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Everything posted by JFM

  1. Sweet! Waiting in line for this one. In case you take requests, perhaps a No.24 Squadron with the "sawtooth" pattern on the bottom of the fuselage?
  2. Shadow Problem

    I have the same card and don't see anything like that. Just an FYI, in case that info helps in any way. If not, please forgive me--I know how to turn the computer on and off, and that's about it.
  3. File Name: Jasta 13 Ltn d R Paul Wolff's Fokker D.VII (OAW) File Submitter: JFM File Submitted: 30 Jan 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Jasta 13 Ltn d R Paul Wolff's Fokker DVII (OAW), serial unknown, circa September 1918. This requested skin features four-color irregular polygon camouflage, post-Büchner Jasta 13 colors, and Wolff's personal heraldry. Please see READ ME for notes and installation instructions. Click here to download this file
  4. Version


    Jasta 13 Ltn d R Paul Wolff's Fokker DVII (OAW), serial unknown, circa September 1918. This requested skin features four-color irregular polygon camouflage, post-Büchner Jasta 13 colors, and Wolff's personal heraldry. Please see READ ME for notes and installation instructions.
  5. File Name: Jasta 13 Gefr. Arnold Michaelis' Fokker D.VII (OAW) File Submitter: JFM File Submitted: 29 Jan 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Jasta 13 Gefr. Arnold Michaelis' Fokker D.VII (OAW), serial unknown, circa October 1918. This requested skin features four-color irregular polygon camouflage, post-Büchner Jasta 13 colors, and Michaelis' personal heraldry. Please see READ ME for notes and installation instructions. Click here to download this file
  6. Wingmen ...

    I hear you. I have SE5s swarming all over me and everyone else in the Jasta is doing lazy circles above the battle. Their only worth is they eventually get swarmed themselves and sometimes drag a fixated SE5 in front of my guns. It'd be great if we could fire a flare that commands the wingmen to attack.
  7. Version


    Jasta 13 Gefr. Arnold Michaelis' Fokker D.VII (OAW), serial unknown, circa October 1918. This requested skin features four-color irregular polygon camouflage, post-Büchner Jasta 13 colors, and Michaelis' personal heraldry. Please see READ ME for notes and installation instructions.
  8. Nieuport 28

    Yes! Thank you!
  9. File Name: Jasta 13 Ltn d R Niethammer's Fokker D.VII (OAW) File Submitter: JFM File Submitted: 26 Jan 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Jasta 13 Ltn d R Werner Niethammer's Fokker DVII (OAW), serial unknown, circa November 1918. This requested skin features four-color irregular polygon camouflage, Jasta 13's white-striped green/blue colors, and Niethammer's ubiquitous heraldry. Please see READ ME for notes and installation instructions. Click here to download this file
  10. Nieuport 24

    You are probably going to already, but please announce when that N28 "goes gold" and is available for download!
  11. Jasta 13 Skins

    J15, Niethammer's is uploaded as well.
  12. Version


    Jasta 13 Ltn d R Werner Niethammer's Fokker DVII (OAW), serial unknown, circa November 1918. This requested skin features four-color irregular polygon camouflage, Jasta 13's white-striped green/blue colors, and Niethammer's ubiquitous heraldry. Please see READ ME for notes and installation instructions.
  13. File Name: Jasta 13 Ltn Franz Büchner's Fokker D.VII File Submitter: JFM File Submitted: 26 Jan 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Jasta 13 Ltn Franz Büchner's Fokker DVII (serial unknown), circa October 1918. This requested skin features four-color irregular polygon camouflage, Jasta 13's white-striped green/blue colors, and Büchner's flamboyant heraldry. See READ ME for installation instructions, etc. Click here to download this file
  14. Jasta 13 Skins

    Okay, J15, Buchner's been uploaded to CA. Just needs approved. Niethammer is next. Probably have that uploaded within the hour.
  15. Version


    Jasta 13 Ltn Franz Büchner's Fokker DVII (serial unknown), circa October 1918. This requested skin features four-color irregular polygon camouflage, Jasta 13's white-striped green/blue colors, and Büchner's flamboyant heraldry. See READ ME for installation instructions, etc.
  16. WIP - Fokker D VIII

