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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. I added sixth pylon on Mig-21R (THANX Wrench) This is original ECM pod, which I found in WEAPONDATA.ini: I edited some values. [WeaponData886] TypeName=RecPod_D FullName=Type D EW Pod ModelName=RecPod_MiG21 Mass=150.000000 Diameter=0.500000 Length=1.000000 AttachmentType=SOVIET,YUGOSLAVIA NationName=SOVIET StartYear=1967 EndYear=1990 Availability=1 BaseQuantity=24 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1969 ExportEndYear=1982 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=0 JammerStrength=0.000000 <----------BUT THIS IS NOT GOOD I THINK (on the other hand, I don't know, what these values means) Summary from this topic: 1. we have Mig-21MA 2. we have Mig-21R 3. we have Type D EW Pod for Mig-21R (for "R" ONLY!!! And still I do not understand that values) 4. we have RecPod_MiG21 for Mig-21R (but this is standardly in WEAPONDATA.ini) 5. we have sixth pylon for faffs/chlares dispenser (for Mig-21R, hidden in rec pod. This simulate rec pod function in general) AND 6. we have MiG-21R CM Dispenser ----- Wrenchs idea Next plan: 1. use MiG-21R CM Dispenser data and change it to ASO-2I dispenser [WeaponData****] TypeName=ASO-2I ------changed name FullName=ASO-2I-E7P -----the same change ModelName=104Recon Mass=15 ----------- faffs/chlares weight (I do not know real ASO-2I weight) Diameter=0.500000 Length=1.000000 AttachmentType=SOVIET NationName=SOVIET StartYear=1969 EndYear=2025 Availability=1 BaseQuantity=24 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1969 ExportEndYear=2025 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=2 NumChaff=32 NumFlare=32 EjectPosition=0.000000,-1.662000,-2.000000 EjectVelocity=-1.000000,-5.000000,-1.000000 Edit sixth pylon on Mig-21R for use ASO-2I faffs/chlares shells only [CenterlineStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=6 StationGroupID=4 note a new group StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.23,-0.05 ------to full hide 104Recon model. we can use smaller model AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,0.0 LoadLimit=30 ------------------------------ just for ASO-2I AllowedWeaponClass=EP AttachmentType=SOVIET ModelNodeName=Centerline_Pylon PylonMass=40 PylonDragArea=0.02 With this I mean add into Rec pod ASO-2I only. 2. For SM SPS-141 I want to find some good model and than will add it into WEAPONDATA.ini (in principle it is the same like rec pod D. But I want model closer to real SM SPS-141) I want mount SM SPS-141 on original centerline pylon, and ASO-2I "under" sixth pylon on Mig-21MA or MF. We have 104Recon model for this time as SM SPS-141 (Wrenchs idea). 2. Work on Mig-23 series. :yes:
  2. Ooooh, YES! Migs are very good targets, becaouse they are time after time one of the best fighters over the sky I am goin to try F-104 rec pod. There are two ways to do Mig-21 rec pod, which I read (I mean those ways) on the net pages: 1. container R with ECM and flares/chaffs -- container D with cameras and dispenser (faffs/chlares) 2. container R with ECM and flares/chaffs -- container D with cameras only But i don't know, which is true. I need few days to get right info about that (from Mig-21 pilot). To Fubar512: THANX for photos. There are some photos in czech pages too (links in my previous posts). But for modder we need blueprint (or which name is for it), three view drawning.
  3. Československé kampane a mašiny

    Chlapi, kuknite aká vychutnávka (naše Migy-21F13): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jNcTKFikGc
  4. Československé kampane a mašiny

