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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Pit request @Kukulo/Boopidoo

    About permission: I need consult it with Boopidoo. :yes:
  2. Pit request @Kukulo/Boopidoo

    I have read about your repaint idea, of course :yes: But no single engine version with middlebar on the top like the original su15 pit is not planned. We are waiting for Paladrians Mig-17 pit and for Mig-15 pit too (from another modder. Mig-15 is usable in Mig-17 too). And I haven't got Boopidoos definitive answer about Su-15TM cockpit adaptation to Mig-19S cockpit for this time. What is really planned is new update for Su-7BM cockpit with fixed details, in the near future. I personally hope that Boopidoo will adapt Su-15 cockpit to Mig-19S cockpit with Paladrians ASP-5ND gunsight. And there is repaint needed necessary. Your gray repaint (in upper post) is very nice and usable for Mig-19S, I think. So my answer is wait for another Boopidoos Su-15 adaptation project (there will be another here on CA I hope). Than you will see what kind of repaint is needed. PS: your Mig-29G looking veeeeery interesting :yes: And very good idea with Su-27 cockpit adaptation. Keep your good work BTW: have you seen USAFMTLs Mirage factorys Mig-29A screeshot in Screenshot of the month topic? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...26201&st=60 Another Mig incoming We will have Mig invasion here. You have Mig-29G, Gerald14 an me will finish Mig-21MA and R versions soon I hope, MF Mig-29A, Mig-15...
  3. CombatACE umí česky

    Aaaahojteee Dnes odštartovali nové multijazyčné fóra, a ako vidíme, jedno z nich je v češtine Som zo Slovenska, ale nevidím problém, čo sa týka jazyka, pre členov fóra z Českej republiky a samozrejme aj opačne :yes: Verím, že nové fórum bude živé a pomôže riešiť mnohé trable, ktoré Sfp1 a mnohé iné či podobné gejmy ešte prinesú. Treba však myslieť na to, že multijazyčné fóra majú fungovať ako podpora pre CombatACE. To znamená, že podstatnú časť problémov rieši hlavné fórum CombatACE v angličtine. ĎAKUJEME adminovi Ericovi a všetkým, ktorí umožnili uskutočniť a spustiť tento multijazyčný projekt :yu: :fans: Neviem o nikom, kto by bol z ČR alebo SR, prípadne hovoril našimi jazykmi a je členom fóra. (76.IAP-Blackbird vie okrem češtiny viac jazykov, ale netuším jeho národnosť) Myslím že Monty CZ by mohol hovoriť česky :blush2: Tak poďme smelo do toho
  4. CombatACE umí česky

    No problem :yes: Anytime :yes:
  5. CombatACE umí česky

    Aha, OK. Open aircraft_DATA.ini; scroll to [AircraftData] and add UseMetricUnit=TRUE This is from stock F-15A. I added UseMetricUnit=TRUE [AircraftData] EmptyMass=12474.0 EmptyInertia=161708.0,28137.7,216005.0 CGPosition=0.0,0.20,0.0 ReferenceArea=56.49 ReferenceSpan=13.06 ReferenceChord=5.21 UseMetricUnit=TRUE <-----------------------------HERE Component[001]=Fuselage Component[002]=Nose Component[003]=LeftWing Component[004]=RightWing Component[005]=LeftOuterWing Component[006]=RightOuterWing Component[007]=LeftStab Component[008]=RightStab Component[009]=LeftVertTail Component[010]=RightVertTail Than F-15A will use Metric unit for speed and altitude. You can edit aircraft you want :yes:
  6. Imagine... Fly this little "birdie" over WOE with CA_Starys tree mod with farms, cows, bilboards, HAWKs...
  7. Well, Su-7 is based on Boopidoos Su-15TM cockpit (Su-15TM is twin engine bird, as we know). Another update (V1.1) will be with some new edits for better single engine "feeling" in Su-7 cockpit Thank you guys for your glad words. I love this pit more and more
  8. CombatACE umí česky

    To cover72: ten Mig-29A od Mirage factory určite nie je určený výhradne pre WOI. USAFMTL je zrejme tester a použil ho do WOI. Ohľadom kompatibility bol myslím topic o tom na hlavnom fóre. Link Ti presne nedám, lebo neviem kde som to videl. Osobne ešte nemám kúpenú WOI, takže neviem Ti viac povedať. To 76.IAP-Blackbird: what do you mean exactly? Aircraft speed? It is in knots... Or detect system? You mean detect system probably. There is another NM line in aircraft_avionics.ini Try set it to KM too. But than you will need edit radar range settings from NM ranges to KM ranges.
  9. Oh Vrku, do you want to kill me???
  10. CombatACE umí česky

