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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. What about Mirage III cockpit? It is much closer to F1 than F-104. And it is Mirage pit
  2. PLRS a ich vlastnosti

    Nooo, po tom čo sa mi podarilo rozchodiť "Mig-23MF" kokpit som odpálil R-23R na F-14. Obaja sme boli čelne k sebe, vzdialenosť pri odpálení strely asi 5 km. Už ma "držal" jej radar, ale nič po mne neposlala (naštastie ) Lock on target - R-23R už zasvišťala k cieľu: Dipóly nepomohli: Zásah:
  3. Novoty

    A máme tu uploadnutú Taliansku lietadlovečku: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...;showfile=5922#
  4. Zelenac v SFP/WOV/WOE svete

    Písal mi jeden maník z fóra, že mu nefunguje Mig-23M kokpit od Geparda. Gepard uploadol "flyable" verziu Mig-23M, čo je Paladrianov Mig-21MF V0.7 kokpit a používa defaultný Mig-23M model. Dávnejšie, ako zrejme aj mnohí viete, bol odštartovaný topic o Mig-23 HUDe: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;hl=MIg-23HUD kde Paladrian ukázal ako odstrániť kameru a pitotovu trubicu z kokpitu. Ale tieto zmeny nefungujú v kokpite V0.7 ktorý použil Gepard. Fungujú len na verzii V1.0 preto sa aj spomínaný maník, čo mi poslal správu, dostal do trablov. I keď použil V1.0, v kokpite nebolo vidno knipel, podlaha nemala textúry a celkovo bol kokpit divný. Preto som sa pokúsil napísať návod ako krok po kroku implementovať Paladrianov Mig-21MF kokpit V1.0 aj so zmenami aj s Gepardovou novou avionikou do Mig-23MF. Je to v angličtine, ale myslím že sa to dá prečítať v pohode (aj s chybami ) a možno to teda aj bude pochopiteľné Časom to preložím. Kto by mal teda záujem, nech mi pošle PM (Personal Message). Síce mi ten maník ešte neodpísal či to zvládol, ja som to však testol dvakrát a kokpit funguje. Samozrejme to je niečo iné ako skutočný kokpit z Migu-23MF. Máme obmedzenia, a v rámci nich si myslím že je to krok do predu. Žial WOE nevie premietnut na HUD potrebné parametre. POZOR! Zmenil som bombardovací zameriavač. Gepard použil tzv. CCIP (neviem ako to je po našom), teda sám spočíta bod kam bomby odhodiť. Teraz je tam zameriavač "napevno". Žiaľ nedokázal som prísť na to, ako tento istý zameriavač použiť na rakety z UB-16/32 či S-24. Ale to sa spýtam Geparda na fóre, takže veci dúfam dočápeme do zdárneho konca. Ak by však niekto chcel zachovať pôvodný CCIP zameriavač, iba vynechá body č. 11 a č. 12!!!
  5. Thank you Gepard. I do not understand german. But I can use dictionary of course Well, if we want move, we need know what missile values in weapondata or weapon editor exactly means. Can anybody share with his knowledge about in game missile datas, please?
  6. Spad VII stuff

    Oooh... It is all I can say now
  7. Or you can try http://www.checksix-fr.com/ it is in french. I do not speak french, but it is not problem click on SFP1 family, then on skins, then on S.F.P.1 and then set Mig-21 skins in little window, and you have it :yes: There are Egyptian Mig-21MF camo schemes Or another Mig-21MF camo schemes are in Iran vs Iraq campaign pack included. It is in download section.
  8. CZ-SK Projects

    Prepáč vrku, mal som nejaké povinnosti, tak som Ťa nestihol na ICQ. Ale pekne ma mrle žrali
  9. Oooh, I was here loooong time ago... Ok, here is link to Mig-19PM cockpit (not only) it is in czech language, but click on flag in the left upper corner, than it will be in english language (but not all): http://vhtm.valka.cz/index.htm Great site for Mig fans Click on Walkarounds and than on walkaround letounu Mig-19PM ev.č.1040 ze Slováckého leteckého muzea
  10. CZ-SK Projects

    Kamufláž podľa tohto článku LINK! bola na Su-7BM nastriekaná pri GO v ZSSR, kde ich ruskí piloti prelietali po 1000 odlietaných hodinách. Autor - Radim Špalek - udáva, že prvé mašiny (BMky) odleteli v máji 1976 - ide o 28. sbolp. Kamufláž pre naše BMky z WOE je len otázkou času Zatiaľ mám tri mierne odlišné verzie strieborného náteru. Toto je posledná:
  11. Zelenac v SFP/WOV/WOE svete

    Doplnil som link na "ručné" inštalovane Mig-21 kokpitu do príspevku č. 2. Staršie Migy sú dobré mašinky A už sa teším na nový model Mig-15 aj s vlastným kokpitom (je WIP - Work In Progress)
  12. CZ-SK Projects

    Tak vrku, toto chcela naša strana a vláda
  13. Yes, R-3S --- AA-2 Atoll. But do not be afraid, just joke with tanks There are special soviet missiles modelled in Weapons packs for ground attacks and many great rocket bomb models of course too :yes: Fast Cargo helped us with new ECM containers for Migs and Sus too: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry112149 So we will have better countermeasures for them. It was before this project idea. SPS-141 will be included in Mig-21MA/R pac. It is still WIP. We are waiting for new patch. BTW, I live near airfield (civilian, but exarmy. And there are still units needed for Mig - not only - maintenance), and one our Mig-29AS practice acrobatics over that airfield now. Uuuuuf, well, beautifull plane
  14. I posted topic about this project on SimHQ and I posted on thirdwire forum too. We need more publicity in community. There was primary wall against western planes in Czechoslovakia - and in Warsav pact in general - SAMs. There was SAM base named Klondajk in Czechoslovakia for example. It was finished in 1985, and equiped with SA-5s Gammon. Photo for better imagination http://brdy.unas.cz/fotogal/f_ul1/Ul05_1.jpg Migs and Sus were "second wave". So we do not need edit R-23R (for example) as dogfight rocket. It was not designed for close combat. The same for R-23T. BTW, what about universal R-3S? We can shot tanks too, can we?
  15. Zelenac v SFP/WOV/WOE svete

