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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Well, there is no template accordig which you can use this or that stock cockpit for substitude in general. If there is not aircrafts cockpit modelled specially for this aircraft in its package, than standard practice is use cockpit, which is relatively close to real cockpit. And you are not right about Mig-23 and Mig-27 cockpits Mig-23s and Mig-27s in the download section using three cockpit types: Paladrians Mig-21F, edited Mig-21MF and ArmourDaves Su-17 cockpit. There is no real Mig-23 cockpit modelled special for Mig-23/27 in the download section for this time. In the future maybe Mig-21F-13/PF/PFV/PFM/MF/UM - these GREAT cockpits are made by Paladrian for Mig-21 series. Some known (posted notes about WIPs here at CA) cockpits/planes WIPs in community: Mig-29A Mig-21Bis Mig-15 Mig-17 Plus some Marcfighters WIPs: SU-30Mk1 SU-27UB Flanker SU-33 Sea Flanker There is released Marcfighters Su-27 and Su-27SK (chinese J-11) with Su-27 cockpit on Marcfighters pages http://marcfighters.combatace.com/ If there is not aircraft own pit in the package, you need improvise :yes:
  2. Anyone up for new menu screens?

    Very, very, very nice It is freecoolin
  3. Some my notes: If you like Netz or Baz or Nesher or etc. go for WOI. If you like carrier operations, WOV is good choice - I haven't got Yankee Air pirate add ons. But poeple said that WOV is much, much, much better with them - attention YAP is payware. If you are from Europe, you can fly for your nation... If you are european and you like your Air force, go for WOE. Note: but I can not purchase WOI for this time. Personally - I am from Slovakia (ex Czechoslovakia), so I love WOE, becouse I can fly for czechoslovakian units. I am using CA_Starys tree mod, and WOE is the best sim for me for this time. In general I agree with column5. According to informations about WOI, it is highest TW simulators standard for this time. Other games are not patched to its standard for this time. So if you do not like carrier operations and you are not from Europe, and you want simply the best standards, WOI looking like your choice. But, you will have all Thirdwire sims in the future I think
  4. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    Dobrá syntéza je umenie :yes:
  5. SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI Comparison: http://www.column5.us/sfchart.htm You asked this in your previous topic: "Also, is MiG-21 a flyable aircraft in the game and does it haveits own cockpit?" We have really great Mig-21F/PF/PFV/PFM/MF/UM (great UM is modelled by Amokfloo, Paladrians pit is included in UM pack. Get it here: LINK!!! ) cockpits modelled by Paladrian. Plus, you can install another mods to your games such tree mods, SAM mods, enviroment mods, third party planes, ships, etc. Here is link to Knowledge base about addons, which can make you game better: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24685 And here is link how install cockpits to Mig-21s manually (you can see there why manually): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23947&hl Use Knowledge base. There are very usefull informations: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=99 And use search engine too.
  6. Hi Basher11 :yes: Welcome to SFP1 series world Yes, SFP1 is relatively old game. Do not play it without patches and service packs. You can download patches from Download section here on CA: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...s&showcat=2 This is central download section for add ons to SFP1 games. Another important site for you will be thirdwire.com with its download section: http://thirdwire.com/downloads_fe.htm Choose patches and service packs according game you want update. Patches and service packs on thirdwire.com and here on CA are the same. Happy hunting :yes: PS: there is another "Wings over..." - Wings over Israel, and WW1 simulation First eagles with its expansion pack (check thirdwire.com)
  7. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    Ty človeče, mám taký pocit, že bez Teba by šturmovik nebol tým čím je :yes:
  8. Maybe usable too: http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Flanker.html It is link from this topic: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry146561
  9. Yes this is another way. It is not necessary merge Weps packs. You can install MF weps pack and it will works right I think (LINK). But there is another MF weps pack just for WOI (LINK). I supposed that you had just this WOI weps pack installed (there are no Sa-3... etc. missiles)... So than is needed merge with another pack.
  10. I try explane something: This is from Wrench’s IsraelME_upgrade ReadMe: "THIS IS FOR WoI -ONLY!!! IT CANNOT BE USED ON ANY OTHER TERRAIN, EXCEPTING THE STOCK ISREALME IN WoI!!!!" And another note in Wrench’s IsraelME_upgrade ReadMe: "It is designed to use either the Bunyap or Mirage Factory Weapons Pak" According to these notes, you can use Jul2006 weps pack or MF weps pack - merged with MF weps pack for WOI (if you are using just MF weps pack for WOI, there are not included SA-3, Chapparal missiles, etc). That's it I suppose. How merge two different weapons packs see this link (post nm 4 by Sony Tuckson): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23529
  11. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    :pioneer: Happy birthday :pioneer:
  12. We hope too :yes: This is new Sturmovik (together with Su17/22). I really miss this plane in SFP1 series. It will be avaiable soon I hope We are waiting for two new 3D models... Looking forward to both. This is another important piece of our aviation history...
  13. Looks Whose 27!

