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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Is this right? http://www.zur-tech.com/sabres4.htm
  2. I found this picture somewhere on net. There is adress, down. Mig-19PM Take a look on radar scope, please. It is similar to Mig-21MF (paladrians version), I think. What do you think, pilots?
  3. All hard too. And I absolutely agree with Caesar :yes: I fly Mig-21 usually. It is much harder then new generation aircrafts, of course. We can say this about Mig-21 generation in general (F-104, F-4...). I fly as czechoslovak pilot in 1985 usualy, this means I have 2xR-3S and 2xRS-2US (sometimes) loaded. I must fire R-3S in right position, behind enemy (RS-2US too). R-3S is IR rocket. But flares are better target for R-3S then enemy plane R-3S miss target very often. RS-2US is ooooold radar guided missile, but it hates targets hi Gs, similar like R-3S. But it loves chaffs Well, I haven't got many kills on hard settings. Very good feeling is in Mig-23 too. There are better missiles R-23R/T and R-60. When I fly F-15, there is no target, which can shot down this plane around. Sidewinders (L version usualy) hits their targets in 95%. Similar like sparrows (I forgot versions. But no old versions). On hard settings of course. There are no many russian aircrafts with faffs/chlares. So, for me, my plane needs right position and optimal conditions to fire rockets on target. I need count with enemy faffs/chlares. If enemy has no decoys, rockets wins usually (optimal fire conditions). Right position: I can not fire R-3S from all angles like AIM-9L. I can fire R-3S just from rear. Optimal conditions: I can not fire R-3S in turn on hi Gs. If I do it, R-3S miss its target (allways). I can fire R-3S when enemy aicraft goes from left turn to right turn for example. R-3S rockets are disvalued, I think. But it is my personal feeling (I do not want compare R-3S with AIM-9L!!!). On the other hand, it is possible that I am bad rocket laucher My english is not good, but you understand me I hope
  4. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...7&hl=merged This help, I hope :yes:
  5. Your cockpit looks... GREAT!!! Not cockpit only, of course
  6. Hi pilot. I understand you right, I hope Upload screenshots on some "share" site. photobucket.com for example You need register. It is free. After you upload your pictures, then you can copy uploaded picture IMG Code here into your post. And add reply then. It is easy. Upload, copy "picture adress" into your post, and that's it
  7. Hallo pilots Thank you for interest on our Mig topics. We can make Migs closer to reality I have problem. Well, I... gerald14 too, vrkuboy too, maybe Wrench too, maybe Fast Cargo too, and me too We are looking for ECM container SM SPS-141 for Mig-21. You can read something about it in Mig-21/23 chaffs/flares topic: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23007 To make 3D model, which is close to real model, we need drawnings and the dimensions (length, width, diameter). So can anybody help us? We ( vrkuboy and me) tried find it for many times on internet, and no big success. Many poeple helped us too. We have drawnings SPS-141 for Su-17/22. But no length, width, diameter dimensions. SM SPS-141 (for Mig-21) we need for our Mig-21MA/R pack (gerald14 is working on this pack hard). Here are some photos: http://www.ciromodels.com/SPS-141.htm I sent mail to Mig-21 pilot. It will be helpfull, I hope. I can not reply for nex two days. No internet will be in my area Well, Mig fans or anybody help please :fans:
  8. There is something wrong on ASO-21 dispenser. It is ASO-2I no ASO-21. I found both names on internet, but ASO-2I is right. My mistake, I am sorry I will edit my posts with wrong ASO-2 version. THANX to nele. He disclosed (or detected or how can I say it) my wrong ASO name. THANX again nele
  9. Thanx for links nele And yes, I mean this one for Su-17/22 SPS-141s are modelled by Fast Cargo. Container for Mig-21 is waiting for complete (near to finish), you can see it on gerald14s screenshots. We are working on container for Mig-21 pack, then we can complete container for Su-17/22. But, as I wrote, both containers are moddeled by Fast Cargo. THANX AGAIN FAST CARGO I do not understand russian language, but it is not problem. We are ex Warsav pact state, so I have friends which understand russian language without problems :yes: Or I can use online translator (maybe this help me )
  10. SPS-141 for Mig-21 was ECM container mounted under original centerline station (this is old), equiped with ASO-2I-E7P dispenser. There is another weapon station with chlares/faffs dispensers on that picture. So we have working ECM together with dispenser (close to real container). To nele: ASO-2I is dispenser equiped with 32 rounds. In recon pods for Mig-21R are two ASO-2I dispensers. In SM SPS-141 is one, maybe two. This needs more search. SPS-141 container for Su-17/22 is not equiped with dispensers.
  11. Československé kampane a mašiny

    Koonečne sa mi podarilo načápať čísla na Mig-19 tak, aby sa aj ukazovali... Nie su originál, ale to je len test a skin je ešte starý 256x256, už máme aj 1024x1024 v download section :yes:
  12. CombatACE umí česky

    Jak to dopadlo, vrku? S tym formation modom, myslim. A ku geraldovi, on nie je moder. Teda aspoň o tom neviem. Ale vie strašnu kopu vecí ohľadom aircraft_data.ini a robil aj na avionike a Mig-21Bis HUDoch. To mu ide fakt veľmi dobre. Podobne aj skiny na Mig-21
  13. CombatACE umí česky

