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Everything posted by JFM

  1. Lou, that last sentence describes MvR, certainly. Just want to clarify a point about the wind. The wind affected everybody the same way. The only advantage/disadvantage the wind gave to planes aloft was it lowered groundspeed when flying into it. Thus, British planes would be over German territory longer and give the Germans more time to attack. It wasn't that the wind slowed the British planes in the air and the Germans could "catch up" and attack. British flying home would often be in a headwind--but so would the pursuing Germans, wouldn't they? But Germans wouldn't be battling against any wind because in the air, it affects everyone the same. Once free of the ground, an airplane becomes part of the free moving stream of air. It's like canoes on the water, or people riding a moving sidewalk at the airport. You can interact with the person next to you as normally as ever, but you both are moving along much faster than those not on the sidewalk. Consider the people not on the sidewalk as being "on the ground," and the people on the moving sidewalk as "airplanes in the air." So if British planes were coming east and Germans were going west to meet them, headwinds or tailwinds did not affect them relative to each other in the slightest, because they were all part of the same moving stream of air. The only difference would be their groundspeeds, which have nothing to do with airspeeds. This discounts different wind velocities at altitude, but intercepting airplanes were, of course, at the same altitude.
  2. Thanks for that, Shredward. Maybe for grins I'll try firing off a few in WOFF.
  3. Yes, probably restricted to CFS3 limitations. Maybe it'll be more fun to fire them! I've not much experience with them in OFF or ROF, as I usuallyl don't fly planes armed with them. I'll give 'em a test in WOFF.
  4. I am not an expert on these rockets, so please correct me if wrong, but my understanding is they had no explosive warheads so there'd be no danger of any blast. Without an explosive warhead I can't see them doing much damage against ground targets, either, except maybe putting a small hole through a tent hangar or something. Although they were notoriously inaccurate, so the chance of hitting even a hangar seems remote.
  5. Hello, just to clear the waters a bit, MvR had no choice but fly a Halberstadt after his wing cracked 24 January because three days later all Albatros D IIIs were grounded by Idflieg. Beyond that, there were only 4-5 Albs in all of Jasta 11, so it was already primarily still a Halberstadt Staffel, mostly the Halb DV. My research indicates that claims MvR flew the Halberstadt through late March are exaggerated. He had to fly a Halb when the Albs were grounded to get their wings fixed, of course, but the grounding for all Albs was rescinded 19 February. He indicates using the Halberstadt in one combat report on 1 February, during the grounding, but that's it. His other accounts in March talk of flying the Albatros--although he cetainly could have flown a lingering Halb here and there, there's just no concrete evidence of such. Besides, by the end of February all the Halbs had been replaced by Albs, anyway, except for 414/16 that lingered until 13 March and then went to Jasta 30. Pedantic info, I know.
  6. Olham's right. And there were no aces in Jasta 2 on that date, except Boelcke. Regardless, sounds like a fun mission!
  7. Does ROF even have music? I don't recall any. Although, I always disable music in flight sims because I find it's either too cheesy, too dramatic, or both. So if ROF has music I guess I would have disabled it some four years ago and just don't remember. IMO, sims are like bands: I have my favorite, but I damn sure like others, too. I like to find aspects of like-theatre sims that differ and then tailor my experience around those differences. Flight sim exclusivity for the sake of flight sim exclusivity is archaic. Looking forward to WOFF! And BOS. And DCS WW2. And anything else ROF releases.
  8. Dear oh Dear... We Need WOFF

    Nah, this place was deader than Kelsey's nuts with nothing but "OT" topics way before the move to SimHQ. And it wasn't even a move, it was a title transfer. Honestly, two clicks away and some people act as if they have to walk ten miles. I don't fret. WOFF will be out when it's out. Meanwhile, there is SO much more to life than computer games. And when I do fly computer games, I fly a multitude of sims. WOFF is but one that I'm waiting for.
  9. New WWI Photos found

    The article talks about how "rare" these kinds of photos are, but they aren't, really. I've soon boatloads. You see a lot of these kinds of shots with Christmas trees in the background. Still, they are interesting photos, so thanks for posting the link.
  10. For Olham: A Glimpse at RB3D

    With all due respect, I didn't care for the OFF score. Not as a piece of music, but as a piece of flight sim music. For my ears it was way too actionless and overdramatically sombre and melancholy. I know I'm way in the minority with that opinion, and there's no need to defend that music because I'm not attacking it. However, I do like the WOFF music as regards an association with flight sims.
  11. For Olham: A Glimpse at RB3D

    Man, it's even cheesier than I remember. But, hey, I was addicted to it too, back in the 90s! Hell, I was addicted to the original Red Baron. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTeX5kLGYNA&list=PLAEB8922323DAAA67 But, the past is where it belongs. The only thing I missed about RB3D was the music, so long ago I grabbed the tunes off the disc and assimilated them into various other sims.
  12. Aircraft Nicknames

    Yes, "Brisfit" is post-war. "Biff" is correct for WW1. Here are a few more: LFG Roland C.II: Walfisch LFG Roland DII: Haifisch Sopwith Pup. Official name was Sopwith Scout. Armstrong Whitwork FK8: Big Ack
  13. Fifteen bucks for that is a steal! It's worth ten times that.
  14. Umm...

    All good posts recently. As far as being a "Vulcan," that's hysterical! And, really, very, very, VERY close to one of my decade's old nicknames: Spock. Admittedly, some truth to it. Mostly because I don't transfer/personalize everybody else's problems.
  15. Umm...