    Všetko najlepšie Na zdravie!!!
  14. MiG-21

    Well, if Starfighter2 said "with Mago's(Paladrian) great BiS pit", this means with Mago's(Paladrian) great BiS pit So another legendary Mig-21 version incomiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing
  15. MiG-21

    I just want to say, that flying Mig-21 series in WOE/WOV/SFP1 is exciting experience for me. Feeling that I can fly on czechoslovak side is really great. Every man from every nation which use/used Mig-21 can try it and modd it to concrete model. As I said, we are waiting for new Mig-21 mods. Some of them are really close to finish. Can not wait for them Plus new cockpits are with WIP status... (maybe Boopidoo will adapt Su-15 pit for Mig-19 too... Who knows...)... We have really big chance enjoy Migs in this game. So guys, let' go do it Note about Mig-29: for every mig fan is Mig-29 jewell. Upcoming MF Mig-29A is according to screenshots (I saw few at C6 and one here at CA) jewell for our community too. So just need wait... And we have Marcfighters GREAT Su-27 for enjoy, of course...
  16. MiG-21

    I totally agree To racinglad: it is not big problem fly with F-15/16/18 in WOE. It is speed, fun, boooms, exciting etc. Try Mig (You tried I know )!!! And you will see where is your range :yes: Use fully Paladrians cockpits for Mig-21 series with their RWR!!!
  17. MiG-21

    Want contibute too 1) distinguish which era you fly: In WOV Rolling thunder you haven't got big problems I think (but this do not mean no problems). You can fight and win. In later LinebackerI and LinebackerII it is harder (F-4 use AIM-7E). In Johan217s Middeast wars campaign I had problems. Phantoms with AIM-7E/E-2 can lock me on relatively long distance (in comparation to RS-2US or IR R-3S missiles). The same to Iran vs Iraq campaign (F-4E with AIM-7E-2, AIM-9J). You have just manouer to shake fired missile. No chaffs, no flares (the same to your oponents). Suicide is WOE Red Lightning (on hard settings). You have no or little chance survive. Doesn't matter which plane is your opponent. Your real oponent is AIM-9L (F-15 carry AIM-7F too). On the other hand F-15 is big league for Mig-21MF. 2) distinguish which Mig-21 version you actually use in mission: we have modelled and modded many Mig-21 versions: F, F-13, PF, PFM, R, S, UM, MF, Bis (WOI) (another versions are WIPs). This versions using different flight models. Not stock only. Try PM to Fubar512 or to Gerard14. They updated FMs for many versions. They can send you link to download them or send you FMs, I hope. They will be willing, I suppose. Or try search in download section. But no all FM are there. 3) A2A missiles: this is a little bit problem :yes: : Standardly were used IR R-3S, R-13M and later R-60. Standard radar guided missile for Mig-21 in Czechoslovakia was RS-2US. Well no good chances to kill. R-60 were carried on Mig-21MF much later, between 1990-2000 (in Czechoslovakia). Need practise if you want hit and kill anything with R-3S/R-13M. If your oponent is equiped with faffs/chlares... You have still your cannon 4) faffs/chlares: this is Mig-21 pain... Yes, later versions were equiped with dispensers, but for us, which fly WOV/WOE it is not actually. Czechoslovak Mig-21F-13/PF/PFM/R/MA/MF were not equiped with dispensers. Missiles can hit you everywhere from every positions (all aspect capability) in later campaigns. There will be little upgrade. With Gerard14 we are working on Mig-21MA version, which can carry SM SPS-141 container with faffs/chlares. Still WIP. Some little probs on the way we had. Link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...S-141+container Or try Starfighter2s Mig-21R with recon container equiped with dispenser: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6114 Well, Mig-21 is old but still alive Star But not equivalent oponent for newer fighter generations. I mean older versions from F to MF. Bis and another newer modifications are much better than previous "21" versons. I love it. It is real legend on aviation heaven. Migs forever :fans: PS: you can still use Su-27 Or wait for Mirage factory Mig-29A Or wait for another Mig-21 WIPs
  18. Probable usable in WOI too: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=11833
  19. File Name: Vrkuboys Metal Mig-21MF skin File Submitter: kukulino File Submitted: 17 Mar 2008 File Category: Mig-21 File Version: rar Website: No Information Mig-21MF metal skin by Vrkuboy This is new silver/metal skin for Mig-21MF based on templates made by Wrench. These templates are based on Thirdwire Mig-21MF skin. coments welcomed Vrkuboy Note: Vrkuboy has connection problem. He could not upload file correctly. All credits for work on metal skin goes to Vrkuboy. Kukulino Click here to download this file
  20. CZ-SK Projects

    Skin je reuploadnuty tu: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6219
  21. Tried in erikgens Super Mystere in my Mideast war installation (modded WOE)... Man, looks very, very, very good Great work
  22. Hallo pilots :yes: This is another try to edit exists pit for good plane There is no original Su-7 cockpit in SFP1 series. We are standardly using Armourdaves Su-17 pit: I found some Su-7BKL cockpit photos: http://www.aviation.ru/jno/Prague98/su7bkl_cockpit.jpg http://apolo.koprivnice.org/walkarounds/Su-7/wa_su7.htm I have read about very similar cockpit construction used in Su-7 and Su-15 (these bird are differrent, I know :yes: Su-7 is bomber and Su-15 is interceptor) Well, this is Su-15 cockpit made by Boopidoo: I used it for Su-7 with A-4B avionics: There is no radar scope and different gunsight in Su-7 of course. We can make new gunsight.tga but we can not delete radar. What do you think about that? I am working on czechoslovak Su-7BM/BKL silver skin (based on Wrenchs templates). So this is reason why I have idea about Su-7 cockpit.

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