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Everything posted by kukulino

  1. Happy Birthday Kukulino!

    It is stock Mig-19S adaptation with new parts by 76.IAP-Blackbird, Pasko (rocket pod and missiles) and new FM by starfighter2 :yes:
  2. Happy Birthday Kukulino!

    ĎAKUJEM = THANK YOU my friends :blush2: We have nice sunny day here in Slovakia (Central Europe). And we (familly) are prepairing to make real Slovak firewater from apples and some another fruits Will be finished tommorow. Than we can try it. But it is a pitty that all you are so far, so we can not try it together. But I am prepairing little gift for you. I want upload something later today (hope will have time to do it). Some guys from community worked on her too... So you can try than Will be BETA 0.95, but you will love her I believe
  3. MiG-21 MF

    A čo to robí? Sú tu väčší maníci ako ja, čo sa týka HEX editora, takže možno pomôžu. Ja som HEX proste nainštaloval, pretiahol som LOD subor do okna v ktorom bol otvoreny HEX. Potom bolo možné prezerať si komponenty, ktore su v LOD (je ich tam požehnane. Len si medzi číslami musíš nájsť mená komponentov). Je lepšie ak máme OUT file, kde je hierarchia partov jasne čitateľná. Ale pre stock mašiny OUT file nemáme).
  4. S-105

    I just wanted release her on my birthday. But need wait. Or release BETA 0.95 today. Will see. I am bussy now :yes:
  5. MiG-21 MF

    Mmm, momentálne Ti môžem poradiť len teóriou (ako sa dajú "zneviditelniť" party modelu): stiahni si HEX editor. Free (ale nie kompletná) verzia sa dá stiahnuť v pohode. Otvor Mig-21MF.LOD v HEX editore a skús nájsť názov potrebného partu. Keď sa Ti to podarí, "zmaž" vybranú čast/časti cez ini edit. Ako zmazať časti z modelu, pozri Mig-21R od starfightera2 (je v download section v sekcii Mig-21. Na jeho "Rke" je myslím zmazaný kanón a tuším aj protipumpážne plotíky). Niekedy sa však vybraná časť modelu vymazať nedá, lebo je časťou väčšieho celku a musel by si vymazať aj ten väčší celok. Napr. predná časť kabiny v Mig-21PFM. Ak zmažeš celý nos, zmažeš aj predný diel kokpitu. Samostatne sa zmazať nedá (resp. nie bežnou cestou).
  6. MiG-21 MF

    Oki. A čo Ti v tom bráni? (teda ak som to správne pochopil)
  7. S-105

    Mmm, so you can not map it correctly and Amokfloo is away... So what now?
  8. S-105

    I am fine. Terrorist tooth is not so painly. But really looky forward to feeling without that dammit tooth Thabks for asking :yes: And what happent to Amokfloo? I suppose he is bussy with RL.
  9. S-105

    Rgr :yes:
  10. Total veprovost ruskych raket

    Neviem či krizis upgradol aj vlastnosti rakiet, ale dufam, že ano. Osobne som skôr za weaponspacky. Modely od krizis sú príliš dobré na to, aby som ich obišiel. Takže pre mňa je voľba jasná - weps pack. Pozri post č. 184: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry220180 Zatiaľ je vec ešte horúca, takže ťažko povedať kam sa soviet weps pack idea bude uberať.
  11. Donno if I understand U right, but I am using panelfinder to find needed needed places on skins: http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/dlcat-general-12/ Maybe you alreade know it
  12. Anyway, guys worked hard on mega weps pack (the same for older bunys and TMF and lindr2 packs). In dozens weps it is too easy make some little trobles in weps designations. Pack needs still testing to find troubles (if there are). Really dozens weps are there. So BIG THANKS to all whose compilled weps packs (modders, ini gurus, skinners, testers etc) :yes:
  13. There was old idea about soviet weps pack. western missiles were overmodelled, soviet undermodelled. There were many flame discussions about this theme here and on Thirdwire forums too. Here is old link to Soviet A2A weapons pack project discussion for SFP1 series (no flame there ): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24967 There was practically no real progress. I had idea but low knowledge to lead this project... After those flame discussions I get idea, that it is better have seperate soviet weps pack. If somebody wants it, he can try it. If does not like, he can delete it. Red fans will not delete it I suppose But this series is not just about western planes and fun. I do not want just shoot Bears, I want fly them too I think the best way have correct soviet weps is organise them by red fans, becouse they know them (names, performance, skins etc.). Than include them into "mega weps pack" or (or "and") release them as soviet weps pack. These are my ideas about soviet weps. Just suggestions. If there will be discussion, it is better continue it in upper link to not hi jack this threat.
  14. Total veprovost ruskych raket

    Stará vec. SFP1 series boli spravené pre zábavu na "západných" mašinách. Boli o tom "flame" diskusie ako sa patrí. Doteraz som z nich znechutený Dávnejšie som odštartoval topic, kde sme diskutovali o sovietskych strelách, ale prakticky to neprinieslo žiadny výsledok. Rachejtle si proste môžeš upraviť sám. Problém je, aké by mali byť... Nový patch podľa mojich pozorovaní zlepšil vlastnosti striel. Ale zatiaľ som to neskúmal podrobnejšie. Pred patchom by napr. AIM-9B netrafila to, čo dokáže teraz. Keďže sa však momentálne viac prdkám s obdobím 50-60 (S-105) tak moc rachejtle nepoužívam. Každopádne, jeden maník je nespokojný s novým weps packom (je jeden z modderov, ktorí do neho prispeli a zhodou okolností ide o chlapa, čo spravil sovietske rachejtle). Preto sa mu chystám navrhnúť ideu o soviet weps packu.
  15. Mig-21 komplet

    Pekne, za mesiac cca 1200 downloadov. To nie je zlé :yes:
  16. MiG-21 MF

    Mmm, nikdy som sa s forsážou nejak zvlášť nehral, ale v aircraft_data.ini sa s ňou hrať dá. Prípadne, je tu mnoho mašín a niektoré majú svoje vlastné "forsáže", takže pozri aj iné mašiny. A pravdaže, hoď oko aj do download section: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...num=10&st=0
  17. S-105

    Oki. Send, please :yes:
  18. Different planes or planes versions in squadrons (mean in one squadron in the same time) in campaign (I did not tried it on newest patch, but pre patch it was not possible). And I am missing new hig detail Mil Mi-24 helicopter model. I know that we have one (OK, there are more models, but based on the same 3d source I think). I did not said that she is bad. I mean new model with current detail standards (and they are higher that previous standards).
  19. Will be nice "bang" some birdies on her deck. Looky very nice Looky forward :yes:
  20. S-105

    Aaaaah... Doc sent me to another doc... And that another doc is something like neighbour. He lives with his familly cca 200 metres from our hous. But I need wait for next Wednesday. So next Wednesday will be that tooth bombed... Definitely... Fully... Absolutely... Finally...
  21. S-105

    Hehe, good She is fine on me With "antipain" injection is painless process reduced to good levell Ussually... So, looks like I will all day home after... Sooooo, I can shoooot some ugly blue guys than And than fly here and thereeee....
  22. S-105

    Do what ya need :yes: I can not give you a order: "Do it!" Dammit, I have trobles with another tooth, dammit Had some small troubles, but looks like more complicated bussiness Will see, what my doc will do tommorow
  23. S-105

  24. MiG-21 MF

    Lukášu, tá MFka "2205" je nádherná
  25. MiG-21 MF

    We need Amokfloo for this :yes:

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