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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Hi all community We have BIG, really BIG PROBLEMS wit COCPITS. So is somewhere cockpit tutorial? Or something like guide or maual to make pits? We have nice modeling tutorials, but no cocpit modeling tutorial, I think. Modders, HELP PLEASE!!!
  2. I am sorry, I forgot say anything about colour It is yellow colour. I found one Su-7 pit, I mean picture: http://www.aviation.ru/jno/Prague98/su7bkl_cockpit.jpg It is ooooold poster.
  3. I have some notes for Su-22 ground attack tactics. They are translated to english by dannn. VERY BIG THANX TO HIM!!! SU-22 M4 is equipped with container KDS-23 firing infra red and atiradar rounds and can, as well, use the antiradar unguided rockets and rounds of the NR-30 cannon or GS-23 cannon pod for its own protection. KDS-23 - two cartridges, each loaded by six of infra red (flares?) or anti radar rounds or their combination. Anti radar rounds - to avoid automatic tracking of an aircraft by the radar of an enemy aircraft, four rounds are fired in an interval of 0.05 sec. Two rounds are enough to avoid tracking by anti-aircraft missile base radar. Infra-red rounds - to avoid automatic tracking by anti-aircraft missiles, one round is fired before and one after the launch of the missile. Two rounds are fired as a defence against guided missiles. 0.3 sec after the round has been fired, a source of infra-red radiation is created near the aircraft to which the missile is redirected. The compound burns for at least 8 sec. Anti radar rockets and rounds (in the wing station containers) - 2-4 unguided S-5P1 rockets or 5-6 NR-30 cannon rounds or 8-10 GS-23 cannon pod rounds are fired to create clouds of the dipolar refractors in the distance of 3-5 km from the firing point. The store of the unguided rockets is depleted within 8 trigger squeezes. The store of the rounds is depleted within 10-14 short bursts. The required time of the radar jamming effect is managed by two salvoes of S-5P1 rockets (two bursts) in the interval of 1-2 sec. in between. Characteristics of formation of two aircraft in cooperative defence: While using SPS-141 – 250-300m between the aircraft with monitoring angle of 30 degrees and inclination 50-100m While using anti radar rockets and rounds – 200m between the aircraft with monitoring angle of 30 degrees and inclination 0m While using the container KDS-23 with infra-red and anti radar rounds – 100m between the aircraft with monitoring angle of 30 degrees and inclination 50m Formation is “staggered to the right”. THANX dannn AGAIN
  4. Do not be afraid man We have many friends here (modders, .ini gurus). And there are many pilots which love Fitters, here on CA :pioneer:
  5. Thanx. I am happy. But you can be happy too We can make new gunsights for Fitter I do not understand that .inis and .tgas and avionic files. But I can share with you guys with this picture, and we will see :yes: I sent this picture to my friend gerald14. So he can make something like that drawnings, I hope. If he has time for it. We have many HUD gurus here :fans:
  6. Československé kampane a mašiny

