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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. This is one of first posts in this topic. Concretely Lexx_Luthors post and his idea, I think. I want just remind how we can move instruments out of sight via ini edit. Well original ingame BM model is without periscope, and as ghostrider883 wrote, indian Su-7BMKs were without periscopes. And czechoslovak Su-7BM/BKLs were suplied without periscopes too. But as I wrote, periscopes were installed later. This means 3:1 for no periscope installation My little dream is new Su-7BKL model with two brakeshutes on tail and skis on gear. And with periscope maybe We can edit exist BM model, I know. But no brakeschutes etc... And BKL can load special SPS-141 container designate special for Su-7. Maybe can load different SPS-141 version which can carry Su-22 too (I tried find some good info, but it is still secret... But model is finished by Fast Cargo).
  2. Hi Paladrian :yes: You posted before I send you PM I am slowly Thank you Thank you again for your willing share with us with your Mig-21MF periscope Boopidoo is project modder, so need wait for his reply about periscope instalation. Thank you too for idea about gunsight proportions. It will be easier make it bigger than move it, I hope. Maybe some position edits in cockpit ini will be needed. We will se. Thanks for interest :fans:
  3. Just for imagination, Paladrians Mig-21MF periscope: Fixed Sirena text (lastest screenshot) - just try: Check your mail, Boopidoo, please :yes:
  4. We (Czechoslovakia) have received Su-7BM/BKLs without periscopes on canopies. Periscopes were installed later. All new czechoslovak Su-7s were silver, and no one has periscope. As you can see on links, just camouflaged planes are equiped with periscope (both versions). Su-7BMs: http://forum.valka.cz/index.php/f/502367/title/Su-7BM Su-7BKLs: http://forum.valka.cz/index.php/f/502368/title/Su-7BKL Another nice photos: http://modelforum.upce.cz/forum/viewtopic....51&p=348666 (take a look on previous pages in the link too) I understand you right Boopidoo about split canopy, I hope There is no canopy frame like Su-15 pit(according to photos. For example here: http://modelforum.upce.cz/forum/download/f...&mode=view). Just periscope box. Note about periscope: We have just Su-7BM modelled (WOI Su-7BMK use Su-7BM.LODs I think. Correct me if I am wrong please). On SFP1/WOE Su-7BM model is not periscope modelled. And I see no way how import it to Su-7BM.LOD; So it is not needed in cockpit (maybe). On the other hand, periscope was standard equipment later. So if it is possible integrate it to Su-7 cockpit, let' go do it, please. Maybe Paladrian will be willing share another Mig-21 cockpit part with us again I will try drop him PM about it. But I need your opinion Boopidoo too :yes: To CA_Stary: According to these photos is gunsight closer to pilot. So it looks like bigger, I think. It is just my opinion. http://www.mzak.cz/kbely2007/p1100945.jpg http://www.mzak.cz/kbely2007/p1100884.jpg On second picture it is relatively close to control stick too. I can't wait for cockpit photos
  5. News: We will get photos on monday. Some troubles on the way :yes:
  6. Zlín Z-142

    To je onooooooooooooooooooooo Naaaaaááádhera
  7. Well, I tested all aspect R-23T heavilly... Deadly for oponents... But everything looks like that R-23 is not all aspect or very limited... Well, I will try another search for it. But what is really needed is reduced warhead weight. So R-24T will be deadly with all aspect capabilities Some good info: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/inde...opic,60.15.html According to this, R-23T is rear 180 aspect. According the same site, but different topic, Mig-23ML can engage targets from "all aspect positions" just with R-23R: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/inde...ght,mig-23.html WOI AIM-9L is not so good as anytime before (I heard it). So maybe soviet weps pack is not needed when mighty Lima is out Just joke
  8. Some suggestions (just ideas) The radar panel with lights: we will see something more on new photos, which we are awaiting, I hope The same for radar selector and right panel. SPO-10 texture - no problem Accordig to existing photos, gunsight box in Su-7 cockpit is higher and closer to pilot (example http://www.aviation.ru/jno/Prague98/su7bkl_cockpit.jpg ) Yellow squares are just for panels - maybe new... maybe rearanged with switches and lights and new "descriptions". We will see. Yellow "UP" means move gunsight up, or a little bit up and close to pilot. More photos is needed for this gunsight move (if Boopidoo will want move it, of course). As I wrote, these are just ideas.
