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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. What about 7-zip? http://www.7-zip.org/
  2. Try download again. And let us know :yes: I tried both a few minutes ago, and they works right.
  3. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    Chlapi, ja tomu teda nejak moc nerozumiem, ale myslel som si že toto je nemožné: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=25252 Dáva mi to takú maličkú nádej, že by sme azda mohli dostať Sea Hurikána I alebo Seafira I/II so záchytným hákom. A keď si zoberiem že máme Spita V trop verziu + ten hák + dobrý skin na Seafira... Mám dosť... To by sa na Indomitable či Formidable alebo Illustrious mohol objaviť stroj z ktorého som roky mimo
  4. Hallo Gepard :yes: Thanx for reply. I tried your notes. I have AG gunsight for bombs bud still caged for rocket pods (UB-16/32 etc). Problem is, that I played with some avionics lines and I changed some values and TGAs. This is the reason why my AG gunsight is not showed in mode for UB-32, I think. On the other hand, I can choose rocket pods (with its caged sight) and choose AG sight manually by hitting key which I have designed for this. Than I can fire rockets with AG sight
  5. Uuuuuf, OK. MIG-29, MORITURI TE SALUTANT! I am ready... If it is possible publicize screens, post some of them, please.
  6. Mirage factorys Mig-29... And Mago... Cockpit...
  7. Novoty

    Je to pekná mašinka. Skúsil som A verziu a fajn éro Zvlášť dobre je spravená "neviditeľnosť" F-22, keď je JammerStrength=95.0 a sú tam dva ECM. To fakt prd vidieť na Flankerovom radare a R-77 sa možu ísť dať vypchať Keď ju (F-22) nezachytím vizuálne mám VEĽKÝ PROBLÉM. Ale videl som na jednom debriefingu že nejaký Flanker odpálil radarom navádzanú R-27 na F-22... No minul, pravda, ale zachytil ju No nebyť infra rakiet, tak sme stratený. BTW: neviete niekto ako sa vektoruje ťah na F-22? A pravdaže, a o tom nepochybujem, Ti každý z nás tu bude držať palce :fans: Šak ináč to ani nejde Sa s nimi tam nepáraj
  8. Every good info about soviet missiles is needed :yes: Good idea about chinese weapons. We can make cooperation together, if it is possible. Many soviet missiles were used on chinese planes. We need move. And for move we need info...
  9. CZ-SK Projects

    Zdar Zrejme máš na mysli cvičnú verziu Migu-21UM, čo na ňu vrkuboy robí skin (možno už je hotový). Ano ide o nový model, na ktorom maká Amokfloo. A nemôžem sa ho už dočkať Nádherná mašina od dobrého moddera To je zaručený úspech To deRuiter: asi neuveríš, ale toto by zajímalo aj mňa. To súčko je môj prvý skin a farebne som tú template nijak neupravoval, iba "zašpinil" a spravil iný odtieň "striebornej" na niektorých paneloch. A kamufláž na suka mám v pláne. Už som aj spravil prvé krôčiky, ale nepojalo Blackrat nám to osvetlí A šupa bola, keď som poobťahoval panely a vlastne finišoval s prácou na skinoch, prišiel som na to, že tam je vrstva s panelmi už vlastne nakreslená v pôvodnej template Ale dôležitá skúsenosť to bola a neľutujem
  10. No they are not the same files Use knowledge base :yes: You do not need search for GROUNDOBJECTDATA.INI anymore: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=11815
  11. Oooh, where is my Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig??? Voting the higer values!!! Wheeeer is my Miiiiig Looking GREAT
  12. Hi pilots There is little surprise with WIP status for Type77 somewhere over the world BTW: have you got anybody Hi-res (1024x1024, or higher) silver skin or templates for Mig-21PF/FL, please?
  13. Mmm, interesting news :yes: So what we can do now? We have R-60TM no MK (but we can read that TM=MK...). Do you tried TM in dogfight? Very good I think.
  14. There is Mig-21PFM without capability load GP-9 in my previous post. (Mig-21SPS acording to "Soulfreaks" designation) This plane was standardly loaded with drop fueltank. So, there are five weapon stations in Mig-21PFM inis: // Station 1 = Left Wing Station // Station 2 = Right Wing Station // Station 3 = Fuselage Centerline Station // Station 4 = Centerline Pylon station // Station 5 = Used for deleting GP-9 contajner [AirToAir] Loadout[01].WeaponType=R-3S Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=R-3S Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank490_MiG21 Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=MiG21CenterPylon Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Here is Mig-21PFM with removable GP-9 (Mig-21SPS-K. Second plane has GP-9 carried): Here are five weaponstations too: // Station 1 = Left Wing Station // Station 2 = Right Wing Station // Station 3 = Fuselage Centerline Station // Station 4 = Centerline Pylon station // Station 5 = GP-9 station [AirToAir] Loadout[01].WeaponType=R-3S Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=R-3S Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank490_MiG21 Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=MiG21CenterPylon Loadout[04].Quantity=1 But in loadout menu I see just standard three weapon stations. So, I added for every mission typ (AirToAir; AirToAirLongRange; etc.) loadout with fueltank. I have fueltank in loadout menu carrried allways (I see pylon loaded on centerline station). If I want load GP-9, I just choose GP-9 in centerline "menu" and that's it. EDIT: problem found: [PylonStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=4----------------------------- I had 2 on both new stations StationType=EXTERNAL //AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.08,-0.71 AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.08,-0.64 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,0.0 LoadLimit=100 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=SOVIET ModelNodeName= PylonMass=40 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=MiG21CenterPylon NoJettisionTank=TRUE
  15. Thank you for reply ghostrider883 :yes: Do not be affraid, I do not want delete exist weapons Bunyaps jul 2006 weps pack is one of the best packages created for SFP1/WOV/WOE. I can not fly without weapons packs released for SFP1 series. I am just searching for info in this phase. And as I see, what I need know are right names for right missiles. Then I will know more. What I have now, is mess in missiles names, designations and characteristics So, we have three R-60 versions for Soviet and WP use: R-60T as first variant (R-60 called too, withou T) R-60M improved version (need more info) R-60TM - looks like variant for Mig-23ML/Mig-29? (probable named R-60MK in some countries) Indian versions are designated for Indian AF. Well, another from many interesting pages about R-60s, for example: http://www.janes.com/extracts/extract/jalw/jalw3595.html
  16. Novoty

