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Everything posted by hunter

  1. Dosbox

    Chi ha la voglia di mettere un tutorial per spiegare come far funzionare su xp qualche vecchio simulatore di volo in DOS ?
  2. Bombardamento "all antica" e consiglio letterario

    Che bello , io ho qualche simulatore scaricato da home of underdogs , il problema e che sono totalmente ignorante di come far funzionare dosbox.........c'é qualcuno che mi puo' aiutare ? sarebbe bello poter usare di nuovo tornado ........che stavo delle ore davanti al computer del mio fratello minore .
  3. Dimmi con cosa svolazzi...

    WOI..............sara' wings over IRAK
  4. chi ci ha mai giocato?

    una vera boiata entrambi................
  5. Benvenuti

    Presente . Mi chiamo Giacomo e sono un succhiatore di lavori altrui , vero , Nghengo ? Ciao a tutti da Firenze .
  6. Tired to engage only mig 21 and some old enemy planes on WoE , how to change for have some new enemy planes to engage ?
  7. USAFMTL , please check your private message , thank you .
  8. Add again the last weapons pack now .........CTD in single mission , run only instant action , need help please
  9. Already done, each time start a single player mission , there is ever old planes ..........
  10. Can someone make a Fiat g 91 , the Italian F 86 D ?
  11. C6 megapack .............where i can download ?
  12. where i can find Italian skin of G 91 ?
  13. Hi, Caesar ........and you havn't some carriers on the ground ? and some T55 and shilka on the sea ?
  14. How to add F-104 cockpit hi-res on F-104 , if i have Wings over vietnam ?
  15. Hav'nt SFP1 , only WoV , check thirdwire , but not found F-104G . Can help me ?
  16. Of course , But i can use only the Phantom cockpit whit it . If i change the .ini file , the cockpitdatafile on F104 cockpit.ini not show the cockpit . only if i return on F-4b cockpit i can see the cockpit ( sorry for this english , i have forget too many , i'm italian )
  17. I have install israel terrain 1.5 in WoV , but is very bud wheater .......too low fog on terrain . help
  18. many pieces of terrain is clear grey , anyone can help me ?
  19. Setting on single player and clear weather
  20. I have a little suspect , WoV have bermuda triangle ............ New carriers not show in vietnam era ?

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