  9. Guys, this project looks good. This project really looks good Thank you, Thank you, Thank you :cray: Zlins forever
  10. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    No tak to potom celá komunita hádže bobek na spánok, kým sa vyskúšajú všetky zlepšenia
  11. I talked with my friend arrow80 about Su-7 cockpit photos. He said that we need wait a few days for another cockpit photos (from personal archive). He will get them on friday, he hopes. And I hope too We will see :yes: PS: And thanx for translation help and correction. We will need help with new notices on panels. When I will get photos than I will send them to Boopidoo. We will see what Boopisoo will say
  12. Hallo Boopidoo and GR.Viper I posted here some links, so I post it again. There are some good shots I think: http://www.aviation.ru/jno/Prague98/su7bkl_cockpit.jpg http://apolo.koprivnice.org/walkarounds/Su-7/wa_su7.htm http://www.mzak.cz/kbely2007/ I deleted some notices and tried fixed Sirena3: Just for imagination Sirena3: This is one from photos from mzak.cz - left panel: http://www.mzak.cz/kbely2007/p1100861.jpg I will try find better photos with my friends. Thank you Boopidoo for your willing make pit better
  13. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    No toho ale je Enjoyr, spíš Ty vôbec?
  14. Hi The Trooper :yes: Thank you for interesting notes. And thank you for F-14 cockpit edit too Su-7 cockpit project is Su-15TM cockpit adaptation, as we know. Su-15TM cockpit was rearanged. Some instruments were deleted, some instruments are not functional but stayed in their original positions. About autopilot: in SU-7BM was AP-28 autopilot installed (it was not difficult or complicated). I do not know which light or instrument in real pit is used for this autopilot. Thank you for RWR note too. I am from ex Warsav pact state, but I do not understand russian language I will consult it with Boopidoo.
  15. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    Človeče, som na to úplne zabudol. Som sa kukal na tú stránku s modmi a tam že B-17 a strelci alebo Blenheim a strelec... Ale spätne - to sú modely, ktoré v hre už sú Škoda, veeeľká škoda
  16. Mmm, most planes on my wish list are WIPs But this is not WIP: Czechoslovak L-410
  17. Try ask USAFMTL. He tried it in WOI, I suppose. I saw his post in topic "Screenshot of the month", where he posted camo Su-7 screenshot (post nm. 44 I think). There is note about Su-7 cockpit. Just typ :yes:
  18. Gr.Viper, here in post nm 44 is Su-7 model screenshot: http://forums.airforce.ru/showthread.php?t=1559&page=3 Nik is working on Su-7 model too, or is it different modders work? I do not understand russian We haven't got Su-7BKL model modelled for example. Just question :yes:
  19. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    Enjoyr, existujú ňáké kampane za čechoslovákov? Stretol som sa dávnejšie s kampaňou Leaning forward či jak sa volal, kde sa dalo lietať so Spitmi V na sweepy, ale bolo potrebné si ju ručne upraviť na našu. Tú kampaň spomínam len pre to, že sa mi páčila a zalietal som si v nej pár letov za našich. Oňehdá dávno som mal myslím dva či tri skiny našich mašín. ňáke Mk V od 313.tej a samozrejme Mk.IX Otta Smika:good: Sú teda ňáke novoty aj na tomto poli? Som sa hrabal na tých fórach kde robia nové mašiny. No samý fajnšmeker to tam je. Spitfire XIV ma veľmi zaujal a s ním aj Hawker Typhoon :yes: Ešte mám niekde staručké "Ábíčko" kde popisujú ako bol sundaný Jiří Maňák na Tajfúne zblúdilou guľkou... Len musím počkať až dokončím školu a môžem si tie veci nainštalovať Ak by bol ňáký Wellingtoník, neváhal by som ho vymeniť za povedzme Betty alebo aj iný dvojmotoráčik
  20. Wh... Whaa... Whhhhhattttt is thatttttt Gr.Viper???????? Is this for SFP1 series? Mig invasioooooooooooooon hereeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  21. Do not stop. Forward, still forward :fans: Zlin 142 is my litle lovely "toy" As 76.IAP-Blackbird wrote, Wings over Trainers is needed

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