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Everything posted by hunter

  1. Not see the carriers, i try make new mission whit new carriers , but not show it , and the forrestal mission included in zip file , when i start this mission the plane floating upper the sea . hope understand , sorry i'm italian .
  2. combat whit new era planes in quick combat mission ? how add a last migs in quick combat ?
  3. Try it , quick mission have ever Mig 17 and 21 only.
  4. Thank you , but how add the appropriate date at new plane , i have WoV and whit the new planes i not see the date .
  5. hit the enemy planes whit missles ? My sidewinder not find the hot line of enemy planes !
  6. I not hear the change of tone , but i 'm really near the enemy plane , if i shoot the sidewinder missle , no hit thhe plane . understand ? sorry for my english .
  7. Sorry, i'm newbie , but download the F-104 S and read the readme included.

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