viewtopic.php/t/11352 (Last post by Lubo. There are both versions showed) Note about secret informations about SPS-141: I asked SPS-141 manual holder for some info about container for Su-22. But he replied me that he can not send me needed info. Manual is not for free use. Well, what can i do? Yes SM SPS-141 are freely placed in many museums. We can freely photo them, so it will took just a few days for good photos. Than we will see how many ASO dispensers are monuted on SM SPS-141, I hope. OK, I want to ask you about this, ravenclaw_007: there was third SPS-141 container "version" in Czechoslovak Air Force. SPS-141 for Su-7BKL. I haven't got drawning. All I have are some photos over internet. Do you know something more? I suppose that "jammer strenght" was the same or similar to SPS-141 for Mig-21 and Su-22/25. Here are some photos: http://modelforum.upce.cz/forum/viewtopic....=a&start=30
  20. You can use every cockpit you want. From Herkulkes to Mig-21.
  21. Is it new one or exist? Gerald14 and me have Fast Cargos SPS-141 models for Mig-21 and Su-22/25 too, but our WIP Mig-21MA/R project with SPS-141 container is stopped for this time. I tried find some informations about SPS-141 but I got reply in this sense: SECRET... You have better informations about container I hope :yes: Older SPS-141 topic: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;hl=SMSPS-141
  22. It is easy: drop that file into Flight folder in WOV. If you will do not like it, just delete that file. That is all.
  23. For comm mod try this link (post nm. 12 by Sparkomatic): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24685
  24. Yes, it is new game now This new WOV look is based on two files: Brain32s tiles and CA_Starys tree mod. Two different files by two different modders, but CA_Starys tree mod is designated for Brain32s tiles. Really great mods - both :fans: Thanx to them for 1000 000 times again
  25. Hi pilot :yes: Welcome to Nam :yes: Most of your missing/wanted files are placed in Downlosad section: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...s&showcat=2 OK, here are some suggestions: 1) This is newest weps pack from Mirage factory: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5956 And this is older weps pack from jul 2006. You can choose there instal for WOV only: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2672 In Mirage Factory weps pack are newer 3d weapons models and hi res skins. In jul 2006 pack are about 2000 weapons. You can merge this two packs. Look here how merge them (post nm 4 by Sony Tuckson): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23529 2) Terrain: there is very popular tree mod for Vietnam terrain by my friend CA_Stary in DS: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6134 You need Brain32s new tiles for Vietnam for working tree mod: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5300 3) faffs/chlares: it is not problem add countermeasures into Phantom_data.ini (not problem for every aircraft add faffs/chlares in general). Qestion is: which Phantom versions vere equiped with chaffs/flares in Nam? So wait please for some Phantom specialist, which show you right countermesure dispensers from weps packs. I suppose you want workable dispensers close to real Phantoms. I am not very good specialist in western dispensers. But I can help with soviet chaffs/flares dispensers (not used in Nam on Mig-17/19/21) P.S.: many poeple says that YAP addons are the best for WOV. It is payware page: http://www.yankeeairpirate.net/

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