    Zdar šicke Prave som dorazil do školy. Možno nám odpadnú dva semináre, tak bude nejake volničkooooo haha. ALEEEE cestou autobusom som sa nejak zasnival a trkol mi v hlave takyto projekt: No, najprv to bol dávnejšie iný. Neviem či som o tom už písal, jeden československý pilot, ktorého si veľmi vážim, mi mailom poslal náčrt zameriavača Su-22. Mám povolenie tento náčrt aj zverejniť. No a keď ho mám, prečo to neurobiť? Potrebujem však niekoho, aby preložil slovenské poznámky k nemu. Jedná sa o nejaké detaily k zameriavaču. Nie je to ťažké si myslím, ale ja by som to správne určite nepreložil. Si myslím že dannn by s tým mohol pichnúť, a už mu aj idem hodiť PM. Ono môžem ten náčt postnúť aj po slovensky, veď maníci si s tým možno nejak poradia (ale v škole sa mi to nepodarí, tak najskôr večer, resp v noci). Druhá idea, čo ma teda trkla dnes v autobuse, je kampaň. Ono ja viem, odštartoval som topic na našom subfóre a zatál z toho moc nekáplo. Ale ide o väčší projekt ako len naša československá kampaň. ČSSR, bývalá pravda, bola predsa súčasťou Waršavského paktu. A s nami aj Poľsko, Maďarsko a sovietskymi vojskami okupovaná časť Nemecka, ešte Albánsko, Rumunsko a pravda ZSSR. No tak prečo sa nepokúsiť o kampaň v spoločne? Poliaci tu majú svojich úderníkov, Maďari tiež, Nemci takisto no a my, to je predsa jasné že tiež, Rumuni a Albánci to neviem, a pa ruski tu niekto tiež hovorí I keď je zrejmé, že kampaň (ak vznikne) bude obmedzená mapou vo WOE. Čo vy na to?
  7. There are great Enhanced Explosions 2 by CA_Stary in the download section: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5378
  8. Thanx LloydNB :yes: There are some crazy days in life, and we have some of them in this week I know your feeling after long work and no good result. I had it many times before. My english is not the best, so I need long time to do everything in SFP1 series. And if there is something wrong... Well I sent files to my friends, so I hope they will test them and we will see. It is just easy prob, I think. So good luck in Marlet paint too, and be carefull. Marlet is my favourite naval WW2 plane. I love it in Pacific fighters (I had PF before my first WOV). Landings with this bird are really exciting (no hard, but really nice)
  9. Ultralight prototyp

