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Everything posted by JFM

  1. File Name: Jasta 13 Niethammer's Fokker DVII File Submitter: JFM File Submitted: 23 Jan 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Jasta 13 Ltn. Werner Niethammer's Fokker DVII (serial unknown), circa June 1918. This requested skin features 5-color irregular polygon camouflage, early Jasta 13 green/blue colors and Niethammer's personal heraldry. See READ ME for notes and installation instructions. Click here to download this file
  2. I'd like that in many sims. Some other sims I've flown are maddening re: fuel management--one bb hole in a tank and ALL tanks drain in minutes. Many times I couldn't make it home because of that kind of fuel starvation, when the ability to merely switch tanks would have enabled RTB.
  3. I prefer having to go through engine start and taxi--I had to do it in all the real planes I've flown! However, it'd be nice to have a setting the enabled/disabled that realism, as I know and understand that's too boring for many people.
  4. Jasta 13 Skins

    Ok, J15, these were uploaded and are awaiting approval: I'll have Haussmann's DVII done later today and will upload that one, too. After that, I'll start the post-Büchner-style blue/green fuselages with the 4-color wings. Enjoy!
  5. Version


    Jasta 13 Uffz Heinrich Piel's Fokker DVII 373/18, circa June 1918. This requested skin features 5-color irregular polygon camouflage, early Jasta 13 green/blue colors and Piel's personal heraldry. See READ ME for notes and installation instructions.
  6. Version


    Jasta 13 Uffz Johannes Fritzche's Fokker DVII (serial unknown), circa June 1918. This requested skin features 5-color irregular polygon camouflage, early Jasta 13 green/blue colors and Fritzche's personal heraldry. See READ ME for notes and installation instructions.
  7. Version


    Jasta 13 Ltn. Werner Niethammer's Fokker DVII (serial unknown), circa June 1918. This requested skin features 5-color irregular polygon camouflage, early Jasta 13 green/blue colors and Niethammer's personal heraldry. See READ ME for notes and installation instructions.
  8. Jasta 13 Skins

    Quick update to keep you in the loop. Entire plane is finished except for some fittings I have to attach to the fuselage that align with the footrests (near that strange black "L" shape--anyone else have that on their DVIIs? I get it on the port side only). Once that's done later today, I'll upload them. "Them" being Piel's DVII (pictured below), Fritzche's, and one of Niethammer's. After that I'll start on the DVIIs that have Buchner's altered Jasta 13 colors, with the reduced green area separated from the blue with a white stripe. These mostly had the 4-colored camo.
  9. http://mwmiller.theaerodrome.com/camel/index.html
  10. Jasta 13 Skins

    Thanks, J15. Just wanted to show you there was progress. I use Photoshop to skin. I don't consider them art, though! I just hack these things together by whatever means possible--if you could see my templates you'd run screaming into the moonlight! The 4- and 5-color irreg poly camo takes the longest, mostly because of the Fokker-built rib tapes. OAW-built planes used the blue tape, but Fokker-builts were cut from the camo fabric. It takes a little longer to do that, and the leading/trailing edge tape gets lost a bit, but I'm putting it on there anyway. Hopefully the first skin will be finished later today. Tomorrow at the lastest.
  11. Jasta 13 Skins

    Work in progress:
  12. Choosing Skims

    I didn't either at first! I had FE for about a week before I discovered it. Guess I should have RTFM! After that I just moused everything to see if it was clickable or not.
  13. Choosing Skims

    No, man, you aren't being stupid. Fire up a DVII single mission and then accept it. When the next screen appears, to the left you'll have some info grouped into three categories--the top one is loadout. Go and click that word and it'll open a screen that lists all the planes in your flight. From there you'll find several drop-down scrollable menus, and in one of them is where you can select your new skins.
  14. Jasta 13 Skins

    Just letting you know several Jasta 13 D.VIIs are in the paint shop. First up is Piel's stork. Taking a little time as I'm redoing the rib shading and the 5-color poly camo--my last go at that (Hantelmann) I had the print overlays too wide and the result was too "stained glassish". Most of the J13 DVIIs will have 4-color, but I have a few sources that indicate Piel's and Fritzche's had 5-color.
  15. Jasta 13 Skins

    Hi! That Alb skin is based a photo and color illustration in Greg VanWyngarden's book "Jagdgeschwader Nr. II, Geschwader Berthold", Osprey Publishing, 2005. Photograph is on page 49; illustration on page 56. Indeed, in both the hammer is pointing down. Thank you for your offer of color prints, but I should be okay. In the above book there are illustrations of the following Jasta 13 pilots' DVIIs: Grimm, Wolff, Michaelis, Büchner, Fritzche, Piel. I also have illustrations for Niethammer (natch), and Haussmann, plus a bunch of other photos. There are two Niethammer DVIIs--you want both?
  16. Can't wait to see the counter-rotating engine and prop!
  17. File Name: Jasta 13 Ltn Niethammer's Albatros D.V File Submitter: JFM File Submitted: 15 Jan 2007 File Category: SF WW1 Aircraft Skins Jasta 13 Ltn. Werner Niethammer's Albatros D.V (serial unknown), circa June 1918. This requested skin features provisional green/mauve wing camouflage (only photograph I've seen is of the wingless fuselage), mixed national insignia, Axial propeller, classic Jasta 13 colors and Niethammer's personal insignia. See READ ME for notes and installation instructions. Click here to download this file
  18. Jasta 13 Skins

    Pssstt... I hope you don't mind the Alb--had the template already all warmed up. I'll start on a DVII later this evening.
  19. Version


    Jasta 13 Ltn. Werner Niethammer's Albatros D.V (serial unknown), circa June 1918. This requested skin features provisional green/mauve wing camouflage (only photograph I've seen is of the wingless fuselage), mixed national insignia, Axial propeller, classic Jasta 13 colors and Niethammer's personal insignia. See READ ME for notes and installation instructions.
  20. How Cold Is It Where You're From?

    80F (26C) here in Naples.
  21. Don't thank me! Thank Tex for giving me the opportunity to contribute. Now I need to make some more for variety.
  22. Jasta 13 Skins

    I'll do a few for you, although I don't crank them out as fast as Warbirds as it takes time for me to replace the stock lozenge camo. BTW, if you go back to one of the first pages of skins, you'll find Buchner's DVII.
  23. Nieuport 28

    I've tried a few times with the Albatros. However, at just over 200 kmh in a vertical dive she'll start to nose up despite full-forward elevators. So, next I went into a vertical spiral dive and that let me keep the nose down and get the airspeed up over 250kmh, then centered ailerons and yanked full aft elevators. There was a lot of "groaning" noise from the wings but I could never get them to depart the airplane. I only experimented with four or five dives, so my "data" are nowhere complete. Still, I've beat the hell out of that airplane and have had no compromise of structural integrity--other than Lewis or Vickers induced!

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