    Ak sa nemýlim, máme na CA prvýkrát zverejnený screenshot Migu-29A na ktorom robí Mirage factory : http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry140365 Post č. 78 od USAFMTL
  11. File Name: Czechoslovak 28.sbolp silver skin File Submitter: kukulino File Submitted: 5 Mar 2008 File Category: Su-7 File Version: rar Website: No Information Czechoslovak Su-7BM 28.sbolp silver skin Shows Su-7BMs which served in 28.sbolp (fighter - bomber regiment) in Caslav. There were many silver variations on our Su-7s in Czechoslovakia. This skin is one of them. Used historical serial nums and 28.sbolp marking on fuselage. Later were czechoslovak Su-7BM/BKLs painted with camouflage. You will enjoy, I hope Kukulo kukulo.kukulo@gmail.com Click here to download this file
  12. CZ-SK Projects

    Found! Mig-21MFN. Look here: http://www.patricksaviation.com/videos/JFS/1410/ I can not see it. So I tried registration and than everything works right.
  13. Thank you MRJC_219 No upgrade to Su-17 pit planed with this mod. But it is possible import avionics from Gepards Su-22M4 "Susi" to Su-7 pit for your own use, I think. You will need avionics70 of course (just simple edit in aircraft.ini). Susi: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5712 My opinion: Su-7BM pit as is, with ASP-5ND gunsight, is relatively good platform for Mig-19S. As Boopidoo wrote, a twin-engine version would not take many minutes to make, becouse original Su-15TM pit is twin-engine. Yes, if we will do it, it will be just temporary solution. On the other hand, there is no Mig-19 cokpit as WIP over CA, I think. If I am right about no Mig-19 WIP cokpit status, let's go see other early Mig cockpits status too: Mig-15 WIP (new model and cockpit) Mig-17/Mig-17F - WIP cockpit (I have read about Paladrians WIP here on CA) Mig-17PF - no WIP Mig-17PFU - no WIP Mig-19S - no WIP Mig-19P - no WIP Mig-19PM - no WIP Well, Su-7 pit is close to Mig-19S pit. Not the same, no very close, but similar. Mig-19S used ASP-5N gunsight (I do not know exactly difference between N and ND version), but models (box) are very similar or the same. Needed some rearrange instruments, plus twin engine conception and repaint. Exact instruments positions you can see in 4+ Publication: Mig-19, page 35. Just little play with pilot wiev from cockpit, maybe. This is the fastest and easiest way get another nice cockpit for great plane, I think. As I wrote, just my opinion.
  14. CZ-SK Projects

    Oh yes... I have mess in cockpits now I saw what you want, I think. It was video with Mig-21MF and lock on target on radar scope too. But I forgot name and where I saw it :cray: BTW: do you know this page? http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/inde...opic=110.msg809
  15. CZ-SK Projects

    Wow, do you want to kill me? BETA MiG-21-93 kokpit looks exciting What function has that panel above radarscope in Mig-21MA/MF pits? Great work on them As usually Paladrians pits and your avionics are deadly
  16. Yes, you are right. It is little bit offset to left :yes: But workable Thank you for notice. I will consult it with Boopidoo :yes:
  17. And Palladrian too You shoot according his ASP-5ND gunsight I am so haapy tooo
  18. Novoty

    A už aj Čáslavský strieborný skin pre Su-7BM je na stiahnutie: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6160 Môj prvý
  19. My first Su-7 skin approved Thanx GR.Viper :yes: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6160 For better feeling in Su-7 with new pit Without czechoslovak insignias and marking usable as silver skin for other nations too, I think
  20. Yes we have Su-11: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=518 and Su-9 too: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=242 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=243
  21. OK, Boopidoo, no problem We can help guys in this topic about early russian jets cockpits: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry139790 Su-15TM cockpit adaptation for Mig-19 cockpit for example (just idea) :yes: Thank you 76.IAP-Blackbird. I like like taht skin too
  22. I have finished my first czechoslovak silver skin for Su-7BM (my first skin in general): Waiting for approval too
  23. Version


    Czechoslovak Su-7BM 28.sbolp silver skin Shows Su-7BMs which served in 28.sbolp (fighter - bomber regiment) in Caslav. There were many silver variations on our Su-7s in Czechoslovakia. This skin is one of them. Used historical serial nums and 28.sbolp marking on fuselage. Later were czechoslovak Su-7BM/BKLs painted with camouflage. You will enjoy, I hope Kukulo kukulo.kukulo@gmail.com
  24. No. We haven't got twin engine version of this pit, for this time We will see. Need wait for Boopidoos opinion :yes:
  25. Novoty

    A máme tu aj Su-7BM kokpit na stiahnutie http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6159

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