    Zrejme bude veľmi nápomocné: http://bunyap2w1.com/SFP1_Wiki/index.php?t...Delivery_Manual
  16. CZ-SK Projects

    A my ho aj máme!!! Poprosil som vrkuboya či by vymodeloval pylón a všetko by potom malo byť OK
  17. Thanx Soulfreak. But I just edited inis according to great ideas posted upper :yes: Soulfreak, you wrote this question: "Okay, one Question, if i try it so, is the gunpodvisible, when i don´t select it in the load-out menu???" I understant it right, I hope. I do not selected GP-9 in loadout menu and GP-9 was not visible: On the other hand. Mig-21PFM with mechanish for GP-9 installed can carry GP-9 or fuel tank. So I made new folder Mig-21PFM_GP-9 with third weaponstation for GP-9 and fourt weaponstation for fueltank. And it works right. I can carry GP-9 or fuel tank. First plane is mounted with fueltank and second is mounted with GP-9 on centerline station: Maybe somebody made these edits on column5.us forum. If yes, I apologize to original tweakers :yes: So all I need is centerline pylon. I chatted with my friend vrkuboy, and he can make new pylon. But I need wait to Thursday, becouse he will not be at home tomorrow. Just little step needed to get workable "GP-9 container removing instalation" on Mig-21PFM/SPS/SPS-K mod :umnik2:
  18. Thank you whiteknight06604 for fast reply (I am waiting for approval on column5.us forum) Thank you Soulfreak for this topic :yes: And thanx to Crab 02 and madcaddie for their great idea. Is there a way how add with ini edit centerline fueltank pylon? Or I need make new pylon and add it according to Capuns post in knowledge base? Topic: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24863 I deleted GP-9, and I added third weaponstation with fueltank loadout. I need another station for centerline pylon. But I need model, I suppose. Am I right?
  19. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    Mám obmedzené sťahovanie dát na 1GB mesačne, ale cez víkend alebo u kámošov to sosnem a budem vyprdený jak všetci ostatní z toho... Vlastne ja už som No však mne išlo napršať do nosa od samej hrdosti keď som videl prewiev o Slovenskej mape A čo je to za mapu, myslím tú druhú v patchi, Besarabiu.
  20. As you can see, there are original cockpits for Mig-21s made by Paladrian, Su-15 by Boopidoo, and Su-17 by Armourdave in SFP1 serries. But we have some good ways how edit existng pits, and make them closer to different pit in different aircraft. Here are some links: The famous Lexx_Luthors work: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4410 Russian cockpits for 50's/60's planes discusion: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23359&hl Mig-23 HUD topic - editing Mig-21MF cockpit: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...amp;hl=cockpits And there are two Mig-23 cockpits (ex Mig-21MF) edited according upper link, and uploaded in Download section by Gepard: MiG-23MK carrierborne Flogger ---- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5532 flyable stock MiG-23M for WOE ---- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5526 You can use them in this campaign for example (for WOV): If you do not want be a chaeter, download this campaign - Vietnam 1984 1.1 + Vietnam 1984 Quick Update: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1975 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5289 (Try friends or librarys or internet cafes. There is nothing to stop us ) There are modern machines in Vietnam 1984, and you can add there Su-27, or there is Mig-29 and you can use Su-27 pit for it. Here is topic about "adapting" Su-15 cockpit for Su-7. It is not finished for this time: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24668 BTW, this cockpit is very good for Il-28 too. AND, man, there was new Mig-21F-13 Flight Model made by my friend gerald14 here over CA. But it is not available for this time. This is from its read me file: "The FM is the same as the real aircraft in life. I read dozens of Mig-21 books and manuals and the over sites and it is the same as the real Mig-21F-13 [...] This Aircraft is for people who fly for a long time. Not for Beginners..." You are big Mig fan, as I can see. So try drop PM to gerald14. Maybe he will send you his Mig-21F-13 flight model :yes: AND there are another great flight models for Migs by Fubar512: Mig-17 ----- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5364 Mig-19 FM WIP ---- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...si&img=4315 And more. Just take a look into download section.
  21. CZ-SK Projects

    Nooo, a popri tom všetkom by sme mohli mať aj Mig-21PFM bez GP-9 kontajnera: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry125790 Jediné 3D modely, ktoré by nám chýbali v Mig-21 rodine, ktorá slúžila v ČSSR by zhodou okolností boli Mig-21MA a R, ktoré sú WIP. Migy-21MA po upgrade na MF štandard boli odlišné od MFky v zanedbateľných detailoch pre WOE. Zostáva teda prieskumná a Rka spolu so "skorším" MAčkom
  22. Oh, I am sorry, I forgot my question about GP-9 in this topic :blush2: I follow your link, but I have this massage: Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken. It was a few moths ago when I "deleted" GP-9 from PFM. But I forgot how Or I am wrong, and it was PF
  23. Thank you USAFMTL for pin :yes: And Thank you Silverbolt for info. I'll go fot it
  24. PLRS a ich vlastnosti

    Zdar Vrku Bodaj by si mal pravdu, bodaj byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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