    Veci sa pohli. Mám už spravené obidve chýbajúce verzie Migov-21 MA aj R. No spravené, ono som len čosi kdesi nakopčil a zmenil meno. Majú rovnaký Flight Model ako indický type 96 (a ten ho má podobný migu PFM), R-ka je bez kanónu a má nejaké nežné pancierovanie navyše. Okrem toho majú aj rovnaký model spoločný s Mig-21MF. R-ka má PFM kabínu aj avioniku, MA má MF kabínu a SM avioniku. Ďalej som skúsil načápať nejaké svetlice a odrážače do Mig-21 recon podu. Problém je, že fléry a chaffy môže kontajner vystreľovať až potom, čo sa v jeho data.ini zmení jeho status z recon pod na electronic pod. Teda buď máme kontajner s kamerami a bez klamných cieľov, alebo máme kontajner s klamnými cieľmi fungujúci aj ako rušička.
  5. I sad it many times before: EVERY MIG IS GOOD MIG
  6. 1. APU-23 ------ you need modeller, I think. Or try improvisation. Better than nothink. Look in WEAPONDATA.ini find R-23 [WeaponDataXXXX] TypeName=R-23R FullName=R-23R Apex-A ModelName=R23R Mass=223.000000 Diameter=0.200000 Length=4.060000 AttachmentType=SOVIET,YUGOSLAVIA NationName=Soviet StartYear=1973 EndYear=2020 Availability=1 BaseQuantity=40 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1973 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=1 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=FALSE<<<<<<<---------HERE! Change to TRUE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE Streamlined=TRUE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=MediumMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=1.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=40.000000 FusingDistance=2.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=12 Accuracy=70 MaxTurnRate=15.000000 MaxLaunchG=2.500000 LockonChance=70 LaunchReliability=75 ArmingTime=2.000000 SeekerFOV=5.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=46.000000 SeekerTrackRate=12.000000 SeekerRange=35000.000000 MinLaunchRange=6000.000000 MaxLaunchRange=35000.000000 Duration=80.000000 CounterCountermeasure=75.000000 NoiseRejection=50.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x00000000 BoosterStart=0.500000 BoosterDuration=2.000000 BoosterAccel=19.500000 BoosterEffectName=MissileFireEffect BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.835150,0.000000 SustainerDuration=0.000000 SustainerAccel=0.000000 SustainerEffectName= SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.835150,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 Than open WEPONDATA.ini with weapon editor and save. Than close weapon editor. I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS STEP IS NECESSARY, I DID IT AND PYLONS WORKS CORRECTLY IN GAME. Like I sad, better than nothing. I did it for S-24 too. 2. You need modeller too. Or try 800L fueltanks for Mig-21. 800L fueltank is included in WEAPODATA.ini. I saw there Tank790_MiG23 too. So, if you want, try! :yes:
  7. What about old but good THUD (F-105F_and_G.rar by Armourdave)? I have hard wild weasel feelling in this versions http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...mp;showfile=968
  8. OK, we have: 1. Mig-21MA (MF model, type 96 FM, MF cocpit, SM avionics) 2. Recon pod for Mig-21 with cameras 3. ECM pod for Mig-21 (no flares/chaffs) We need (for czechoslovak campaign): 1. Mig-21R (PFM pit, no internal guns, PFM? or type 96 FM) 2. Electronic recon container "R" with ECM and ASO-2I dispenser (model recon pod Mig-21, need add 2x32 chaffs/flares) 3. Classic recon pod for Mig-21 with cameras and with ASO-2I ---- Recon container "D" 4. SM SPS-141 ECM pod with ASO-2I-E7P chaffs/flares dispenser (not modeled, and I have no drawning for this time) The best way are new models for MA and R versions. I am not modder, so the best way for me is improvisation. 1. no big prob to make basic ini changes fo R version 2. no big prob to add 2x32 faffs/chlares into rec pod Mig-21 and rename it to Recon container "R" 3. no way to have cameras with dispenser in one container. ------a) Wrenchs note: add next pylon with recon pod with faffs/chlares on the same place like centerline station ------b) or no cameras, just faffs/chlares dispenser (have cameras some funcions in the original model? Are they funcional?) 4. no way for me to get SM SPS-141 ECM pod with ASO-2I-E7P chaffs/flares dispenser (for modders too, we have no drawning)
  9. That is right. I haven't read indians Fishbeds notes in loadout fixes topic. I have not skill with this, I have some skill with SOVIET loadout fixies. OK, I am going to find Indian AF Fishbed fixes.
  10. I know nothing about WIP. But there is fictional Fiza'ya Eagles campaign by melassal in the download section. Get campaign HERE! If there is no WIP campaign, you can improve this exist with new squadrons and aircrafts, I think.
  11. I am trying to get Mig-21MA from MF and type 96 versions. I am using MIG-21MF.LOD from type 96B version. But look at this ghostrider, is this lod the same like original MF.LOD from WOE? This is with WOE original MF.LOD It is not big prob to move numbers and insignias, and pilot to right position, but what happend with LOD files? I have new folder Mig-21MA created with MF skin, type 96 files renamed to Mig-21MA, MF.LOD from type 96 package. Wrenchs update for type 96 is not installed. The way to improve this prob is to use stock MF.LOD and move numbers and insignias and pilot to right positions, I think. Numbers ----MontyCZ L-29 Skin gerald14
  12. Československé kampane a mašiny

    DííííííK Tento SPS-141 sa používal na Su-22. Čo sa týka súčka, to malo peknú hŕbu flérov. Ale rozhodne mu neuškodí kontajner na REB Ale ten SM SPS-141 na Mig je snáď nezohnateľný! Inak už som dočápal Mig-21MA. Model je zhodný s MF, ale letový model má z indického Type 96 od Fubara512. Má to nejaká divný tieň, kolmo na trup, mmm. Tak som ho radšej odstránil
  13. Československé kampane a mašiny