    Mmm, no to je fakt že kokpit nemáme. Ale nehádžme flintu do žita On raz bude, tomu verim, no :yes:
  14. Klamné ciele na našich mašinách

    Chlapi, máte niekto informácie o klamných cieľoch (chaffs/flares) používaných na našich Migoch-21/23? Konkrétne myslím počet a typ. Hľadám to dnes celý deň, ale nevygúglil som to. Mig-23ML mal podľa toho čo som našiel 6 svetlíc Mig-23BN zrejme tiež 6 svetlíc Mig-23MF neviem Mig-21F/PF/PFM/MF neviem Su-25 WIP Marcfighter - o ňom je dosť podkladov Su-22M4 (máme Su-17,ale nie je problém ho prememnovať) viem, je to pomerne podrobne na http://www.valka.cz/newdesign/v900/clanek....ighlight=Suchoj V galérii je to tam doložené aj fotkami. Ale ako sa mi zdá ide len o svetlice. A neviem či sme mali a ak tak aké kontajnery s rušičmi Skúšam tú editnutú scrapperovu kampaň Red swarm, a na hard nastaveniach je to brutus. AIM-9L ma trafia vždy a všade. Preto dúfam, že sme mali nejaké fléry na našich mašinách, aby sa to aspoň trošku priblížilo skutočnosti. Zvlášť mi ide o 21F/PF/PFM.
  15. Klamné ciele na našich mašinách

    Hmm, on to takmer určite spraví a bude to dobré Ale ktovie, čo prinesie nový patch. Možno to pôjde potom kapánek lepšie
  16. CombatACE umí česky

    Servus HerGr Tiež Ťa vítam. Cíť sa ako doma Ja som veľmi rád Camelu a Dr1. Viem máme tieto mašiny od A-teamu už dlho, a je kopa editov a skinov na ne, a považoval som ich za jedny z najlepších mašín vo FE. Proste som sa na ne tešil. Ale nemám expancion pack, takže neviem posúdiť prípadné zmeny. Rozhodne sa mi javí nový Dr1 lepšie spracovaný. Ale na starý Dr1 zatiaľ nedám dopustiť Podobne aj na Nieuport N17 C1 od Montyho CZ (a na jeho Delfín už tým duplom nech mi nikto nešahá ) Učápal som si aj skin na Dreideckerra. To bolo spojenie viacerých skinov v programe Prohlížeč obrázků a faxů Ono vlastne na FE som skúsil prvé zásahy do .ini súborov...
  17. Hi Paladrian :yes: We have many questions about pits for Mig-15/17/19 series. Answer is still the same: there are no Mig-15/17/19 copits in download section. You uploaded cocpits for Mig-21F/PF/F/MF versions. So I suppose you know autors, or you are one of them. Question is easy: Is there a chance to make new Mig-15 or 17 or 19 cocpits for our community? I am sorry if I bother you with this. I saw you online, so I tried it. Thanx for any reply. kukulino
  18. Oh, this pit looks really good Good typ for Mig-15 :yes: CA_Stary, your repaint looks still good too Wrench uploaded Mig-19S Hi-res skins (and improved Mig17PF model too - with Hi-res skin too), Fubar is working on new FM. What about new repaint for "Mig-19P/PM pit"?
  19. Welcome here, pilot Well, in general: we have knowledge base. There are tons helpfull info: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=99 Or you can use search engine :yes: To your third question: To add new weapon you need Weapon editor. We have two weapons pack here in download section. There is weapon editor in bot version. Weapons pack from jul 2006 is larger: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=2672 Mirage Factory weapons pack is smaller: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5544 You can merge this two packs in one: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23529 scroll to post number four But: If you want work in Weapon editor, you NEED SET COMPATIBILITY TO Win98!!! http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12210 Adding new weapons: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5365 This is Fast Cargos ALARM for SFP1/WOV/WOE (Version 1.1) Read READ ME in this file and follow steps to add this weapon. Very good tutorial for anybody (Fast Cargo wrote this steps in every weapon made by himself). Then you can try another new weapon. But as Badfrank sad, there are many weapons in weapons packs included. So, if you have Weapons pack intalled, then you can compare your WEAPONDATA.ini (there are included all weapons from weapons pack) with weapons icluded in aircraft pack add on. Looking hard, but do not be afraid. Good luck
  20. Another great work! As usual, Wrench :yes: We are waiting for Fubars new FM. With your skin and Fubars FM Mig-19S will be like young lion again Thanx Wrench
  21. Yes, third cannon is needed :yes: Mig-17 needs better skins. Thanx Wrench for it too Migs as targets? No, bad idea
  22. Everything works right now Nice work!!! Su-22 is nice again
  23. Klamné ciele na našich mašinách

    To s Tebou ABSOLUTNE súhlasím. A keby vedel aj modelovať v 3DMaxe tak ja uz neviem aky by bol Čo sa týka zameriavača pre súčko, písal, že tam sú určité problémy. Zrejme to nebude úplne tak ako by to malo byť. Ten kokpit je totiž stará záležotosť, takže to celé nejak potrebuje update. Gerald tvrdí, že to je jedna najťažších vecí čo tu robí a robil
  24. No more HAWKS and Chaparrals close to us

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