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Everything posted by JFM

  1. I've read about many perceived hassles over at Capun's but I don't recall any positive feedback, so I'll change that now. All you have to do is email them as directed, register and give an email address; it's not as if they ask for your SSN or or bank account number or something. Then, you log in with a username and password and then download what you want when you want. Sure, you may be refused access, from what I've read, but they didn't know me from a hot rock (still don't) and I was granted access. There's no limit regarding how much or how often you can download and it's all free (sure, they'll accept donations, but there's no payware-sword hanging over your head if you don't). They'll even send out emails to indicate when new downloads are available, when they've updated existing files, etc. I think it's great! I use them for FE stuff and WoV stuff. So, thank you guys very much!
  2. Anyone up for new menu screens?

    IMO that's great!
  3. Quick Mission No.7 Uploaded!

    Thanks for this! I'll do Manfred proud later this evening.
  4. Yep. In a classic case of not RTFM I had omitted a step. Basher sent me in the right direction and now I have proper nukes. Thanks!
  5. Thank you for the heads up! Downloading as I type.
  6. This is all I get, too. Nothing like the stellarly huge blast seen in your video. I want the huge blast! Obviously I'm screwing something up and am going through knowledge base to figure it out.
  7. Same here. No joy on the video.
  8. Foxendown, exactly which of the suggestions did you follow? I want to give it a try.
  9. I add this not as an argumentative contradiction to the above but just as a different experience. :yes: I always land on the angled part of the carrier decks in WoV and have never fallen through--oh, sure, I've missed the wires when I thought I caught them and rolled off the end! But when I trap successfully I stop on the angled part without falling through and without any tendency to swing right. Also, I've had bad luck going full throttle during a trap. When I used to do it I'd bring the power back once I confirmed I caught a wire. However, this would be just as the sim "let me go" from the wire and then there'd be just enough throttle left to propel me over the edge and into the drink before I could apply enough brake. So, if you find that happens to you, obviously just come back on the power at the cut and stay off it. (Who knows? Maybe I just have too slow reflexes. ) Oh, FYI, the above happened while flying the F-8.
  10. IMO these clouds are stellar! Thank you for their availability.
  11. Jasta 11 1917

    I agree about the movies! Yes, Jasta 11 D.IIIs were largely red. Each had an additional color as well: LvR yellow, Wolff green, Schäfer black, Lübbert blue/yellow, Brauneck blue, Simon a light green fuselage band. Some planes had their insignia overpainted; others did not. One was "straw yellow" varnished wood with a wavy red fuselage stripe (which I think was D.2016/16, Hinsch's machine). Subtle variations between all of them. Depends how pedantic a skinner wants to get! I'd do them all but I'm too busy doing profiles. Here's one:
  12. Jasta 11 1917

    J15, Please PM me your email address, if you are able. I tried to PM you but it would not allow me, for some reason. Now I get to help clog the forum with this request.
  13. I think it was a cool idea to incorporate the different German heraldry. I really shouldn't complain--and, really, I didn't mean to--about them being off because I have no idea how to fix it. If I may help in some way please let me know.
  14. Bark, Yes, regarding the markings, that's what I meant: markings on wrong planes. For instance, Jasta 15's markings appear on my Jasta 11 Albs. Regarding the tach positioning, sure it could have varied. Well, not "could have," it did. Look at Mai and Hippel's DVs. In First Eagles it really doesn't matter which way the tach lies because the rate-of-fire never changes, regardless of rpms. Until constant speed props, rpms were a significant consideration for rate of fire. I'd love to see this modeled into a WW1 sim! Here's a quite fascinating and informative thread on rpms and rate-of-fire: http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/aircraft...uperiority.html
  15. That's Mai's 5284/17. There is a shot of Hippel and his sister standing next to 2065/17 at Boistrancourt in which the tach is clearly visible on its side. All the D.III shots I have the tach appears "upright." Within the last year I read about the "leaning" tachs but I just can't put on finger on where I ran across this. I'll go through my library and report back. As it is, though, I believe TK got it right. In any event, it is certainly more accurate than those random decals that appear on the German planes, but that's another thread.
  16. My understanding is the tach is supposed to sit like that. The guns were synchronised to fire through the prop arc--natch. Changing the rpm altered the rate at which the guns fired. With the tach "on its side," the needle was situated more or less vertically at combat rpms and much easier to discern peripherally. I do not know if this was a design modification or field modification.
  17. Is it just me?

    Similar story here. RL issues, etc. Picked up the expansion because I couldn't resist the Triplane. Straightaway I noticed the wingmen went after the enemy and the enemy did more than fly a 30-degree bank in front of me. Second mission of my Albatros campaign (flying with Jasta 11) I shredded down a Camel only to have the same thing happen to me about thirty seconds later. Camel came out of nowhere and suddenly I heard guns very close behind me--a quick look over my left shoulder and I saw a rotary engine and large cockades about a plane length behind me! He was slanting underneath, so I gave it left stick and rudder as I turned to face forward. His burst had done it, however, as by the time I faced forward my engine had quit and my wings were shredded. Thankfully, he let me glide down to a deadstick landing. He must've peppered me some, too, as I got a wound badge. Anyway, never had an AI anywhere near as aggressive as that in the original or patched FE.
  18. Albatros D.I/II/III used the 160 hp Mercedes D.III engine. The D.V and D.Va's began incorporating the Mercedes D.IIIa after March 1918.
  19. Nice! I know it's a DVa, but it looks like Jasta 32b's Rudolf Windisch's DV. Same fuselage and empennage, although Windisch's DV had a headrest, green/mauve wings with six-pointed stars on the upper wings. Regardless, downloading now. Thanks!
  20. Hello, Could someone please post screenshots of the different seasons?
  21. All about the pilots

    Thank you, sir!
  22. Sorry FE

    Oh, okay, but it's not IL2 engined.
  23. Sorry FE

    What sim is this?

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