    Erik, thanks for the response. To all, I'm never going to see the big deal about flight sims on different fora. Ever. As far as some sort of effort by SimHQ to eradicate CombatAce--not all of us knew about that. To me that's like Fox and CNN fighting--looks silly and I really don't care. But, meanwhile, as Pol posted, CA talked highly of SimHQ and led OBD by the hand straight to them. Seems CA shot themselves in the foot by doing that. But, really, what ship was "jumped"? The website was still at CA. I literally noticed no difference after SimHQ was declared "home." What's the big deal? You only seek one source for flight sim information? I'd never limit myself like that. I cannot see how a community is "divided" when these websites are, literally, one click away from each other. What ship was "jumped"? The forum is still here. And the last time I checked (that's not some phrase, I mean literally just a moment ago) there were five people viewing the OFF forum at SimHQ. Five. Yesterday, I saw ten. Assuming--based on zero fact or research--that none of these five or ten people also come here, ten people is a "community divided"? If so, then this furor is over twenty people. As far as downloading files, this is provided and allowed to happen and then it's complained about when it does? I don't know. I think flight sim boards and games occupy much more time and importance in other lives than they do in mine, thus people are much more emotionally involved. I'm never going to care that words in one forum are also on another forum that's one click away. I just can't get angry about any of this.
  16. Umm...

    "Siggi sorry I hijacked your thread. Bad form, I should be ashamed." What you should be ashamed of is using your unfortunate health situation for guilt and/or ammunition against OFF/OBD. "When struggling to survive my pulmonary embolism last year OFF moved during the downtime that happened while I was in a coma." That you survived that crisis is wonderful, and if it had been bilateral you probably wouldn't be here, but come on, man. That spin is almost on a political scale. Please help me, because I'm ignorant (I use the word as it is defined, not as some low-rent "insult" it's devolved into): is this debate over the use of "home"? Because OFF is still here. I'm here typing this, and you are here reading this. I go here every day to look for info. Has there been some move of files or a database or something tangible? That's not rhetorical, I just don't know. OFF is at SimHQ, too, but so are a lot of sims. I don't "follow" any sim anywhere. SimHQ is one of several sim sites I hit during the day. My routine changed not at all. The thought of "flight sim board exclusivity" is absurd. Erik, have you contacted the devs lately about your concerns? Or are you just passive-aggresively using this forum, knowing the devs will wander in and see it? Because if this is a business consideration, this isn't the way to conduct it. And if it's an emotional consideration, this isn't the way to conduct it. It's coming across as a bit of whining. Head-on is the way. Personally, I have no dog in this hunt and care not at all where "home" is. OBD could declare flightsim.com home and nothing would change, I'd still be checking the OFF forum here every day. (Edited for typo)
  17. OT Welcome to the show, Donald!

    If not pinch-hitting, what position does he play?
  18. Olham, do you mean the D I should be easy to make? You say the D II should be easy to make, but it's already there. Oh, wait, I see what you mean, no D II with an airfoil radiator. Gotcha now. As a general observation regarding "early" or "late." Maybe I'm just pedantic but those strike me as flight sim terms only. I can't find any mention of them anywhere else--not saying there isn't mention like that, just that I can't find it. Albatros switched the radiators in the first batch of DIIIs ordered in October 1916. The last D III production order was inked in March and the planes were arriving in late April. How are planes from the first of three production orders both early and late? Okay, maaaabye since the radiator changeover came some 75% of the way through the first production batch. But look at the D II--they were all ordered in August or September. "Early" and "late" seem hardly relevant in a two-month span, especially when use of the fuselage radiators and wing radiators didn't have a hard changeover point but experienced a gradual blend during the production. One plane was built with fuse rads, the next an airfoil rad, the one after that fuse rads, etc. Thus, using flight sim terms, a plane with fuselage radiators--"early"-- could be built after one with an airfoil radiator, yet be termed "early," even though it's not as old. But if these terms refer to design only, lets remember that the very first D II ever, which became Boelcke's 386/16, had an airfoil radiator. This means the first D II was "late" and then they made "early" ones and then made both "late" and "early" ones at the same time before thay made all "late" ones? I guess they have to call them something in OFF to differentiate them, since many may not care about using production batches and serial numbers. But, meh. Anyway, to complete the production lines, as you said, Olham, we need the D I. Maybe one sim or the other will get around to releasing it someday. And +1 to what Hasse wrote!
  19. I've been flying OFF since Phase 1, released (IIRC) in late 2005. Capt Sopwith, I'm quickly approaching your benchmark... Nobody is saying to release the sim early. And it's almost an insult to the devs to think they'd bow under under such supposed "pressure" and thus need everybody's reassurances not to. They're not a bunch of spineless gits cowering under the Great Unwashed's cracking whips. Good Lord, give 'em credit for having a pair. Also, don't confuse enthusiasm and interest with impatience. But, wait a minute, on the other hand, any impatience only affects he who is impatient, not the devs. Thus, who cares if I or anyone else is impatient? (See last sentence in previous paragraph.)
  20. >>How many great games have died in production because the passion of the Devs or the money to see it through ran out before the project could be completed? << I don't know. If they were never completed I have no idea if they were great or not. Regardless, I've stopped waiting for this to be released. Too much else to fly and do in life. If it's released, great! I'll buy it. If not, C'est la vie.
  21. Are they reporting this as "news"? This is from 20 months ago, July 2011.
  22. I love Zeno flicks. Corsair has always been one of my favorite planes.
  23. Vickers 'Vampire'...

    Hello, Here you go!
  24. Twin Vickers would have kept it from getting off the ground.
  25. Hindenburg Mystery Solved?

    New? I'm no expert but I've always thought the cause was static electricity. I mean, I thought that was well regarded as the cause, not my personal theory. I agree with you, Hauksbee. Seeing people climb out from the blazing framework is something else.

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