    Tak jedna z najočakávanejších noviniek je tu: F-22!!! http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...amp;showcat=289
  17. Yes, you are right AmokFloo And what about Czechoslovak colours?! THANX Amokfloo for this little but very nice - and for Mig fans important - pylon. AND THANX to vrkuboy for his help in first phase of "pylon project" THANK YOU GUYS AGAIN :spartak: :fans:
  18. CZ-SK Projects

    Sak som z toho pekne na vetvy. Este teraz sa mi trasu ruky Ale chlape, keby si nepichol s tym na začiatku, neviem ako by to dopadlo Mmm, vlastne viem Zrejme nijak PFMka bez GP-9 kontajnera - ale aj bez možnosti ho podvesiť: Uvidím ako to pôjde s kombináciou GP-9 a nádrže - trošička sa táto verzia javí problematickejšia.
  19. PLRS a ich vlastnosti

    Tak, toto je miesto na diskutovanie o problémových vlastnostiach protilietadlových striel, nie len ruských ale všetkých. Myslím že tento problém je dosť široký, aby mal vlastný topic. Ja som hľadal inšpiráciu v LOCK ON a skúšal som R-60 v čelnom súboji. Samozrejme, ako možno viete, v LOCK ON R-60 chytí cieľ aj spredu. Žiaľ, nie je v tejto hre uvedené o akú verziu R-60 ide Inak máme aj dva Weapons packy - jeden z júla 2006 a druhý od Mirage factory. Iste, dajú sa spojiť pomocou "merge" funkcie vo weapon editore, ale z MF packu zostane AA-2 vo wepondata.ini a z jula 2006 zostane R-3S. Takže máme dve R-3S v jednom weapondata.ini, ale jedna je tam pod AA-2 a druhá pod R-3S... Podobne aj ostatné ruské strely. Dôvod: MF pack je optimalizovaný pre AttachmentType=WP a júl 2006 pre AttachmentType=SOVIET. Samozrejme to môžeme spraviť v aircraft_data.ini: AttachmentType=SOVIET,WP ale dve rachejtle tam aj tak zostanu. A tak jednu buď vymažeme, aleb si proste vyberieme a budeme používať jednu z dvoch v ponuke. Alebo si jeden weapons pack vyberieme. MF pack prináša so sebou aj nejaké pozemné objekty, júl2006 má viac všetkého ale žiadne ground objekty. MF má aj detailnejšie spracované niektoré zbrane. Mne osobne sa viac páči júl2006. MF pack mi zase ušetrí inštalovanie SAMov z iných balíčkov a tie detailnejšie modely zbraní sú veľmi pekné. Ale samozrejme sa nič nedialo s ruskými PLRS - teda čo sa týka ich vzhľadu. Takže vec chce rozumný kompromis :yes:
  20. PLRS a ich vlastnosti

