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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Hi Sandesh :yes: According to this Strike Fighters Versions Comparison, there is no Mig-21FL in WOI : http://www.column5.us/sfchart.htm
  2. Novoty

    Pekne si to povedal o rúrach Ak máš na mysli prúdového Buccaneera, tak Ťa asi poteší, že je len otázkou času kedy si na ňom zalietaš : http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=25494&h
  3. Do not be afraid Everything is all right Without WOI, but all right
  4. No, no EVERY Mig is good mig
  5. Well, guys, that burning Migs looks still good and elegant
  6. Kompatibilita instalací

    Jaaaaáááj, to jaki sme my fajnšmejkri :fans:
  7. Ohhh, Boopidoo, I have no words
  8. Kompatibilita instalací

    Výborný nápad, cover72 Hneď ako budem môcť stiahnuť Framework 2.0 sem hodím svoj zoznam :yes: Akurát nemám žiadnu solidnú verziu WOE, len testovacie, ale to ňák domachrujem. Chlapi napíšte svoje názory a návrhy, bo sa potom možno konečne pobijeme na nete
  9. Novoty

    S tými supply missions nie som si istý, ale myslím že neboli. Mi-8 sa dá použiť na recon ako si napísal, armed recon, prípadne na strike a CAS. To nie je až tak obmedzená paleta úloh. A s novým "stromovým" modom to bude o mnoho zábavnejšie Nuž, a čo som ešte chcel, je veeeeeeľmi dlho očakávaný mod, zvlášť pre Vás z Českej republiky :yes: GRIPPEN je vonku!!! http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...;showfile=6074#
  10. Thank you for another nice screenies Camoufled migs looks very nice. Can not wait!!! Mmmm, I can purchase WOI this night, and I will finish school later Oooor I do not need finish school when I have WOI I can start my Mig and fly far, far away...
  11. Wow, looks like good debate here Yeah, Bis is old but good sting Paladrians cockpits for Mig-21 series are compatible with WOI migs I hope Oh, and I like your screenshots Emp_Palpatine especially that with Mirage and Mig-17 is HOT Czechoslovak Mig-21F-13 were exported with no cockpit window behind pilots head. There is not this version included in WOI I suppose. But we have modeled it by Mirage factory. I have read that some czechoslovak Mig-21F-13 were exported with typical sand camo schemes. But we have no sand camo skin for MF F-13 for this time, and I have no photo czechoslovak Mig-21F-13 with this camo scheme for this time too. And avionics improvements soound good, I think :yes:
  12. Thank you Caesar for interesting notes :yes: TK wrote on Thirdwire forum that he search for more info about missiles. And as we can see, there are some new edits in WOI.
  13. Hahaaaa, wait for Mig-29A from MF Now seriously It is very interesting for "red birds" fans fly your F-22, I thing. When soviet oponents will be released, dogfights will be on more dangerous levels for both sides than anytime before. Very nice mod that your F-22 :yes: Keep your good work, all in Raptor team :pioneer:
  14. Has anybody some reference to new A2A missiles and their effectivnes in WOI? :yes:
  15. Hallo pilots WOI on screenshots looks great Thanx to TK an everybody who works on this project. I can not buy game now... I need four mounths to finish my school So, is here anybody who can post new arab planes screenshots, please? Especially Mig-23BN and Su-7BMK, if it is possible of course. Thanx
  16. Novoty

    Noo, to je fajn keď máš rozmyslené aké železo Ti najviac treba Marcfighter spravil československý skin pre Mi-8 (teda nie len československý, pravda): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry133387 Myslím že je nááádherný
  17. Helicópiteros Árabes

    OOohh, they are so nice And that Czechoslovak is... ooohhHHooo THANK YOU :yes:
  18. Novoty

    Človeče, asi by si si mal kúpiť nové železo, celé. Na svojej starej GeForce2Ti som si moc neprdol vo WOV. Som to prestal hrať na pár mesiacov. Až som si kúpil 6600GT a bolo to kapánek lepšie. Ale teraz mám nové železo, tak je to v pohode (až na ten staaaaaaaarý monitor).
  19. MIG-29 OVT

