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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Novoty

    No, keď som to písal, ešte som si nebol vedomý toho, že ShadowRain X Zero chce tento projekt postaviť na "realite", resp. inšpirovať sa hrou World in conflict. Som ten názov len preletel a zaujímalo ma čo tam bude a kedy to má začať. A ten svoj post som editol neskôr. Až dodatočne mi došlo ako to autor myslí. Ja som Word in conflict neskúšal, tak ma to netrklo Ale myslím si, že po uploadnutí Grippena, F-22, EF-2000, Rafale, Mirage 2000 a iných moderných strojov, bude len otázkou času kedy sa začne robiť na kampani vsadenej okolo/po roku 2000 :yes: A to je iná strana barikády. To vrkuboy: - škoda že sa Tvoja Mi-8 pozdržala. Ale bomba to bude tak či tak
  2. Novoty

    Ako ďalšia vec, ktorá by nás mohla zaujímať, je príprava novej kampane pre WOE ( LINK! ). Ide o rok 1989, a ako kooordinátor a nosič idey je ShadowRain X Zero (inšpiroval sa hrou World in conflict). Tento chlapík je autorom kampane (beta verzia, ale nebola dokončená) Operation Final Dawn. Možno ju stiahnuť tu: LINK! Mmm, no ono sa to podobá, aspoň teda z mašín ktoré môžu použiť, na scrapperov Red Schwarm ( LINK! ). Len scrapper to celé vsadil do roku 1985. Uvidíme, čo z toho vznikne. Táto vec by mohla zaujímať kolegu cover72 :yes:
  3. Hi pilot, I started similar topic one mont ago. There were some posts to help, but in general we have no tutorial for cockpit building created for this time, I think. Topic: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23710
  4. Happy new year.

    Central Europe: NOW! BANG, BANG, BANG!!! Looks like AAA fire here
  5. My favourite cockpit is not only one. It is Paladrians pack for Mig-21F/PF/PFM serries and for Mig-21MF too (my friend gerald14 made some changes for WIP Mig-21MA pit - based on MF version pit. I love this pit too). I do not see better MF cockpit in the 3D games world THANX Paladrian :fans:
  6. Happy new year.

    Best wishes from Slovakia We will make many great new mods and addons together for our community in new year, I hope :yes:
  7. Oh, pilot, take it easy :yes: We will see what is wrong I hope. This is radar contact on my Mig-21PF (the same for PFM and very similar to MF) And this is radar lock on target (RP-21 radar can lock on target in boresight mode only!!!) And this is turned off radar in Mig-21MF Do you know how to switch between two radar modes? Hit "Page Up" key. To turn off radar use CTRL + Page Up If you radar is turned off, use Page Up key to turn on radar and then switch between search mode and boresight mode .
  8. Hi, my friend There is only one right answer on my question... Yours
  9. Well, we need more learning :yes: My Mig-21s works right, but I can't shot down F-15. What is wrong?
  10. There are Wrenchs notes about Indian and chinese Mig-21 versions (missing pilot, misplaced afterburner emmitters and decals...). There is not move pilot position fix exactly, I think (but it is not needed for Indian, Pakistani and Chinese Mig-21 versions. They need pre latest patch version .LOD fix, as Wrench wrote in the knowlodge base). And, this is not crysis, I hope Wrong pilot positions problems we can find with search engine. There are good instructions how move pilot to the right position in older topics. We can learn basic .ini editing on this wrong pilot position problem
  11. You are right with Aircraft folder. I do not wrote it clear, I think. I am sorry. I am using VF41BLA.LOD and screeenshot is with this .LOD portion in Mig-21MF_data.ini In original it is without .LOD as you wrote (RedAir1) So it works in both examples. But if your way is better, I have no problem use it, of course :yes: (I am not .ini guru. I just followed steps in VF-41 Readme file). BTW, kh606fp has problem with Position, I think. I had this problem too. We can see this problem here at CA forums often.
  12. On a Good Note.....

