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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Helicópiteros Árabes

    Hallo to you from Czechoslovak community, friends You have BIG MODDERs in your community here Mi-8 on Marcfighters screenshots looks sweet Skin on third picture is veeeeeeeeery close to czechoslovak Mi-8 http://forum.valka.cz/download.php/id/53866 We are looking forvard to this nice hellicopter :fans: Thank you for your precise work. Greetinfs from our community
  2. CZ-SK Projects

    Pravda, ked sa dá niečo zlepšiť, neváhaj :fans: Ľavá VOP na sukovy nemá pár panelov, ale to sa dá v pohode dorobiť. Ešte nejaké detaily a budem môcť uploadnuť prvý skin s Čáslavskýn znakom 28. sbolp a sériovými číslami sukov, čo boli v Čáslave. Len mám nehorázny nedostatok fotografií. Iste pár oficiálnych mám, ale nemám tušenia či boli farebné doplnky nejak štandardizované, alebo jak to vlastne bolo. Fotky mi ukazujú na tri strieborné verzie, možno štyri. Ale ako boli rozmiestnené u plukov to nefim... A hold, jeden skin vo WOE platí pre všetky mašiny v jednotke.
  3. And don't forget, pilots, Su-7 is fighter - bomber
  4. Ohhhh, veeeery nice!!! GREAT!!! WOE will be much nicer THANK YOU :yes:
  5. CZ-SK Projects

    Na tieto veci je pomerne dobrá stránka http://airwar.ru/ Je tam pár sukov, aj sedmička: http://airwar.ru/other/draw/su7bm.html Žiaľ nítovanie na tomto výkrese nie je. Myslíš že paneláž v Su-7 template nie je dobrá? Na VOP určite nie, ale podrobnejšie som to neskúmal.
  6. 1. High moddability (like SF series) 2. Detailed carrier ops 3. Detailed comms and ATC (realistic Air Intercept Control procedures as Typhoid wrote) 4. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft 5. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven) 6. Good performance on older systems 7. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology) 8. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects 9. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic)
  7. Hi Paladrian THANK YOU for your willing and interest
  8. MIG-29 OVT

    I love Tornados :yes: They were together with F-14 generated randomly in that single mission. That R-27 on screenshot hit target, but I do not post hit screenshot, because I like Tornados
  9. MIG-29 OVT

    I like Scrappers work too Well, if you fire old R-3S missile from right position and right distance and your target (bomber is beter target than fighter for R-3S) is not equped with flares you will have relatively good hit ratio :yes: These conditions are needed for all older IR missiles R-13M, R-131M, R-60T or R-60M. And if you use R-60TM, R-73M1 and M2 (all aspect missiles according to Weps pack jul 2006) you will have much better hit ratio. If you combinate R-73 with R-77 (Radar quided), you are BIG KILLER! BUT, IF you target is equiped with faffs/chlares, you have BIG problem for older missiles and problem for other IR missiles. Similar situation is for radar quided missiles. But sometimes it is not easy hit target with this missile type too. Well, you need some skill if you want kill plane with chaffs/flares uquipment BUT if you have some skill with missiles, this DO NOT MEAN THAT YOU WILL HIT WITH EVERY FIRED MISSILE!!! But the best way is cannon (my opinion) F-14 equiped with chaffs/flares hit with R-73M2: Target without chaffs/flares hit with R-73 in turn: My friend cannon: Good conditions for R-27 (R or ER... I forgot). Target is not equped with faffs/chlares: Near hit: It is Tornado F3 by Amokfloo. He is working on new model. I love Amokfloos models!!! Can not wait for new lovely Tornado F-3 Another example R-23R fired from Mig-23 - head to head position, range about five kilometers. F-14 equiped with faffs/chlares: Hit: Good missile combinated with great planes (Mig-29OVT, Su-27 for example) are very dangerous for "blue side" planes You can still miss, do not forget!!!
  10. No problem Boopidoo. We had no Su-7 cockpit for many times before, so we can wait, of course. As I wrote, I sent PM to Paladrian, so he will contact you, I hope. He understand my funny english, I hope too Thank you again for interest Let me know if you will miss some important info about Su-7 pit. We will search for it with Su fans I am looking forward to new Su pit :fans:
  11. Yes, Su-17, I used it for many red birs I was not skilled in ini editing, so I had little gunsight. Well, I know after 14 months with WOE/WOV how resize it I looked on this link and compare screenshot Boopidoos SU-15 pit: http://www.mzak.cz/kbely2007/p1100939.jpg According that link, there are some other instruments, but I do not know their names What do you think, Boopidoo? Hey, poeple, post your opinions too. Every info is good, I think. Su-7 is big piece of Czechoslovak history. We had Su-7BM/BKL/U versions. Su-7 were replaced by Su-22/25 later. Similar it is big piece of all Warsav pact states history, not only of course :yes:
  12. Hallo Boopidoo :yes: My english is not the best, so I do not understand all I want By patient, please . The only way to have workable pit Su-7, based on your Su-15, is edit your Su-15 cockpit original files. And the only person which can do it is you :yes: I can move instruments out of sight via ini changes, but no way for new gunsight. But all my prevoius edits are not needed, if you are willing make changes in your original files. So you wrote exactly what is needed for Su-7 pit: - remove the gunsight - remove the radar - remove the rpm gauge for engine 2 - modify textures of dualk gauges so that they'll only show information for engine 1 I droped PM to Paladrian about your interest on Su-7 pit. He will post here about his gunsight I hope You understand my reply I hope Thanx for your willing edit your great Su-15 cockpit
  13. Československé kampane a mašiny