    As Wrench and CoolHand29 wrote, many your questions are explained in Knowledge base. I am lost in game moding often, so Knowledge base is my help :yes: If you are playing on HARD settings (all on HARD), there is no red or yellow square on HUD. And if you are flying Phantom there is no square or circle on your HUD if your missile is locked on targed. So you need confirm that plane in the front of you, if it is friendly or enemy. I use radar, F4 view (fixed on target), and Control center reports (TAB than 7 and than 2). You can use map view and another external views too. It is not easy find, confirm and shot down confirmed enemy plane (on HARD and without modern avionics systems). All you need is training Which is friend? Visual targeting (F4 key --- view fixed on target. But you need visual search - T key for example - for target before you hit F4) I love this: Two F-15D!!! HaHAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Su-27SK cockpit. You can use this cockpit for Mig-29 too. I fly Mig-21 very often. There is no red or yellow square too. I use IR missiles for close combat. So I shoot missiles in close range and there is no problem with confirmation enemy/friend usually. But training, training, training is needed for HARD settings dogfights. With modern planes and missiles it is much easier. Infra red R-73 lauch. R-73 is "locked" on F-15 (Su-27SK): Modern avionics systems are installed in modern planes. For WOV you can use many modern planes. I recommend Marcfighters Su-27SK (J-11) Flanker: http://marcfighters.combatace.com/Aircrafts.htm (my first screenshots were from WOE and I flew Su-27. I used CA_Starys effects pack: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5379 On pics in this post I do not use CA_Starys pack). For recommended addons for WOV look into knowledge base. If you want fly modern planes in modern campaign in WOV try MK2s Vietnam 1984: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1975 Vietnam 1984 update: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5289 And I totally agree with CoolHand29s post upper. But I am affraid that we are very far from Mig-29OVT topic subject
  20. Novoty