    Jeeeeééé Ten vypadá, no k zulíbání
  10. Klamné ciele na našich mašinách

    Na textúre maká gerald. Tak to bude dobré Akurát čísla ma trošku vytáčajú
  11. Thanx nele SM SPS-141 for Mig-21 was very interesting container. This container was mounted under last plane in flight. Another positions were danger, because there was chance to absorb (or suck in or haw can I say it) flares into engine for wingmans. There was one container to cover all flight. We can do it too, but it is not very practical in game. Primary role was use SPS-141 to jam Hawk radars. Well, we can see its function soon SPS-141 works on 8,8 - 10,8 frequencies. So we can add JammerStrenght on 35.000000 maybe 40.000000 Look HERE!
  12. THANX, I am downloading EDIT: downloaded, installed. Made new .lst with nums. I tried single mision, everything right. Next single mission. Problem again. I tried Mig with nums in SFP1 and the same prob. I tried Super Etendard and problem is the same. In first single mission my plane has firs number in order. This is ok. In second mission (I go back to single mission menu, than back to mission, and loadout menu) my plane has fifth (for example) number in order. I add another planes, but last have no nums. This looks like prob with return after the last number as LloydNB wrote. I hit Space after last number in order in LST file. But this problem is in WOE and SFP1 too. Not only with my Mig. Or as I wrote, I have crazy comp Thanx Jug. EditPad Lite looks great
  13. I have new .LST I changed decal005 to 000, decal006 to 001 etc. I start game, single mission with Mig-21, aded another 14 planes to flight and everything works great. I try it again. And last Migs have no nums I made nums.lst in notepad. I tried it in wordpad too. Or I need better text editor? This is real crazy situation
  14. Thanx for help and interest LloydNB :yes: I must go. I will let you know about my numbers status soon. Thak you
  15. Yes, I am :yes: I copied Ca_Starys newest mod from zip file into my WOE folders, and that's it.
  16. Thanx, I will try it :yes: But my Windows are really sick. They are not working right. Not with WOE only. BTW, why another nums on another planes are not good too? Hmm, this is very interesting.
  17. I haven't got it. I did it and no success. First five nums are not working. I can add them manually only. What is paradox, numbers won't show up on another types too. I tried new F-4G, Mig-21F-13CZ, JA-37 and similar troubles. My WinXP are probably sick...
  18. Well, I have still little probs... I am testing my nums. When I fly single mission, numbers are on right places. If I want to try fly a few minutes later, I have no numbers on nose. Or when I go back to main menu, then to single mission menu again, then to loadout menu, aircrafts in my flight have the same number (I can add nums manually). Then in single mission is no number on every aircraft. Or if I add some other planes to my flight, they have no nums. I fly Mig-21 with my numbers. What is wrong, mmm... [Decal007] MeshName=Nose DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=MiG-21MA\Czech2\d\CzNum Position=4.00,-0.05 Scale=1.6 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal008] MeshName=Nose DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=MiG-21MA\Czech2\d\CzNum Position=4.00,-0.05 Scale=1.6 DecalMaxLOD=3 I have 16 nums: CzNum000 - CzNum015 I have Numbers.lst too. There are numbers only. Or I need reinstall my crazy computer
  19. ASO-2V are little dispensers on dorsal section. Look here: ASO-2Vs are four little white boxes, every with 32 rounds. We have new SPS-141 Gvozdika (jammer) container modelled by Fast Cargo (there are no dispensers in this version I think) for Su-17/22. Look here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23587 Scroll to post number seven. Edit: We can add 2 x KDS-23 dispensers on dorsal section too. Each with 6 rounds (6xflares or 6xchaffs, or conbined). I haven't got photo for this time.
  20. There are not modeled ASO-2 dispensers on Su-17 model. But you can add them without model. Open Su-17_data.ini, and scroll to: [Fuselage] ......... ......... ......... SystemName[***]=ASODispenser ----- add these lines SystemName[***]=ASODispenser2 ----- Then scroll to Countermeasures and add [ASODispenser] and [ASODispenser2] : // Countermeasures ---------------------------------------------------- [ASODispenser] SystemType=DECOY_DISPENSER EjectPosition=1.00,-7.78,2.34 //EjectVelocity=0.00,0.00,20.00 EjectVelocity=2.00,0.00,20.00 NumChaff=32 NumFlare=32 [ASODispenser2] SystemType=DECOY_DISPENSER EjectPosition=-1.00,-7.78,2.34 //EjectVelocity=0.00,0.00,20.00 EjectVelocity=-2.00,0.00,20.00 NumChaff=32 NumFlare=32 And then... You can add more dispensers of course. Or add more faffs/chlares To Soulfreak: wow, good work. Good, good, good
  21. Klamné ciele na našich mašinách

    A verte či neverte, ten kontajner je vymodelovaný!!! A nie len to. Máme vymodelovaný aj kontajner pre Su-17/22. Obidva spravil moder a moderátor z CombatACE Fast Cargo. Tak sa to kurňa podarilo Myslím že sme mu veeeľmoooo zaviazaní
  22. OOoo, gerald, look at these great models :fan_1: THANK YOU FAST CARGO, THANK YOU AGAIN :cray: Thank you guys for interest too
  23. Hi muesli I used 800l fuel tank from weapons pack in SM SPS-141 role. This is an improvisation. But it works good. 800l fueltank is a ittle bit bigger an longer than SM SPS-141 container. I wrote abou this in Mig-21/23 chaffs/flares topic. If we can not find or get SM SPS-141 drawnings, 800l fuel tank is workable as SM SPS-141 container. THANX for interest and reply muesli
  24. Klamné ciele na našich mašinách

    Tak som odpálil nový topic o SM SPS-141 kontajnere. Patrí do kategórie REB. Podvesuje sa na Mig-21. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry112149 Nepredpokladám nejaký obrovský úspech, ale za pokus to stojí. Proste potrebujeme niečo ako technický výkres. Alebo dobré fotky. Teda z boku, vrchu, zo spodu, aj spredu. S vrkuboyom sme pri hľadaní strávili pekných pár hodín, ale SM SPS-141 pre Mig-21 sme nenašli. Teda myslím výkres. Je to nutné k tomu, aby mohol byť spravený 3D model kontajnera.

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