    Tak chlapi, hodil som oko na topic Screenshot of the day a jeden maník tam mal zachytený kokpit z tejto mašiny: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5937 Myslím že je to vhodný alternatívny kokpit pre Montyho "Delfínka" alebo aj pre L-39: Zatiaľ som nenašiel lepší ako tento. A mne osobne sa páči. Len neviem ako vlastne vypadal Delfínov zmeriavač keď bol zapnutý. By sa tam hodilo nejaké nové TGAcko prasknuť, lebo pôvodné je zo stock Harriera, ak sa nemýlim. A kryt kabíny sa odklápa do prava
  14. CZ-SK Projects

    Pekneee Napreduješ rýchlo Sa nefim dočkať
  15. Hi Wrench It is good idea about A-7 cockpits for some red air birds. A-7A can be useful for Mig-17PF and PFU for example. It is not necessary delete map. It is pinned with buble gum in new "Mig pit" Or change map with girlfriend photo
  16. CZ-SK Projects

    Oh, man, wait for final version
  17. Yes it is very good site We can find many detailed info about many planes and weapons there.
  18. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=16806
  19. Novoty

    Skôr Edit member
  20. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    Už si práskol so Sea Hurricanom o palubu? Aké to je? Ešte ma napadlo, že ak by aj spravili Seafira I aj by som oželel model vytiahnutého háku. To je taká dlhá opacha. Môže byť aj neviditeľný, ale hlavne nech sa zachytí Edit: som pozeral na ich fórum, a už sa tam niekto opýtal na "neviditeľný hák"
  21. I want have SAM models close to real SAMs. According to your first post are "problematic" these SAMs: SA-15 SA-8 SA-7 SA-8 - you have Radio Command with optical back up in game (in your first post), but I have Semi-Active Radar Homing and no optical back up in game (WP Jul 2006) SA-15 - in MF pack is Radio Command Guided with optical backup (as you wrote) + Terminal guidance SA-7 - in game with optical back up, in world without optical backup So all I need is set parametres in Weapon editor according real world?
  22. File Name: Mig-21PFM modifications File Submitter: kukulino File Submitted: 11 Feb 2008 File Category: Mig-21 File Version: Ver. 1.0 Website: No Information Read carefully, please :yes: This mod is not optimalised for begeeners in SFP1 series world. You need some skill with modding to finish this edit successfully. Centerline pylon is designated for Mig-21PFM with removable GP-9 gunpod and workable/"dropable" drop tank Removable Mig-21PFM gunpod idea by Crab 02 and madcaddie. You can get two Mig-21PFM versions if you will follow notes in the Readme! file: 1) Mig-21PFM with removable GP-9 gunpod (you can load GP-9 or Mig-21 drop tank - East German designation Mig-21SPS-K) 2) Mig-21PFM without GP-9 gunpod. You can load drop tank only (East German designation Mig-21SPS) No Mig-21PFM LODs, skins, or screenies uncluded in this pack. Just Mig-21 pylon and notes how make vorkable stations on two "new" Mig-21PFM vesions. Tested in WOE. Credits: Crab 02 and madcaddie - removable GP-9 gun pod idea Vrkuboy - first pylon version Amokfloo - final pylon version Kukulo - pylon weaponstation and loadout.ini edits, a little bit reworked Amokfloos pylon skin THANX to: Thirdwire and TK for great SFP1 serries games Crab 02 and madcaddie for their great idea!!! Vrkuboy for his help in first phase!!! Amokfloo for his help, finished pylon model and interest in Mig-21PFM pylon project!!! Soulfreak for his Mig-21SPS/SPS-K topic!!! whiteknight06604 for his important post number 12 in Soulfreaks topic on CA!!! Gepard for his Mig-21SPS/SPS-K informations!!! Capun for his Adding a weapons rack mini-tutorial My Czech and Slovak friends for their support :-) You will enjoy, I hope Kukulo (kukulino) Click here to download this file

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