    Tak a toto je ŠUPA s VEĽKÝM Š: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6034 Stromy pre WOE, ŠUPA ŠUPOVÁ!!! Koštovka: A to som ešte neletel nad lesom. Je tam kopa nových a zaujímavých objektov. Toto je, podľa môjho názoru, jeden z najlepších modov pre WOE. A to nie je zbraňový mod
  21. I do not need fire missiles... I need just fly in my Mig and see great Europe with great trees THANK YOU
  22. Zdar chlapi Skupinový adaptér MBD-2-67-U vo svete SFP1/WOV/WOE nie je nič nové pod slnkom. Je zahrnutý vo weapons packu z júla 2006. Akurát, že sa o ňom málo vie. Dá sa podvesiť na viaceré typy mašín, napr. Mig-21, Mig-23. Nemám preskúmané všetky verzie letových modelov Mig-21MF, ktoré kedy boli spravené, ale tie čo používam, možnosť podvesenia MBD-2-67-U nedovoľovali. Editovanie potrebných súborov nie je ťažké, preto by som Vám rád ukázal že všetko je ako má byť (po malom zásahu do ini súborov) Samozrejme ak MBD-2-67-U niekto už používa je mu toto na prd V prvom rade si zálohujte MIG-21MF_DATA.ini a WEAPONDATA.ini Ako na to: 1) otvorte MIG-21MF_DATA.ini (nachádza sa v adresári Wings Over Europe\Objects\Aircraft\MiG-21MF) 2) Scrolnite na Weapon Stations a pridajte skratku MER na vnútorné pylóny // Weapon Stations --------------------------------------------------------- [LeftOuterWingStation] .................................. .................................. .................................. [RightOuterWingStation] .................................. .................................. .................................. [LeftWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.01,-0.7,-0.38 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=500.0 LengthLimit=3.5 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RCKT,RP,IRM,SAHM,CGR,MER <-------- toj, pridané MER AttachmentType=SOVIET ModelNodeName=WingPylon_L PylonMass=60 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName=MissileRail_L LaunchRailHeight=0.10 LaunchRailMass=25 [RightWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.01,-0.7,-0.38 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=500.0 LengthLimit=3.5 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RCKT,RP,IRM,SAHM,CGR,MER <-------- toj, pridané MER AttachmentType=SOVIET ModelNodeName=WingPylon_R PylonMass=60 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName=MissileRail_R LaunchRailHeight=0.10 LaunchRailMass=25 [CenterlineStation] .................................. .................................. .................................. 3) zavrite MIG-21MF_DATA.ini a uložte zmeny - skratka MER Vám umožní podvesiť skupinové adaptéry na pôvodné pylóny ---------------------------alternatíva č. 1------------------------------------------------- 4) otvorte Weapon editor (POZOR!!! Musí byť nastavená Kompatibilita pre Win95!!!) 5) otvorte vo Weapon editore WEAPONDATA.ini, nájdite si MDB-2 a stlačte EDIT Weapon (EDIT je na lište vpravo hore) 6) pozrite na Attachment Positions and Angles a zmeňte pôvodné hodnoty v tabuľke pod X z 0.2 na 0.4 !POZOR! Zachovajte znamienko mínus pred číslom!!! Potom zmeňte hodnoty pod Z z 0.2 na 0 Meníte len hodnoty pod X a Z !!! Dôvodom sú nesprávne pozície bômb 7) stlačte OK 8) stlačte SAVE a potom zavrite weapon editor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tento postup Vám poslúži naučiť sa troška editovať vo Weapon editore. Ak by však niekto mal strašný chaos v tom, je tu aj jednoduchšia možnosť. Nasledujte body 1-3. Potom prejdite sem na 4. bod: ---------------------------altenatíva č. 2------------------------------ 4) otvorte WEAPONDATA.ini 5) nájdite si TypeName=MBD2 6) nahraďte všetky riadky pod poradovým číslom MBD2 novými riadkami [WeaponData1009] -------------- ja mám MBD2 pod týmto poradovým číslom hneď pod tento nadpis nakopírujte nové riadky: TypeName=MBD2 FullName=MBD-2 Quadruple Ejector Rack ModelName=mbd2 Mass=74.000000 Diameter=0.100000 Length=2.630000 AttachmentType=SOVIET,CHINA NationName=SOVIET StartYear=1960 EndYear=2020 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=10 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1960 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=6 WeaponsRackType=MER NumWeapons=4 LoadLimit=250.000000 LengthLimit=3.500000 MaxFuelAmount=0.000000 Attachment01Position=0.400000,0.750000,0.000000 Attachment01Angle=0.000000,0.000000,3437.746771 Attachment02Position=-0.400000,0.750000,0.000000 Attachment02Angle=0.000000,0.000000,-3437.746771 Attachment03Position=0.400000,-0.930000,0.000000 Attachment03Angle=0.000000,0.000000,3437.746771 Attachment04Position=-0.400000,-0.930000,0.000000 Attachment04Angle=0.000000,0.000000,-3437.746771 5) zavrite WEPONDATA.ini a nechajte uložiť zmeny 6) otvorte Weapon editor (POZOR!!! Musí byť nastavená Kompatibilita pre Win95!!!) 7) stlačte tlačítko SAVE (na lište vpravo) 8) zavrite Weapon editor To je všetko. Obidve cesty sú fungujúce. Potom by ste mali mať v loadout menu možnosť podvesiť na vnútorné pylóny Migu-21MF skupinové adaptéry MBD-2-67-U: MBD-2-67-U sú samozrejme odhoditeľné (defaultné klávesy sú CTRL + J): Nie je to ťažké. Ale je možné že som postup napísal neprehľadne. Ak by Vám to robilo problémy, dajte vedieť a skúsim prepísať každý postup ako samostatný, alebo nechám len ten jednoduchší. Upozornenie: pozícia bômb sa riadi modelom adaptéra. Normálne by bomby mali byť o niečo nižšie. Úchyty pre bomby sú však vymodelované vyššie ako v skutočnosti. Kto by prišiel s lepšou pozícou bômb na adaptéry, nech ju postne. Budem rád, ak by sa na niečo také prišlo. Ale nepredpokladám to vzhľadom na model adaptéra. Letu Zdar!
  23. Thank you sparkomatic Su-7 will be qualitatively on much better level than anytime before I saw new engine sound for Su-7 in Download section (Jet Sounds Collection 2 by Spillone104): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5910 I am working on silver skins (czechoslovak, but usable for other countries too, I hope). Planed camo skins too. And we will look for engine parameters and flight model in the future, I hope :yes: And there is SPS-141 container for Su-7 too (BKL for example, but no for BM - czechoslovak service). But I have just a few photos. I will search for more info. It is not the same container like SM SPS-141 for Mig-21, and it is not the same like SPS-141 for Su-22/25. I will find better info I hope. Well oficial informations are still sectret for laics.
  24. Helicópiteros Árabes

    Thank you Marcelo :yes: And thank you pablitoVPT too
  25. Novoty

    Marcfighter postol niekoľko nádherných skinov arabských Mi-8: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0#entry132383 Ten tretí v poradí je veľmi podobný našim náterom na Mi-8.

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