    A FastCargo potrebuje čo? No výkres toho kontajneru SM SPS-141. Ale zatááál som to nevygúglil
  14. Nice photos of SM SPS-141 with ASO-2I-E7P dispenser (chaffs an flares, but dispenser we can't see) http://forum.valka.cz/viewtopic.php/t/1214...OV-Kontejner-SM Loaded on Mig-21MF. Mig is placed in the museum.
  15. Hi Wrench. Yes, you are right. I saw it in the weapondata. But it won't show up in loadout screen. [WeaponData886] TypeName=RecPod D --------------------I think this need edit to RecPod_D FullName=Type D EW Pod ModelName=RecPod_MiG21 -------------- the same lod file like MiG-21 Recon Pod Mass=150.000000 Diameter=0.500000 Length=1.000000 AttachmentType=SOVIET,YUGOSLAVIA NationName=SOVIET StartYear=1965 EndYear=1990 Availability=1 BaseQuantity=24 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1970 ExportEndYear=1982 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=0 JammerStrength=0.000000 I will try this too. P.S.: I don't know what happend with howling1. And I don't know ho is it in the fact. I know his nick and his great work for Mig Fan comunity So I believe that he will be OK
  16. Have you've got Patch v08.30.06 installed before NF1 + NF2 instalation? Patch v08.30.06 get here----- http://thirdwire.com/downloads_woe.htm Or it is in the download section here at CA.
  17. I have info from exczechoslovak fishbed pilot. There are many photos of coumtermeasure containers in my first post (follow links). I need to know, how many flares or chaffs were in that containers. Second question is, if it is possible to add chaffs and flares into mig-21 recon pod. I mean, when I drop this container, flares and chaffs and ecm is not funkcional, because it is dropped. Third question, which modder can do SPS-141? I hope FastCargo About Floggers: I know about six flares on 23MF or ML version. I need more search. I found photo ---- http://backfiretu-22m.tripod.com/id11.html scroll down on little photo Mig-23 with flares. And very sweet information: L-39 is equiped wit four flares!!!!!!!!!! :yes: It is too easy to shot down Mig-21/23 series with AIM-9L (or better). One shot one kill. Similar with modern versions AIM-7. So, if there is chanse to have better defense for Migs, let's go to do it! If I want to fly Mig-21 in edited scrappers Red swarm, for example, there is no chance/little chance to survive. And if we can improve exist Mig-21s to Mig-21R with modified recon pod, there is another good chance for everyone to try something new --- recon mission in special R variant. Too exciting for every mig fan!!!
  18. Thanx for photos and link :yes: Your are right in general. We have F-7P modelled by howling1. It is in download section. And, yes, model is equiped with dispenser. This version was not in use by Czechoslovak air force. There was Mig-21F-13 in license build in Czechoslovakia.
  19. WOW,WOW,WOW!!! THANX man I am looking for download :yes: Edit: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1354 ---- is this M version pack? And there is Wrenchs update. Do I need both?
  20. Klamné ciele na našich mašinách

    Na základe poznatkov, ktoré nám boli vrkuboy podané sa mi podarilo nájsť toto http://forum.valka.cz/viewtopic.php/t/1214...OV-Kontejner-SM Mám taký dojem, že niečo podobná máme vymodelované...
  21. Klamné ciele na našich mašinách

    O.K. ĎAKUJEM za spoluprácu. Ozval sa aj mne, lebo druhý mail sa mi podarilo odoslať, hehe (ozaj som asi mimo, keď neviem mailovať ). Odkázal ma aj na to fórum, kde opdpovedal. Rozmýšľam založiť topic na hlavnom fóre ohľadom tejto rušiacej výzbroje. Len to musíme nejak skompletizovať. Alebo ani nemusíme a niektorí možno prispejú aj svojimi poznatkami. Žiadny kontajner SPS-141 zatiaľ nie je vymodelovaný, možno sa nejaký modder na to chytí. Aspoň takto upozorníme Mig masterov a modderov na to, ako to v ČssR chodilo. Dokonca aj L-39 mal 4 svetlice A myslím, že by bolo dobré spolu s tým "rušiacim topicom" zaroveň naštartovať aj topic o našej kampani. Ten môj edit Red swarmu funguje, akurát s tými rušičmi sa musím pohrať (alebo to urobia original moddery na svojich mašinách). Testujem to na hard optionsoch (ako som vieckrát písal). To je do blízkej budúcnosti.
  22. co na to rict?

    No prelozil som čo mi na mysel prišlo, ale nepodarilo sa mi násjť niečo vhodnejšie ako si písal. Z menších kokpitov som skúsil S-3B od Capuna, aj F-111 ma napadla, z väčších AC-130A Hercules Gunship (ale to bol len beta kokpit), alebo ak si neskúsil opáč Avro Vulcan B2 od Capuna - je tam modifikovaný B-17 kokpit (celkom pekný, akurát bočné okná sú vulcanovské), teda myslím že je to on.
  23. Klamné ciele na našich mašinách

    Som dnes pekných pár hodín strávil na gúgli, ale nepodarilo sa mi nájsť čo chcem. To čo som našiel si dokonca aj odporovalo. U nás sa vyrábali Mig-21F-13, tie boli bez radaru a zrejme aj bez svetlíc a pásikov. Ale to je len môj odhad. No, do Aera sa necítim moc písať. To som malý pán na to. A veci sa už dali do pohybu a myslím, že je len otázkou času, kedy tie klamné ciele rozlúštime.

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