    It must be remembered that the English blockade took a heavy toll on Germany by the time of the Fokker E.V's arrival, and the ersatz oil they used for their rotaries was inadequate. This would only have gotten worse in 1919, had the war continued, because it was unlikely the Germans would have broken the blockade. The ersatz oil caused numerous rotary engine failures; the Fokker D.VII water-cooled inline was much more reliable. The E.V's engine failures were constant--Jasta 6 alone had 30 emergency landings in ten days! The E.V was recalled from action so the wings could be strengthened and their interiors varnished, and were redesignated Fokker D.VIII. The type was accepted in October 1918 but never saw action--all those photos of "D.VIIIs" at the Jasta level are, in fact, EVs. (Source: Richthofen's Circus, Jagdgeschwader Nr. 1, by Greg VanWyngarden, 2004) So, you can do whatever you like, of course, but if you are modelling the parasol airplane that fought with the Luftstreitkräfte in August 1918, that plane was designated the Fokker E.V.
  17. Jasta 13 Skins

    Ha! Where's my full-length leopard fur coat? Already a step ahead of you regarding skinning the N28! I discovered the need for decals, however--my skinned insignia were all jabberwocky on that thing, and EVR's "12" was listing on the upper wings. Needed to align the camo, rework the panel lines, etc. Then the J13 stuff came up so I've been doing those. After them, though, I'll get back to the N28 and just use decals. I forgot I downloaded the templates! I still haven't opened them. I'll have a look through those myself, as prior to that I just made my own. I think I still have some WiP screens around. If so I'll post one here.
  18. Okay, okay, I'll reinstall! I really did love the crew management--fighters roaring in, the bomber next to you goes down, you're manning the tailgun and hear that guys are hit ("there's something sticking in me!"), go forward to adminster first aid, the navigator is slumped over his chart desk with bullet holes everywhere, help him, put out a fire, back to the guns to keep the fighters away... Not to mention the fantastic engine start sequence, great bombing procedures, ability to tailor your flightpath out of the worst of the flak areas, etc. Typing all that, I wonder why I stopped flying it? Ah, I know! New baby. Too bad there won't be an updated version. Still, I'll go grab some things for this and get it back going. It'll be a nice diversion from my WW1 flying.
  19. Jasta 13 Skins

    Yes, I plan on doing all of them. WTH? Once you get the wings and fuselages finished, it's just a matter of swapping around strut colors, wheel colors, and whatever is painted on the sides. Also, to your list above I'll do another Niethammer (the one with the hammer on the turtledeck and the "Buchner style" green/blue/white stripe cowls) and a profile I have in an Over the Front that features a 6-pointed star (early style blue/green, probably with 5-color). With Buchner's plane, I just have to better align the ends of the white stripe where they join on different surfaces. Also, where the stripes cross the green/blue divide. This is on two different layers of the skin so I have to do a bit of trial and error to get it right.
  20. Jasta 13 Skins

    Jasta 15, here's the next WiP skin for you. Should be finished tomorrow (actually, today, 25 January, but later this afternoon).
  21. File Name: Jasta 13 Vzfw Albert Haussmann's Fokker DVII File Submitter: JFM File Submitted: 23 Jan 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Jasta 13 Vzfw Albert Haussmann's Fokker DVII, serial number unknown, circa June 1918. This requested skin features five-color irregular polygon camouflage, early Jasta 13 green/blue colors, and Haussmann's personal heraldry, the colors of which are speculative. Please see READ ME for installation instructions. Click here to download this file
  22. Version


    Jasta 13 Vzfw Albert Haussmann's Fokker DVII, serial number unknown, circa June 1918. This requested skin features five-color irregular polygon camouflage, early Jasta 13 green/blue colors, and Haussmann's personal heraldry, the colors of which are speculative. Please see READ ME for installation instructions.
  23. I thought this thread was going to be about something else entirely...
  24. File Name: Jasta 13 Uffz Piel's Fokker DVII 373/18 File Submitter: JFM File Submitted: 23 Jan 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Jasta 13 Uffz Heinrich Piel's Fokker DVII 373/18, circa June 1918. This requested skin features 5-color irregular polygon camouflage, early Jasta 13 green/blue colors and Piel's personal heraldry. See READ ME for notes and installation instructions. Click here to download this file
  25. File Name: Jasta 13 Uffz Fritzche's Fokker DVII File Submitter: JFM File Submitted: 23 Jan 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Jasta 13 Uffz Johannes Fritzche's Fokker DVII (serial unknown), circa June 1918. This requested skin features 5-color irregular polygon camouflage, early Jasta 13 green/blue colors and Fritzche's personal heraldry. See READ ME for notes and installation instructions. Click here to download this file

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