    Oooki, veci sa stale hýbu. Vo weaponspacku sú viaceré verzie R-60: T/M/M1/MK/TM M1 a MK majú Nation=India. A sú oproti klasickej R-60M až neskutočne dobré. Tak pátrame ďalej... Stále dávam do pozornosti tento topic o Soviet A2A missiles projekte> http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry127986
  21. I have little knowledge base for me from this site (in czech): http://forum.valka.cz/viewtopic.php/highli...R-60-AA-8-Aphid There is R-60M = R-60MK as export variant I tried R-60M1 variant. Dogfight with 8 F-15D: First attack - 5xR-23R fired head to head. No hit... Then R-60M1 fired on F-15D with low speed: Another R-60M1 fired on F-15 in turn: Both fired R-60M1 hits their targets. Not bad!!! Score 8:2 for F-15 My Mig was the last... Too many Eagles around I will drop PM to Ghostrider883. He knows something about that indian R-60 version maybe.
  22. THANX for reply ArtuR :yes: Czechoslovak Mig-29s were armed with R-60MK version. One pilot said that Slovaks Mi-29 did not fired R-60MK on firing range, because they used R-73s (he means concrete firing tests in concrete date. Our pilots fired R-6MK on other practices. But I have no concrete info about that). I saw on our pages designation R-60 very often. But without subversion. So, it is question for me: Which R-60 version missiles were use on Czechoslovak Mig-23MF/ML? It was similar to other WP states, I suppose. Which R-60 version were used on Mig-23 in Polland? And there is another R-60 in jul weaponspack: HAL R-60M1 (AA-8 Aphid-B) - all aspect too. But I do not tested it for this time. So, I tried my Mig-23MF loaded with R-23T and R-60MK in duel with F-16. Mmm, not easy. With no flares it is still "hard core" I was shot down often by AIM-9L. Well, no flares R-23T lock on targets (F-16A) in cca 10km range usually (head to head): I fired both R-23Ts, but no succes. Then I fired R-60MK - still head to head position and this missile hits: I fired two R-60MKs on F-16, but both miss. F-16 was too close for missile, so I used cannon: Note: I am using edited Gepards Mig-23M HUD. Important page: http://www.armourdave.com/weaponsdev/refer.../Nation005.html
  23. Thanx Lexx for the tip Little interesting info: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/wor.../aa-5-specs.htm Mmm, I do not understand that service in Czechoslovakia. We had no planes with R-4 missiles loadout in Czechoslovak AF. I know plane from Lexx_Luthor screenshot. I saw it many times before, but I do not know its name It is not Mig-21 "derivation", it is Sukhois construction I think. EDIT: I am wrong with "Sukhois" idea. According to this site LINK! it is E-166. It is one from Mikoyans projects. Well, OK. I tried some little changes for test: 1. set R-23T as all aspect, reduced Explosive mass from 40kg to 25kg 2. set R-60M as all aspect 3. renamed HAL R-60MK (AA-8 Aphid-C) to R-60MK, changed nation and attachment type to SOVIET and added to weapondata.ini as R-60MK Test plane: Mig-23MF with Gepards Mig-23M cockpit mod, neles FM and loadout.ini Results: Mig-23MF loaded with 2xR-23T, 4xR-60MK Mig-23MF is much better opponent for western fighters. And deadly for bombers - it was deadly for bombers before too Disadvantage: no flares/chaffs 1. R-23T - usually 1 hit from two missles fired - front attack, rear attack; side attack - R-23T has problems - all firing position depends to target range and its manoeuvres. 2. R-60MK - try and you will see :yes: One from tests: Mig-23MF with 2xR-23T, 4xR-60MK First R-23T; you can see circa my position (look on missiles trail) : Picture for screenshot of the day: R-60MK hit (look on missiles trail for my circa position): Another R-60MK missed its target. Second R-23T hit (haed to head position): Than I was shot down by Harrier FRS1 with AIM-9L: Harrier is not high speed plane, of course. So, I used R-60MKs from weaponspack - just renamed. R-60MK according to my information is R-60M export version, for example here (I have read it on czech an slovak pages too): http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/missile/row/aa-8.htm But on the other hand, I found that R-60MK is developed for Mig-29, for example here: http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/Aircraft...siles/R-60.html There is big mess in russian A2A missiles info over internet. SO, is R-60MK the same as R-60M, but export? R-60M in jul weaponspack is not the same as R-60MK. R-60M is not set as all aspect, R-60MK is all aspect. It is much better than R-60M (in weaponspack). R-23T is successful in had to head attacks (I see no or little target manoeuvres. Targets just dropped flares usually). So, if you can, test it. And post you opinions, please. EVERY INFO ABOUT THESE (OR EVERY) MISSILES WELCOMED!!!
  24. Hi Gepard :yes: I have Paladrians Mig-21 V1.0 pit installed with your Mig-23M avionics on Mig-23MF (changes in mig-21MF pit according to our Mig-23 HUD topic). I tried change CCIP from original: [HUD_SETKA] //SymbolType=IMAGE SymbolType=CCIP LaserRanging=TRUE FallLineImage=cockpit\SETKA3.tga ImagePosition=0.0,0.00 ImageSize=0.100 To: [HUD_SETKA] SymbolType=IMAGE ImageFilename=cockpit\SETKA.tga ImagePosition=0.0,0.00 ImageSize=0.260 I have this: That is what I want. It is working for bombs, but not for A2G missiles: So how can I fix it, please? I want something silmilar to your Su-22M4 mod. There is setka on HUD for bombs and for A2G missiles too, but I want it without CCIP.

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