    Happy birthday to little twins Greetings from Central Europe :bye:
  13. ext, this skin looks FANTASIC!!! :yes:
  14. You want add new downloaded pilot, right?. I understand it right, I hope. So, I downloaded one new pilot from your link. There is Read me file. I followed instructions, and new pilot works right. I downloaded VF-41 Black Aces pilot Let's go to try add VF-41 Black Aces pilot: 1. Unzip downloaded pilot files to Wings Over Europe\Objects\Aircraft folder 2. open aircraft_data.ini in which you want change pilot, Mig-21MF for example: scroll down to Crew line // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=RedAir1 ----------------------------- change this to PilotModelName=VF41BLA.LOD SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.0,2.83,0.85 MinExtentPosition=-0.30, 2.37, 0.05 MaxExtentPosition= 0.30, 3.42, 1.05 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=GLASS Armor[FRONT].Thickness=62 CanopyNodeName=Canopy Then you will have this: // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=VF41BLA.LOD SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.0,2.83,0.85 MinExtentPosition=-0.30, 2.37, 0.05 MaxExtentPosition= 0.30, 3.42, 1.05 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=GLASS Armor[FRONT].Thickness=62 CanopyNodeName=Canopy 3. save, close, and go fly Then you will have new pilot BTW, you can not see ejected pilot. It is not possible in WOE, I think. This helps, I hope
  15. What do you mean exactly? Change existing pilot? Or add new pilot? Is there pilot in your Mig-21? Or is he sitting on wrong position?
  16. CZ-SK Projects

    Jasné že mi, ako vždy, padla sánka Človeče, konečne Ťa tu máme :yes: Sa veci dávajú do pohybu
  17. Oslavy, výročia, sviatky

    Tak. Hovorí sa , že koľko ľudí, toľko chutí. No, my sme dnes mali dobrú chuť vylepšenú fazuľovou polievkou, kapustnicou s hubami a samozrejme ako hlavné jedlo šalát s rybacinou. Taký klasický slovenský štedrý večer. A som zaň veľmi vďačný. Tak prajem všetkým požehnané vianoce. Kopu vrchovatú zdravíčka a to ostatné už nejak dosiahneme. A samozrejme Vám všetkým želám aj horu zostrelov a more šťastných pristání. Popri tom nám prajem aj plodnú spoluprácu, aby sme narobili hŕbu modov. A keď nebude hŕba, nech je aj pár, ale dobrých S pozdravom Ľubo z Trenčína :yes:
  18. Československé kampane a mašiny

    Nooo, ono to ten dotyčný mohol pochopiť práve tak, ako školské známkovanie. Ja to chápem ako 5 najlepší - 1 nič moc. Samozrejme som votol za 5 Sak sa mi ten skin hovadsky páči
  19. You are right. I didn't write note about attachmenttype, because in my first post is Hunter FGA9 data.ini with NATO,UK. Well, you can add more off course. Attachmenttype we select by loadout, which we want to carry under pylons.
  20. I tried F6 in WOE (with F6.ini edits) and it works right :yes:
  21. This is for stock HUnter in WOE: As first you need extract HunterFGA9_data.ini and HunterFGA9_loadout.ini from ObjectData.CAT file (it si placed in Objects folder) And you need .CAT file extractor (it is in download section, I think) Then you need make some changes in Weapon stations lines in HunterFGA9_data.ini: // Weapon Stations --------------------------------------------------------- [LeftWingStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-3.80,-1.74,-0.53 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,0.0 LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RP,FT, IRM ------------ add IRM on station on which you want load Sidewinders AttachmentType=NATO,UK ModelNodeName=Pylon_Outer_L PylonMass=17.01 PylonDragArea=0.05 MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= FuelTankName=Tank100_Hunter Then you can edit HunterFGA9_loadout.ini: [AirToAirLongRange] Loadout[01].WeaponType=Tank100_Hunter ------------ add AIM-9 (version which you want) Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=Tank100_Hunter Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank230_Hunter Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=Tank230_Hunter Loadout[04].Quantity=1 But you need add AIM-9s on weapon stations, which are edited. Place this .inis into Hunter main folder. If you do not want extract HunterFGA9_loadout.ini, you can load Sidewinders manually in loadout menu. That is all, I think. I haven't got time test it, but it will work, I hope
  22. Československé kampane a mašiny

    Dobrá práca blackrat Podobne aj cover72 Hangar screen je veľmi pekný. Pekný darček pod stromček
  23. This topic will help you, I hope: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23947 My radars on Mig-21PFM/MF are working right (I see contacts on radar scope, and I see lock on target in boresight mode on the scope too).
  24. Which file do you mean you have downloaded? Johan217 Middeast campaigns pack is a little bit complicated. For its newest wersion you need download update and campaign pack and many aicrafts and mods, and terrain too. Update: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=4149 Campaign: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=3095 You need read included READ MEs CAREFULLY :yes:
  25. Hi pilot Yom Kippur 1973 campaign is not compatible with WOE, I think. Here was similar question about compatibility: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23040 If you want, you can get this campaign here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1989 Or try download section with Johan217 Middle east campagn pack (there is Yom Kippur campaign included. But it is not the same campaign like previous). It is compatible with WOE. Take a look for 1.1 update too (it is in download section too)

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